Grand Debacle: Germany’s Renewable Energy Effort Turning Into A Colossal, Costly And Senseless Failure!

Mike Shellenberger, President of Environmental Progress and Time Magazine ‘Hero of the Environment’, appeared dismayed when he tweeted here that Germany CO2 emissions rose over 1% in 2015, as the following chart shows:

Germany CO2 emissions and targets

Graph by Clean Energy Wire, data from German Environment Agency (UBA) and Green Budget Germany. More here.

In 2015 Germany’s Co2 emissions rose to 912 million tonnes, up from 902 million tonnes from a year earlier and from 906 million tonnes way back in 2009. Overall Germany’s CO2 emissions savings have trended slightly upwards over the past 7 years.

Megan Darby at Climate Home here calls the development “a blow to the country’s claims to climate leadership“.

Schellenberger has every reason to be shocked by the 2015 result.

1. 2015 was Germany’s second warmest year on record, meaning fuel consumed for heating had to have been low.

2. Germany has invested tens of billions of euros in its bid to switch to CO2-free energy sources. Angela Merkel top aide Peter Altmaier warned that the Energiewende would cost 1 trillion euros.

3. Consumers, who were  once into thinking it wasn’t going to cost much, are now paying close to the highest electricity prices worldwide. One kilowatt-hour costing close to €30 cents. Hundreds of thousands of households are having their power cut off because they can no longer afford to pay their power bills.

4. Germany power grid is now more unstable than it has been in decades. That fact in combination with the high electricity prices is driving industry out.

5. Germany’s per capita CO2 emissions are among the highest in the world.

6. About half of Germany’s CO2 reductions since 1990 resulted from the shut-down of former communist East Germany’s inefficient state-run industry.

7. Wind parks have blighted much of the country’s idyllic landscape and thousands of people are now suffering from health damage due to infrasound. Planned windparks are facing increasingly ferocious protests from nature protection and citizens groups.

8. 2016 will likely also see no reductions – thanks to the low petroleum prices and colder weather so far.

Socialism and energy!

In summary Germany’s Energiewende has been an extremely costly government-intervention debacle of monumental dimensions. We haven’t seen such a large-scale industrial mismanagement since the collapse of the USSR and the German Democratic Republic. Recall that not only did their industry collapse into a heap of rubble, but they too also left huge environmental damage that we are still cleaning up 25 years later.

And no one in his/her right mind expects Germany to meet its 2020 target, let alone 2030. Other countries have to be insane (or have lots of money to burn) to follow the German example.


71 responses to “Grand Debacle: Germany’s Renewable Energy Effort Turning Into A Colossal, Costly And Senseless Failure!”

  1. yonason

    “And no one in his/her right mind . . . ”

    Sod. your on! That’s your cue. Get on stage, pronto!

    1. DirkH

      Here’s somethign way more entertaining from a person WAAAAYYYYY SMARTER…
      Ivar Giaever, 1973 Physics Nobel price

      1. yonason

        Excellent. Thanks.

      2. yonason

        PS – I needed something consistent with the stage imagery I was using, btw. Note my good fortune that sod appeared “on cue” in the very next comment. His timing was perfect.

  2. sod

    Germany has increased its electricity export from 2014 to 2015 by 40% and is earning a lot of money with it.

    You have to compensate for this, if you want to look at CO2 output.

    The German grid stability is getting better, not worse.

    The per capita CO2 in Germany is less than half of that of the USA. And Germany is a big exporter, so this has to be factored in again.

    2016 was not “colder” so far. Jaunary and February were really hot.

    1. Graeme No.3

      ???? ???? ????

      1. yonason
        1. DirkH

          Well, WND has turned into another Onion and makes stuff up, take care. Erdogan is nutty enough as it is, no need to invent things. He just declared journalists and teachers terrorists, and that was real.

          1. yonason

            Oooooh. Thanks for that, as well. (But it’s soooo what a Muslim would say! lol)

          2. yonason

            I’ll know it’s the Onion, or at least be pretty sure, when they claim that they faked the moon landings before NASA did.

      2. lemiere jacques

        don’t forget to mention fossil CO2 output… sorry but as far i know burning wood staw ar trash produces CO2…

        The goal was to reduce CO2 emissions… well, if emitting less fossil CO2 emission is cheap , let economy do it!
        If you think burning fossil fuel is bad for climate, don’t mention economy!

        right now you say; it is good for economy , good for climate (!?) therefore we have to force people to do it because people are stupid.

      3. Walter H. Schneider

        Sod stated, “The per capita CO2 in Germany is less than half of that of the USA. And Germany is a big exporter, so this has to be factored in again.” Your refusal to look at facts objectively when you make comparisons like that between Germany and the U.S. never ceases to amaze me.

        Have you ever lived in the U.S.? You don’t think that the level of car ownership and the distances that people and goods have to travel in Germany and in the U.S. differ enormously? Have you thought at all about what just that alone means with respect to per capita energy consumption?

        Did you consider that CO2 emission per capita is at least to some extent a function of population density (Germany: 229 cap/km^2; U.S.: 33 cap/km^2 – 2010 figures)?

        Your fanatic obsession with your biased opinions blinds you to reality.

    2. AndyG55

      sob says…”2016 was not „colder“ so far. Jaunary and February were really hot.

      The link he gives says.

      “In winter 2015/16, the average temperature in Germany was 3.6 degrees Celsius (°C)”

      I’ll repeat that….3.6C average… that is NOT HOT !!

      Sob has some very strange ideas about what “hot” is. ! 😉

      1. sod

        “I’ll repeat that….3.6C average… that is NOT HOT !!”

        It is, for a winter. Sorry, but the facts are disagreeing with you, again.

        1. DirkH

          Winters tend to not be hot in Germany. Especially all you Americans, don’t forget Germany is as far north as Alaska and we do have the weather to prove it. Don’t believe sod one word.

        2. AndyG55

          That’s the temperature inside a refrigerator.

          That is where sob cooks his food. DOH !!!

        3. AndyG55

          Next you will be saying that a change from -40ºC to -37ºC is a dangerous heat wave. !!

    3. DirkH

      sod 17. März 2016 at 7:05 PM | Permalink | Reply
      “Germany has increased its electricity export from 2014 to 2015 by 40% and is earning a lot of money with it.
      You have to compensate for this, if you want to look at CO2 output. ”

      True, but Germany imports millions of tons of solar cells and wind turbine parts which are produced using coal power in China, causing enormous pollution in Beijing.
      You have to compensate for this, if you want to look at CO2 output.

      1. sod

        “True, but Germany imports millions of tons of solar cells and wind turbine parts which are produced using coal power in China, causing enormous pollution in Beijing.”

        Germany is exporting more than it is importing.

        You can factor imports in, but it wont make a difference.

        1. DirkH

          “You can factor imports in, but it wont make a difference.”

          “Germany Imports of goods and services as percent of GDP: For that indicator, The World Bank provides data for Germany from 1970 to 2014. The average value for Germany during that period was 25.94 percent with a minumum of 16.24 percent in 1972 and a maximum of 40.04 percent in 2012. ”

          Please, sod, make sure you eat fatty fish, lots of meat, grass fed butter. Your brain has shriveled up due to lack of Vit. B12.

          1. sod

            “Please, sod, make sure you eat fatty fish, lots of meat, grass fed butter. Your brain has shriveled up due to lack of Vit. B12.”

            Germany is exporting more than it is importing. you can not factor in imports and ignore exports.


    4. Bernd Felsche

      The per capita CO2 in Germany is less than half of that of the USA.

      It “always” has been. It was in the text books of the 1970’s that German per-capita energy consumption was about half of that of the USA. And there’s no single, simple reason why that is the case. It is a whole lot of factors.

      1. sod

        “t „always“ has been. It was in the text books of the 1970’s that German per-capita energy consumption was about half of that of the USA.”

        Then please do not make the fasle claim, that German CO2 per capita is one of the largest. It is not. Fact.

        1. Bernd Felsche

          Check it yourself. ISBN 0-87835-073-X Figure 3.2

          Your ignorance is no excuse for calling me a liar.

          1. sod

            “Your ignorance is no excuse for calling me a liar.”

            The original article is making this claim:

            “Germany’s per capita CO2 emissions are among the highest in the world.”

            That is just not true. And everyone can see that by looking at the data:


      2. yonason

        @Bernd Felsche

        Yep. As you say, Germany’s CO2 emissions are about half that of USA.

        And the rest seems pretty much in agreement with what you write.

        1. sod

          “Yep. As you say, Germany’s CO2 emissions are about half that of USA.”

          yep. now check the original article:

          5. Germany’s per capita CO2 emissions are among the highest in the world.

          That claim is simply wrong.

    5. Bernd Felsche

      Jaunary and February were really hot.

      Really hot? I doubt that you know what “really hot” means.

      Monthly figures are weather. “Climate” is 30 years.

    6. It doesn't add up...

      The problem is that Germany exports surplus power when the wind is blowing hard or the sun is shining strongly. That is, it exports “low carbon” power. However, it has to run its fossil fuel plants when the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining, and it has to keep them on standby as spinning reserve when there is a chance or reasonable certainty of a rapid decline in renewables output (e.g. as sunset or a weather front approaches). Your idea that rising exports accounts for higher CO2 is wrong.

      1. sod

        please check the data.

        Exports are at a higher price than imports.

        The real problem in Germany at the moment is, that coal is so cheap that it never gets switched off.

  3. yonason

    “We haven’t seen such a large-scale industrial mismanagement since the collapse of the USSR and the German Democratic Republic.” – Pierre

    So, how many of the socialists responsible for that debacle are involved in this one?

  4. Mikky

    The only CO2 figure that really matters is the total in the atmosphere, and there is no sign whatsoever of it knowing anything about what Germany is doing with windmills:

    Greenies love to torture us with rising temperatures, they will be tortured by linearly rising atmospheric CO2, seemingly unaware of the billions of euros being pissed up the wall by the EU.

    1. yonason


      Gaia sees the future.

      She knows all; sees all!
      She has her own magic eight ball.
      So don’t be a goat, listen when she tells you to

      1. yonason

        heh heh heh

        just a little glitch
        nothing a NOAA adjustment can’t fix.

  5. David Johnson

    This only comes as a surprise to dyed in the wool Greens!

    1. yonason

      COMPLETE DISCLOSURE (well, partial, anyway)

      I confess. I’m part green. 50%, on my father’s side.

  6. John F. Hultquist

    … driving industry out …

    Co2 emissions have been exported, so it is worse on a global scale because this is, after all, considered to be a global issue.

  7. Bobw in NC

    Know that my heart is with you all in Germany! My only hope is that the news media here in the US will hear the alarm that the results of “energy transformation” has heaped on your people!

    1. DirkH

      Your media are like ours under control of the Total State / the oligarchs so nothing of consequence will be reported, except for the blogs – as it is now. Oligarchs want giant theft schemes. The stoopid little Greens are their unpayed water carriers.

      1. yonason

        In case he needs proof of how loopy they are, here’s a famous American “journalist.”

  8. yonason

    applying linear regression to the data for the last 7 years, one finds that if the CO2 emissions continue to increase at their current rate, they will achieve their 2020 target in 2145, and their 2050 target in 2256.

    Of course, since the rate of decrease in emissions is itself decreasing, those dates are probably wildly optimistic. But since CO2 is not a dangerous pollutant, we can still be relieved, …except for the phenomenal squandering of resources to accomplish virtually nothing.

    Remind me again, who thought this was a good idea?

    1. yonason

      “…continue to DECREASE…”, not increase – Duh!

    2. yonason

      2nd target in 2286, not 2256.
      first is correct.

  9. Analitik

    I’m sure the BreakFree 2016 event will sort things out

    Will you be posting selfie’s from this, sod?

    1. yonason

      “Stop Coal” That’s a hoot. The more unprofitable they make nat. gas, the more cheaper coal MUST be used to make op the energy shortfall. With “renewables” (that aren’t) the more expensive, and cleaner, energy sources are being driven out of the market, exactly they opposite of what they want. Stupid Greenies!

  10. CaptD

    Germany is now under attack for saying N☢ to using Nuclear.

    The people of Germany need to start speaking out about all the great jobs that shifting from nuclear has caused.

    In most countries like the USA, only the BIG Utilities get to profit from generating energy, maybe that will give the people of Germany an idea of just how lucky they are to be able to sell what energy they generate at a fair price, not to mention reducing the risk of a Trillion Dollar Eco-Disaster like Fukushima!

    1. DirkH

      Well you probably lack all kind of information on living in Germany.

      We have to pay 28 bn EUR in subsidies a year for the uneconomic and unreliable electricity sources solar and wind – which, under fair market conditions, would probably sell at cloes to zero because who would agree to buy something he can’t store economically where delivery is determined by the whim of nature.

      So how much money per year is that per capita? That’s 350 EUR a year. A third via electricity bills, a third via higher taxes, a third via inflated product prices – as one third of elec. is consumed by us, the people, one third, by the state, and one third by the commercial sector.

      And of course, this burden is carried by the PRODUCTIVE members of society alone in a welfare state, meaning, I, a working person, pay at least 700 EUR (770 USD) a year so that some other people can cash in on it. These people are generally wealthier than me, so the entire scheme is a redistribution from the poor to the rich.

      So I guess you like oligarchy, plutocracy and state-controlled crony capitalism, and you don’t like free markets.

      And with that, I conclude that we stand on opposite ends of the political spectrum – as I am not in favor of central planning, cronyism and theft.

      1. DirkH

        And let’s make a prediction.
        We see a secular drop in interest rates now into negative territory across all the West, indicating an ever decreasing profitability of ventures. Now, might it be that the cronies have overgrown the system to such an extent as time went by that they now consume ALL surpluses to keep their idiotic zombie ventures just in an upright position, forestalling Schumpeterian creative destruction (which necessitates a giant recession / crash!) – the wind turbines being the most visible symptom – like a Bernie Madoff scheme on steroids, only VISIBLE?

        And guess what – this plundered system is now so incapable of making ANY advances that even a disorganized Mad Max Road Warrior tribe would be able to run rings around it? Meaning, this entire empire will necessarily fall victim to ANYONE still capable of progressing.

        So, I’m waiting for it to fall. I’m waiting for the moment that the currencies collectively collapse and I can go and buy a stash of the bartering Ersatz currencies (thinking of tampons and Vodka here…) that we will use for daily purchases once that moment arrives.

        You know it’s there when the Bank Holiday is declared. Look at Cyprus on a transcontinental scale.

    2. yonason

      @ CapainD (D for Delusional?) – must be one of sod’s friends?

      “Germany is now under attack for saying N☢ to using Nuclear.” – CD

      “under attack” by whom?

      “The people of Germany need to start speaking out about all the great jobs that shifting from nuclear has caused.” – CD

      What “great jobs” were “caused” by throwing highly skilled techs out of work? And why do Germans “need to start speaking out,” unless to express outrage at the stupidity of it all.

      “n most countries like the USA, only the BIG Utilities get to profit from generating energy” – CD

      The US isn’t a good representative of “most countries.” And only in socialist countries are companies who provide a service deprived of the profits of their enterprise. Why is that a problem for you?

      “that will give the people of Germany an idea of just how lucky they are to be able to sell what energy they generate at a fair price,” – CD

      I’m sure the average German, who is himself now paying the second highest price in the allegedly civilized world for his electricity, will be thrilled to know someone (just not himself) is making a profit off that scam. What luck!

      “reducing the risk of a Trillion Dollar Eco-Disaster like Fukushima!” – CD

      “Reducing the risk?” So, Germany is installing a Tsunami early warning system? Thanks, I didn’t know that.

      Give my regards to sod.

      1. DirkH

        Oh and another difference between USA and Germany that CapnD doesn’t know. While the USA still has local monopolies for energy providers like PG&E, Germany had successfully removed that in 2000 already. Electricity prices were dropping through competition as it should be. Then the renewables FIT started and since that time customer prices know only one direction , up, and went up 160% since. Over 16 years.

        1. yonason

          We don’t get that kind of info here. Heck, we barely get the truth about what’s happen here.


  11. Barry Woods

    I’ve met Mike Schellenberger – he may sound ‘dismayed’, but he is dismayed at how stupid Germany is… his tweets is saying how can Germany be surprised by this!

    and he is partially quoting someone else (who was dismayed|) to make the point

    1. yonason

      Your defense of hem doesn’t exactly help. How he could now be surprised by Germany’s stupidity, when it’s been obvious from the moment they committed to going “green,” tells me he’s got a major blind spot or two.

      1. Barry Woods

        defence! ?
        I’m pointing out Mike is mocking the person DrVox (and Germany) that he is quotng!!

        1. yonason

          So, Pierre characterized him by writing…

          “President of Environmental Progress and Time Magazine ‘Hero of the Environment’…’

          If he’s FOR “renewables,” then he’s part of the problem.

          It depends what he thinks Germany is “stupid” for doing. If he thinks they shouldn’t have “gone green” at all, then my apologies. If he thinks Germany is stupid because they didn’t keep their emissions of non-toxic plant food down, then no apology.

  12. Jeremy Poynton

    Hmm. Where did my post go? Just replied to a post, refreshed the page. No sign of it.

    1. yonason

      Patience, young one. It will appear in the fullness of time, most likely.

  13. Dave Ward

    Don’t forget that it’s “Earth Hour” tomorrow:

    That should help reduce CO2 levels…./sarc off

    By the way, “Flagfox” informs me that their site is hosted in Singapore – I wonder how much more CO2 is involved in getting the page half way round the world to me?

    1. yonason

      I can’t find it now, but there was a great video a few years ago on a fellow celebrating earth day. He gassed up all his motorized vehicles and tools, started them, and let them run. Now THAT’S how to celebrate Earth Day, IMO.

    2. Analitik

      Just point people to this following calculation if they contemplate joining in by replacing electrical lights with candles

      And that calculation was done for an incandescent globe. Factor in how much less energy is used by CFCL and LED lighting and the figures are far worse (even if we allow for transmission losses which the original calculation did not)

      1. yonason

        Don’t harsh their mellow, man.

        Candles are to greenies like a laser pointer is to a cat?

        And, whatever you do, don’t even tell them how many fires are started by candles, or how many people die as a result.

  14. Bernd Felsche

    The reaction of the CDU, SPD, Greens and Left to the sackings that they suffered last Sunday in the elections at the hnds of the AfD are not ecouraging. It sounds like “the voters have failed us” and they will not move their political positions back to embrace those of the electorate. (cue “Downfall” video.)

    I’ve just watched a video of MDR TV local news for Saxony-Anhalt (from yesterday) and the Genossin newspresenter crossed live to Genosse Professor Krantz (?) in Berlin to ask him how bad the results were for Saxony-Anhalt if no government could be formed by coalition. He predicted doom if another election were held to resolve the stalemate as it would see the AfD strengthen to 35% from its current 25%.

    Meanwhile, the state branch of the SPD is imploding; nearly failing to meet the 5% quota required to have any representatives in parliament.

    1. yonason

      Good things still do happen, it would seem.

    2. sod

      “Meanwhile, the state branch of the SPD is imploding; nearly failing to meet the 5% quota required to have any representatives in parliament.”

      This claim is false. The SPD got a bad result, but still was at above 5%.

      1. yonason


        “This claim is false. The SPD got a bad result, but still was at above 5%.” – sod

        That’s what “nearly” failing means, because they didn’t fail, but came close, or closer than they may feel comfortable with.

        1. AndyG55

          Poor sob has very bad comprehension skills.

          Probably because is colour-blind and only sees far-left Green.

      2. David Johnson

        Wrong again, please engage brain before commenting SOD

  15. DirkH

    Keywords Germany, Greens, Drugs, Claudia Roth. Video from Bundestag seems to show drug handover to top Green Claudia Roth (the woman on the left)

  16. Grand Debacle: Germany’s Renewable Energy Effort Turning Into A Colossal, Costly And Senseless Failure! – sentinelblog

    […] No Tricks Zone, by P […]

  17. Paykasa

    It “always” has been. It was in the text books of the 1970’s that German per-capita energy consumption was about half of that of the USA. And there’s no single, simple reason why that is the case. It is a whole lot of factors..

  18. Estimating life-time costs for Renewable Energy in Europe - Principia Scientific Intl

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