Climate Site Slams Germany’s DWD Weather Service For “Heating Up” Summer Press Release

The mean temperature for Germany in August, 2016, was 17.7°C, which turns out to be 0.2°K colder than the figure reported in the overheated August 30, 2016 press release issued by the German DWD national weather service.

The August result makes the month 0.7°C warmer than the 1981-2010 mean. Nothing extraordinary.

However, the DWD has had a habit of overstating monthly mean temperatures in its press releases to the media.

German climate and weather blogsite here reports that this has been the fifth false monthly report by the DWD so far this year – suggesting that the DWD is indulging in climate warming propaganda.

What follows is a chart of August mean temperatures in Germany since 1881:

Die DWD-Grafik zeigt die Mitteltemperaturen im August in Deutsc hland von 1861 - 2016. Die Miteltemperatur lag im August nur bei 17,7°C und damit -0,2 K kälter als in der DWD-Pressemitteilung vom 30.8.2016. Quelle:

Source: DWD- data series and trends. Overall trend since 1990 is flat.

The DWD August press release shouted that “August 2016 was too warm!”

Overall the summer of 2016 (June, July, August) posted a preliminary mean of 17.8°C, which makes it 0.6°C colder than last summer.

The site scoffs at the DWD claim that August “was too warm!”, reminding readers that snow fell down to elevations of 2000 meters in all three summer months, with record lows being set at a number of locations. The German site writes:

The 0.7°K deviation for the summer of 2016 in Germany is well within the normal range for mean summer temperature over the years – the summer was neither too cold nor too warm. It was quite normal. The DWD press release is false.”

The site points out that there was in fact only one single heat wave this summer, with maximum temperatures reaching above 30°C at least five days in a row or more, and it took place at the very end of August – and only in parts of Germany.

The big cities of Hamburg, Berlin, and Munich did not see a single heat wave in the summer of 2016, as the following charts illustrate:


Im Sommer 2016 gab es in Hamburg keinen einzige Hitzewelle mit Tmax mindestens 30°C an mindstens fürnf auseinander folgenden Tagen. Quelle:


Im Sommer 2016 gab es in Berlin keine einzige Hitzewelle mit Tmax mindestens 30°C an mindstens fünf aufeinander folgenden Tagen. Quelle:


Im Sommer 2016 gab es in München keine einzige Hitzewelle mit Tmax mindestens 30°C an mindestens fünf aufeinander folgenden Tagen. Quelle:


The site suggests that the DWD is exaggerating to make it look like Germany had a hot summer when in fact it was nothing of the sort. The site writes: the DWD August 30th press release tried to produce the impression of multiple widespread heat waves in Germany this summer, when in fact this was not the case at al.

Moreover an NOAA reanalysis of Europe up to August 28 shows that the greater part of the European continent had a much cooler than normal August 2016:

Die NOAA-Reanalyse der Abweichungen der 2m-Temperaturen vom international üblichen und von der WMO empfohlenen modernen Klimamittel 1981-2010 zeigt große Teile Europas vom 1. bis 28. August 2016 unterkühlt (blaue Farben). Quelle:


Over the past months global temperatures have cooled, Germany is much cooler than it was 1 year ago, and the area of thick Arctic ice has tripled in size over the past four years. Yet, that doesn’t keep the DWD from announcing a summer that was “too warm” with a deviation of only +0.7°C.


10 responses to “Climate Site Slams Germany’s DWD Weather Service For “Heating Up” Summer Press Release”

  1. David Johnson

    That claim is just so laughable. I assume they also claimed that June and July were “too cold”?

  2. Marcy

    Look out modern Galileos! The Scientific Mother Church is trying to excommunicate you! At least they aren’t allowed to torture you or burn you at the stake.

  3. sod

    sorry for a few days without comments, i was in the mountains again.

    we had wonderful weather and we actually went to the swimming pool on 6 days out of 7.

    But if i start cherrypicking data, i can even make this look “cold”. In the real world, we had one day with rain till about noon and on one day we had rain during breakfast. So we count this as two days of rain, and in comparison with a trip some years ago (when we had perfect weather all week long), we call it a clear example of the “cooling” climate.

    What the article does, is simple:

    If you have been reading the articles about the august cold spell, you should have come to the conclusion, that august should have been really cold. It was not.

    Instead, again, it was warmer than normal, even warmer than every stupid period that is chosen to make the effect smaller.

    choosing again the period up to 2010 is simply insane. This does not tell us anything about global warming, as it is a comparison with temperatures 20 years ago (and remember, august 2016 was warm even in this context !!!).

    The rest of the article is making a fuss about a small data correction, irrelevant ramblings about other parts of europe and complains about the month only having a single “heat period” (while the single cold period was a reason for true concern, of course!).

    The article completely ignores important facts (only 60% of normal rain, quite a lot of additional sun hours) and cherry picks random locations (the cities without a heat spell) and utterly useless comparisons (to august last year).

    The high point is the final sentence in the original article:

    “1.9.2016: Die globalen Satellitentemperaturen bei UAH liegen im August 2016 mit 0,44 K Abweichung niedriger als im August 1998 mit 0,52 K – Das Jahr 2016 ist nun kälter als das Jahr 1998!”

    Things simply do not get more false than that.

    in the real world, even in UAH we have a new 12 months record, i guess.

    1. DirkH

      BREAKING: Warmunist calls warm weather “wonderful”. Watch it here:

      “sod 4. September 2016 at 9:50 AM | Permalink | Reply

      sorry for a few days without comments, i was in the mountains again.

      we had wonderful weather and we actually went to the swimming pool on 6 days out of 7. “

    2. nightspore

      But if i start cherrypicking data, i can even make this look “cold”.

      So instead you cherry-pick data to make it look like August was “warm”.

      Instead, again, it was warmer than normal, even warmer than every stupid period that is chosen to make the effect smaller.

      In the first graph, just counting the peaks I see 15 that are higher than this year’s 17.7 degrees. What do you mean by “normal”. (I can find lots of years with a different average, so it can’t be normal?)

      The article completely ignores important facts (only 60% of normal rain, quite a lot of additional sun hours)

      What does this have to do with average temperature, which was the topic of the article? This is a non sequitur.

      Recently, I read a wonderful book called “SJWs Always Lie” by Vox Day (which I recommend highly ). For some odd reason, this comment has brought it to mind.

  4. DirkH

    Warmunists hire a used car salesman who claims we have entered the Age Of Climate Instability. Watch his sales pitch here.

    1. DirkH

      I am not sure his smirk fits the message.

      1. yonason

        I wonder what street corner they found that guy on?

    2. yonason

      Everything the snot knows is wrong. Everything he stands for is dreck.

      “…the obsession with overpopulation has led to attacks on the economic and technological development that represents the best hope for improving human life around the globe. The alliance of radical environmentalism, population-control advocacy, and anticapitalist leftism continues to prolong the misery of the Third World. Rachel Carson’s scientifically challenged campaign against DDT led to the deaths of millions. Paul Ehrlich’s spectacularly wrong Malthusian predictions helped legitimize cruel policies, such as Lyndon Johnson’s withholding of food aid to India during the 1966 famine. Ehrlich wanted food aid tied to sterilization and birth-control programs and suggested adding “temporary sterilants to water supplies or staple food,” with antidotes given only when the population reached the desired size. He also wanted “luxury taxes” imposed on cribs, diapers, and children’s toys.”

      That’s his/her/its/whatever’s worldview in a nutshell, and it is a nightmare. When will they learn that you can’t build a better world by deceit and destruction?

      1. DirkH

        Thinking about their Climate Instability. Maybe they mean weather instability. I know THAT one; that’s why I carry a rain jacket in my bag.
        Now climate is defined as a 30 year average so we have a 6 dB/octave low pass filter on weather with a cutoff frequency at a wavelength of 30 years. Meaning, about 13 octaves or 80 dB from one day.
        So to give this average a noticeable amount of instability I guess they expect one day to have a temperature of 0 K and the next to be at the temperature of a furnace.

        Well I guess I better prepare.

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