Meddling! German Environment Ministry Donated Up To $5 Million To The Clintons In 3rd Quarter Of 2016!

We often hear claims from the media of how president-elect Donald Trump unfairly got help from Vladimir Putin and the Russians to win the election, and that it’s outrageous a foreign government would meddle with and influence the US political process. (Never mind these allegations continue to be based on practically nothing.)


Germany’s Federal Ministry for the Environment donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clintons during the third quarter of 2016.

And just days ago Germany’s CDU and CSU parties issued a warning to Russia not to interfere with the affairs and political processes in other countries, especially as Germany prepares for next year’s national election.

Surprise: it turns out that if any country has been attempting to skew the US election, it is Germany itself.

The country’s Federal Ministry for the Environment, a powerful arm of the German government, is reported here to have made a donation to the tune of 1 – 5 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation in the third quarter of 2016, i.e. right at the very peak of the presidential campaign.

Daniel Wetzel at the online national daily Die Welt here reports:

According to a donor list from the ‘Clinton Foundation’ the Ministry transferred between 1 million and 5 million dollars.”

Wetzel asks:

Why does Germany have to finance the US election campaign?”

The donation has come under fire from critics — Wetzel writes — such as former parliamentarian Vera Langenfeld at her blog:

Why is a German federal ministry supporting the election campaign of an American candidate? Obviously the German taxpayers have to finance Hillary Clinton’s campaign without their knowledge of it.”

The Ministry, however, denies the charge of having meddled with the US election, stating that it “fundamentally does not make donations” and that the money was for financing projects “within the scope of international climate protection”.

However, the timing of the donation makes the appearance all the more dubious. During the campaign, Clinton was attacked massively by Trump for the huge and frequent donations coming from an array of outside special interests. Trump went on to accuse Clinton of being up for sale.

Overall the German government and press have been openly hostile to Donald Trump’s election victory. In the current Trump-German relations, it has to be said that Germany drew first blood by unfairly smearing Trump as a racist, misogynist and an out-of control rabble-rouser, and refusing to congratulate him or to give him a chance.

As it stands, there’s no reason for Trump to be extend the hand of friendship to the German government, or especially to the media. Germany enjoys a huge trade deficit with the USA and so don’t be surprised if Trump answers by luring German industry to America by offering lower taxes, less red tape and far cheaper energy. Already German electricity rates are approximately three times higher than those in USA.

31 responses to “Meddling! German Environment Ministry Donated Up To $5 Million To The Clintons In 3rd Quarter Of 2016!”

  1. John F. Hultquist

    I wonder how much of that money will go toward a real environmental issue?

    I don’t think we Americans need Germany to help muck-up our politics — we are quite capable of doing so.

    1. DirkH

      Maybe the Germans just payed up to avoid having a prez Clinton slam another 15 bn USD fine on some German company or bank. Ordinary pay-to-play blackmail.

    2. Thinking_out_loud

      Clinton please go away. You have been relegated to the sidelines. The money will go to pay raises for the worthy at Clinton Foundation!!!

  2. Analitik

    Shamefully, Australia was much worse – A$88 million to the Clinton slush fund since 2006.

    BTW Pierre, Dirk, sod and other Germans. Is the following article at all indicative of the state of the German courts?

    A German court has ruled that seven Islamists who formed a vigilante patrol to enforce Sharia law on the streets of Wuppertal did not break German law and were simply exercising their right to free speech.

    The ruling, which effectively legitimizes Sharia law in Germany, is one of a growing number of instances in which German courts are — wittingly or unwittingly — promoting the establishment of a parallel Islamic legal system in the country.

    If this is true, then how can you predict the actions of strangers since their religion is unknown?

    1. DirkH

      Gatestone is accurate. All of this is happening.
      How can we judge actions of strangers? Well let’s say two twins in a Volkswagen van run over a German girl just entering a Taxi in Berlin, killing her because they misjudged the curve as they were speeding.
      Then we go into lengthy court proceedings during which we find out, they are Muslim, Turks, neither has a driving license, and each one of them says the other one was at the steering wheel.
      After about a year of elaboration the judge has collected enough excuses to acquit both of them, because the poor fellas, having no driving experience, obviously did not intend harm and so on.

      This happened. You cannot actually make up what lengths German courts go to to acquit Muslim criminals.

      I shall not speculate about the motives of the German judges. But I would summarily jail them if I had the power, and then start sorting out whether I would reinstate any one of them into his position.

      1. Analitik

        The German media is then complicit with the courts since this information is never reported outside “fake” media outlets.

        Needless to say, the Australian media is just as bad with automatic censure of any association between Muslims and crimes as being racist and divisive.

  3. sod

    The Clinton foundation is doing good. While the Trump foundation was fraud and is out of service at the moment.

    1. Israel

      Are you crazy?
      Only 15% percent, at most, went for any purpose, good or bad.
      The rest went to administrative expenses and salaries.
      And that you call “good”?

      1. sod

        “Only 15% percent, at most, went for any purpose, good or bad.
        The rest went to administrative expenses and salaries.
        And that you call “good”?”

        please give links for claims like that. this is not a fact free world.

        1. AndyG55

          “this is not a fact free world.”

          It obviously is a fact free inner-city latte ghetto where you came from.

          sop = zero facts, just baseless propaganda lies and BS.

        2. yonason

          More like 8-10%, the rest being a slush fund for whatever.

          More about their life of crime here.

      2. yonason

        “Are you crazy?” – Israel to sod

        Yes. Yes he/she/it is. Always has been, to the best of my knowledge.

        Your new here?

    2. Analitik

      The Clinton Foundation is indeed doing good – the accounts have been filling nicely.

  4. DirkH

    “And just days ago Germany’s CDU and CSU parties issued a warning to Russia not to interfere with the affairs and political processes in other countries”

    Germany now produces the world’s best and most concentrated hypocracy!
    Also, the German elite is panicking. Everybody hates them now.

    On multiple occasions I told Germans straight to their face that Clinton is the warmongering crazy, not The Donald (who built Gold courses while Clinton bombed Libya). To my amazement none of the people I talked to offered ANY defense of Clinton. All they had was a lame “Trump is unpredictable”. Meaning: None of the Germans believes ANY of the SPIEGEL type propaganda enough to bother to even memorize it!!!

    Cognitive Dissonance has turned our Leftists into a catatonic state, apathetically enduring being bombarded by my tirades!

    1. DirkH

      Golf courses, not Gold courses. What’s wrong with these keyboards!

      1. A.D. Everard

        I wouldn’t mind a gold course… 🙂

        Meanwhile, I agree with you about the elites and I think they are panicking in just about every country. The writing is on the wall for all of them. People everywhere have had enough of lying and cheating and stealing and being trampled all over as though they are nothing.

        I love what is happening at the moment. It’s a great time to be alive. We are witnessing much.

  5. tom0mason

    Several countries have donated toward the foundation’s goal of establishing a $250 million endowment, including the United Arab Emirates (giving $1 million – $5 million), Saudi Arabia ($10 million – $25 million) and Oman ($1 million – $5 million over time), according to many reports. Germany, Australia, Qatar, Norway, Italy and the Netherlands have also donated. The Wall Street Journal reported.
    That number is reported to have doubled in 2014.

    Among last 2014’s donors was the Canadian government agency pushing for U.S. approval of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. The agency donated between $250,000 and $500,000 to the Clinton group.

    A year ago people were asking question and calling for Bill and Hillary to be investigated.
    The Canadian entity, the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, is probable the most controversial donor, as moneys from this fund does not break-out where all the donations come from.

    So are these Funds just a huge money laundering operation for grace and favors from Bill and Hillary? Only a full unbiased investigation could possibly find out.

    In a January 16, 1991 speech, President George H. W. Bush Snr. identified the opportunity to build a New World Order,

    “where the rule of law… governs the conduct of nations,” and “in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN’s founders.”

    Has President G. H. W. Bush’s promised future, what the Clintons’ and their Fund does, or has the left’s perverted version that sit under the flag of ‘Globalization’ and ‘Sustainable Development’ corrupted the vision?
    Is it now just a method to maintain the elitist’s club of the rich and powerful. Installing crony business practices and trade deals with those government’s (like Germany) who are willing to pay the pot (or kitty) to be in the crony capitalists’ game? A game where each country vies for business by devaluing their currency through quantitative easing which racks-up huge national debt. Debt which will destroy their children’s futures and devalue pension funds. This layer of ‘the rich mans club’ capital and fund movements that ordinary businesses and governments can not audit or control.

  6. Don G

    The Clinton Foundation is not the same as the Clinton campaign. Different buckets of money. The Clinton Foundation is corrupt and any money sent there should be viewed with suspicion.

    1. sod

      “The Clinton Foundation is not the same as the Clinton campaign. ”

      that is right. The original article is total bogus.

      “The Clinton Foundation is corrupt and any money sent there should be viewed with suspicion.”

      this is false.

      The corrupt thing was the Trump foundation: obviously a fraud, used to channel money indirectly to Trump. Very few donors, with business links to Trump, giving money to the foundation. The foundation doing illegal stuff (like giving Money to attorney Bondi when she should have been investigating the Trump university, which after the settlement is now known to be a fraud as well) and buying stuff for Trump (pictures and helmets).

      And over all the time, the foundation had not done the proper paperwork, so the whole thing was illegal.

      Every word about the Clinton foundation by anyone supporting Trump is the peak of hypocrisy.

      1. David Johnson

        WHo is talking about Trump apart from you? The Clinton Foundation is well known as a dodgy affair you prat.

      2. Nigel S
      3. clive

        So,sod can you tell us here,where the 6 Billion US dollars that was donated to the “Clinton Foundation”for Haiti in 2010 went to?For anyone who has been to Haiti will tell you that at best it was poorly spent.Or at worst, the money never got there at all.

    2. DirkH

      Don G 3. December 2016 at 2:36 AM | Permalink | Reply
      “The Clinton Foundation is not the same as the Clinton campaign. Different buckets of money. The Clinton Foundation is corrupt”

      Wait, you’re telling us they’re corrupt but they keep the two rooms with the buckets of money perfectly separate with squeaky clean accounting right?

      Do you take stupid classes or are you born this way?

  7. tom0mason

    Isn’t the The Clinton Foundation a fund of ‘donated’ money just for cleaning cloths or some such?

  8. Veritas

    German politicians had better get used to the idea that there is a new sheriff in town. Americans are no longer being led by a crypto-Marxist, third-world agitator because we are extremely angry at what the international socialist/globalists have tried to do to us. The American public, much like the British public, enforced their will and decided their destiny for themselves despite the multinational-owned media onslaught. There will be changes to the international order so get used to it.

    Americans have now become aware that politics no longer end at the shores of the oceans that once separated use from the filthy politics of Europe and we are angry. If Germany and other Europen countries keep interfering in our politics there will be a response that you will not like at all.

    1. DirkH

      “Americans have now become aware that politics no longer end at the shores of the oceans that once separated use from the filthy politics of Europe and we are angry.”

      Hey: YOU came over in 1916 and started meddling here. Bit late for buyers’ remorse.

  9. sod

    “Veritas 3. December 2016 at 8:20 AM | Permalink | Reply

    German politicians had better get used to the idea that there is a new sheriff in town. Americans are no longer being led by a crypto-Marxist, third-world agitator because we are extremely angry at what the international socialist/globalists have tried to do to us.”

    You are named “veritas” and you defend the biggest liar of all?

    And that is not my opinion, but the opinion of a close supporter:

    “This is the problem with the media. You guys took everything that Donald Trump said so literally,” Lewandowski said. “The American people didn’t. They understood it. They understood that sometimes — when you have a conversation with people, whether it’s around the dinner table or at a bar — you’re going to say things, and sometimes you don’t have all the facts to back it up.””

    Americans are now lead by a person that would be described as insane by most .

    ” The American public, much like the British public, enforced their will ”

    The british are in panic, after they realised that the BREXIT team has no plant at all. But facts do not matter to you. Do they?

    1. AndyG55

      “But facts do not matter to you. Do they?”

      They certainly never have to you, sop.

      Proven WRONG on basically everything, but you just double down with the LIES and BS.

    2. DirkH

      “The british are in panic, after they realised that the BREXIT team has no plant at all.”

      Now I don’t know why the Brexit team should have a plant. See sod, you’ve read too much German liar media. This is a perfect example of their lying: They lie to you all the time about other countries and about your own country. For instance, the GERMAN STATE TV NEWS don’t report about ONE THING: Crime IN GERMANY!!!! Their justification is: Crime is local. We don’t report local stuff in national TV News. See how that works?

      Go to and try to find ANY crime in Germany. Doesn’t exist.

      So if you believe these people, Germany is a crime-free country.

      That’s why no one believes them – except a few Green fanatics. Well not even you believe them really, you just pretend to.

  10. David Johnson

    Sod you are a moron. I’m British and no one is in panic. Who told you we are? I have friends on both sides of the debate. The leavers just wish it could happen as soon as possible and the remainers have accepted the reality of the situation. I love the knack you have of making yourself sound like a complete fool

    1. Robert Folkerts

      David Johnson regarding sod
      I love the knack you have of making yourself sound like a complete fool
      This fool making should surprise no one. Clearly it is the default setting for sod. Hard wired in I should say.
      Like the chap years ago who had difficulties with Spanish windmills, sod has difficulties with all things real.

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