House Cleaning Wanted! Easy-To-Sign “Investigate NOAA” Petition

Sign the Petition: Investigate NOAA impartially – No Warmist Whitewash!

By Climate Depot

February 27, 2017 1:21 PM

Petition: Investigate NOAA impartially
No Whitewash!


Did government researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration tamper with temperature data to boost the global warming campaign?

Dr. John Bates, a climate scientist and former official with NOAA, says they did.

This needs to be fully investigated, but we must not allow climate campaigners to turn this investigation into an exercise in whitewashing.

CFACT is petitioning President Trump to ensure the people investigating NOAA are genuine, impartial outsiders.

Please sign this important petition today and forward it to as many friends as possible.

The climate campaign will use its influence to whitewash improper practices at NOAA, but only if we let them.

Sign the petition and tell the President to find out what’s really been going on at NOAA.
For nature and people too,


Craig Rucker
Executive Director &

2 responses to “House Cleaning Wanted! Easy-To-Sign “Investigate NOAA” Petition”

  1. Gary Hagland

    NOAA (and NASA GISS) have been skewing official temperature records for years to promote the impending man-caused climate catastrophe. As policy has been fashioned based on this fiction, the economy as a whole has suffered significantly reducing opportunities for hardworking Americans to materially improve their lives and the lives of their families. Please conduct a thorough investigation into this obvious government employee malfeasance and punish the perpetrators.

  2. Jesse J. Hale

    Man is it good to see O bumma gone. Never did one thing good for America. NOAA should be investigated and HillaBitch too. Obama is probably still getting his pockets lined from Soros and his ilk. Tillerson should keep his mouth shut. He can be replaced as well as the Obamaites still in government.

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