Germany’s online here writes that wind turbine manufacturer Nordex has seen sales begin to drop off for the first time, signaling that the country’s days of growth in the wind industry are likely over: “Growth phase of wind turbine producers are over?”
After years of steady growth at Nordex, sales over the first quarter of 2017 have fallen compared to a year earlier, the site reports. Market analysts expect takeovers to occur as the industry consolidates under the harsher market conditions. writes:
Also on the results side things are not running so well for Nordex S.E.. Both the operative Cash-Flow and the Free Cash-Flow have not been able to keep up with the sales growth of the company.”
Nordex S.E. OCF margins have been falling for two years, and are now well under 5%.
Milk for 50 dollars a gallon!
Meanwhile subsidies for wind and solar energy have increasingly come under fire with one wind protest group director, who recently blasted their extravagance.
According to the here, Reinhold Faulhaber, Chairman of nature protection group Initiative Landschaftsschutz Kempter Wald and Allgäu e.V. (ILKA), demanded an end to the crazy subsidies for wind turbines at a membership meeting, saying that they do not lead to any CO2 savings, damage nature and that they are horrifically expensive:
If the milk business were subsidized like wind turbines are by the EEG feed-in act, our farmers would be getting 11.30 euros for every liter!“
That translates to near 50 US dollars a gallon – for the farmer! Imagine the retail price.
This illustrates just how out of whack the whole renewable energy movement has become. Economic sense has long been thrown overboard.
by the way, farmers get a pretty hefty subsidy for biofuels and electricity made out of biofuels. Can anyone name the price?
Part and parcel of the same eco-scam; why farm crops when you can farm taxpayer subsidies?
You are a pro-EU, pro-globalist, pro-world government, pro-“GLOBAL SOLUTION warmunist and you don’t even know the turnaround of your communist buddies in Brussels?
I can name the price, sod!
The lives of the poor and elderly.
foolssods rush in where angels fear to treadphrase of fool
people without good sense or judgment will have no hesitation in tackling a situation that even the wisest would avoid.
“If the milk business were subsidized like wind turbines are by the EEG feed-in act, our farmers would be getting 11.30 euros for every liter!”
Well Vegans would totally love this.
Vegans and Warmunists are both cultural Marxist victim group “stakeholders”; or SJW’s.
As the Vegan would want to make it impossible to consume animal products, so does the Warmunist want to make it impossible to use energy.
That’s the entire purpose of the CDU’s exploding energy communism.
Sorry for the German quote:
The claim is that what windmill owners receive for every kWh is 97.34% subsidized or in other words: the owner gets 36.6 times the market price for each kWh.
Now is that true or are the guest rightfully surprised by that claim? The average market price for a kWh of electricity in 2016 was a 3 ct … times 36.6 would be 109.8 ct. Last time I checked we payed around 9 cents per kWh from wind on average. New wind power can only be installed by winning a bid. The maximum bid for offshore wind needs to be below 12 ct and for onshore wind below 7 ct.
Pierre, you were writing that media should fact check their published data. Have you fact checked this quote before posting it?
[…] Energy…”If Milk Were Subsidized As Much”, It Would Cost $50/Gallon! windSource: .br-more-posts { width:45%; padding: 20px; float:left; } @media only screen and (max-width: 650px) […]