A vicious cold blast is about to invade Europe from the Russian Front and shock freeze the continent:
#kältewelle #dauerfrost #windchill
Der Fröstelfaktor ist ab sofort deutlich erhöht. Hier mal animiert die gefühlten Temperaturen bis Anfang März. Es drohen Erfrierungen bei ungenügendem Schutz. Bitte auch an die obdachlosen Menschen denken! ❄ pic.twitter.com/J5i4ppspPS— Dominik Jung (@WetterExperte) 23. Februar 2018
Above chart shows wind-chill temps for Europe over the coming days…meteorologist Dominik Jung warns homeless at serious risk.
Interestingly some people – meteorologists among them – have been poking fun at the “hype” or even have blasted media outlets and other private meteorologists for “sensationalizing” the forecast Cold Beast from the East.
Sure, a number of locations over Germany for example may not even see temperatures drop below -10°C. What’s the big deal? It’s winter after all, they are saying. Just put on an extra coat. Some of these critics have even called the loud warnings of the Siberian cold “shrill, dumbass, click-baiting headlines“.
But at his wetter.net German meteorologist Dominik Jung warns against such complacency and dismissive attitudes:
The icy cold, also called the Russian Whip, is really going to hit starting on Sunday. Foremost nights are going to be especially cold. Low temperatures are expected to fall under double-digits below zero. Over snow covered ground minus 20 or minus 25°C are possible. Even lower temperatures are possible directly at ground level.”
Cold’s hidden danger
The hidden danger is that this is extreme cold (factoring in the wind) and it is not the sort of thing someone expects for early March, or especially in an environment where the public is incessantly bombarded by exaggerated warnings of a planet that is “rapidly heating up”.
A big problem will be the icy east wind. It will make the cold temperatures feel even colder than they actually are. In some places gusts of between 30 and 45 km/h will be reached. At 45 km/hr and a measured temperature of -8°C, the air feels like -20°C.”
Contributing to dangerous complacency
Unfortunately the critics (some meteorologists included) who sniff at the cold alarm are underestimating or ignoring these risks, and thus could be unwittingly leading authorities and the public to not take the situation as seriously as it needs to be taken. One problem is that the wind-chill will make it be much colder. Heat loss when exposed to wind is far faster than in still air. Scientific studies show that cold is far more dangerous than heat, killing up to 20 times more people.
Homeless and elderly especially vulnerable to cold
The hazard is especially high for homeless persons, or the elderly who venture outdoors to run errands. One false step could easily end up being fatal; a homeless person could freeze to death. Jung advises:
Homeless people will especially be at risk over the coming days. The authorities should now be quickly implementing precautionary measures.”
Also more people will be using extra heating units to stay warm…some likely being defective and thus poisonous. Public awareness is key.
Authorities cannot delay in times of killer cold
The authorities need to be readying for the severe cold now, advising the public through the media to take precautions and making sure the homeless and vulnerable have adequate shelter.
Acting slowly deadly
Over the years authorities have been criticized for not taking forecasts seriously enough. For example is October, 2013, when powerful autumn storm St. Jude (dubbed Christian in Germany) swept across northern Europe, leaving a path of destruction and killing 14 people.
Unfortunately, the authorities in Hamburg did not issue a storm warning until AFTER the damage had been inflicted, even though they had been warned days in advance.
Jung later commented that the inaction was “amazing and unacceptable“.
Joe Bastari and the guys at weatherbell have been forecasting this for about a month now. Joe says the NH weather pattern for March is nearly identical to that of March of 1962.
In March of 1962 the worst winter storm to strike the US East Coast that century occurred. A “block buster” northeaster that had the same impact as a major hurricane.
And the weather models are starting to “see” there is going to be a major storm in early march. The question is how powerful it’s going to be and exactly where it will strike, and if the timing, like that of the 1962 coincides with an exceptionally high tide.
You are kidding, right? The public doesn’t expect the planet to experience summer temperatures all the time because of climate change. Global warming doesn’t mean that a week of -10°C temperatures in Winter will suddenly disappear or be only -8°C.
Why do you skeptics need to make up these things and brainfart something like “It’s cold outside, where is that global warming when you need it?” …
Skeptics aren’t surprised by the cold. It’s the warmists who warned of snowless winters, an end to the ski industry, etc. Unfortunately too many of these are officials and many believed all the warming nonsense. Of course later the PIK experts then had to come up with the excuse that warming leads to colder winters in Europe to hide their embarrassment in 2010-2013.
So the average snowseason length isn’t really decreasing then?
Average length of growing season increasing.
WARMING is GREAT NEWS for the whole planet.
Snow area actually INCREASING for those that need to go skiing for fun. 🙂
No evidence the warming has anything to do with atmospheric CO2 though, is there.
The warming is TOTALLY NATURAL and
No doubt NOAA and GISS (if they survive Trump) will a couple of year make this the warmest winter on record.
Why not use the Kelvin scale to absolute zero tomomason?
If we all survive Trump … as soon as this guy reads his Twitter replies and discoveres nobody likes him, we are all done.
seb = EMPTY
Trump has you running around like a headless chook , seb
Its so funny to watch your TDS. !!
Of course this event has it’s origins in the sun’s effect on this planet. In particular the jet-stream. However no variation in atmospheric CO2 levels have an observed effect on the jet-stream therefore have little (if any) effect on jet-stream induced weather. This is especially in the important in temperate regions of the world, where the jet-stream is a MAJOR player, it greatly influences the path of high and low pressures (convection effects) around the globe, and therefore dictate where the precipitation is likely to fall. There are many other factors to the weather (such as topography of the land and the ocean temperatures, etc, but not CO2 levels) but the jet-stream is a major factor in the weather system.
As a major weather controlling factor are the perturbations of the jet-stream and these are decoupled from CO2 levels, and are entirely natural, solar driven events. The jet-stream is a major control of the weather/climate in temperate regions of the globe, and CO2 levels have NO observed control on this jet-stream process.
As ‘climate’ as a man-made construct of weather trends over an arbitrary time period (as per IPCC), and long term variations in the sun’s behavior do have significant impacts the on jet-stream variations, and thus do significantly influence our weather and climate. CO2 has no observed effect on these processes, and from this aspect it can be inferred that it has no meaningful control of weather/climate in (at least) the temperate regions of the world.
Of course some cAGW believers (for belief is all they have) think that the current minuscule levels of CO2 drive the climate. But that it the problem with those who believe that computer models are superior to observations. However as shown if CO2 level doesn’t influence the jet-stream it can NOT ‘drive’ the climate. CO2 is a bystander in the picture of climate, at best it is only an effect of climate variations not a climate driver.
Of course if any cAGW advocate has such observed evidence (and not more modeled muck) I may change my mind.
The jet streams are just a result of uneven warming of the planet’s surface. CO2 is not causing jet streams or making them disappear. It’s causing the heat content to increase and thus the surface temperature over climate-relevant timespans.
But it’s cute that you think you found something that “cAGW advocates” need to first show how nonsensical your nonsense is in order for you to change my mind. Live a long and healthy life with that great feeling of victory 😉
“The jet streams are just a result of uneven warming of the planet’s surface”
A sleepy Sun will do that.!
ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with any human influence…
“It’s causing the heat content to increase and thus the surface temperature over climate-relevant timespans.”
More UNPROVEN BS from seb.
…. just reciting a religious mantra.
The jet stream wobbly is certainly NOTHING to do with CO2.
It has happened many times before, when CO2 was at lower levels.
Just keep with the EMPTY zero=knowledge nonsense posts, seb.
Its funny.
There is ZERO empirical science showing enhanced atmospheric CO2 causes any warming of anything
WHY do you continue with your ANTI-SCIENCE crap, seb ??
Indeed climate modelers continue to try and find a method to get the mythical CO2 warming to break into the jet-stream, for they know if they don’t then their CO2 assumptions are in jeopardy.
If CO2 doesn’t affect the jet-stream it can’t majorly affect the weather, or the climate.
Why else would they try?
However even recent studies into a modeled jet-stream find —
The researchers did not extend their simulations past the mid-century to ensure their data was as accurate as possible.
Yep, no matter how much they tortured the model’s data (and lawd knows they tortured the B’jeses out of it), they could not make it stick.
Models:0 Nature:1
Not that it matters what their results were, it’s not real it’s modeled nonsense. Observations are what matter, and thus far convection and the meandering of the jet-stream, and ocean currents, are what gives us our weather and our climate. And all of them move to the rhythm of the sun’s variability.
Problem with them there windmills
gees, I can’t imagine what would cause such DEGRADATION I such a short time. 😉
Who “pays” for this.. the tax-payer, yet again ?
This whole wind power thing is turning out to be a TOTAL FIASCO.
Doesn’t read as dramatic in other news outlets:
renew, is a greenie propaganda site.
Of course it is going to downplay “inconvenient” facts.
You are such a GULLIBLE little troll, seb. !!.
“but declined to say who will pick up the repair tab” – the fairies will pick up the repair tab.
The same fairies who subsidise renewable energy all over the world.
Right Seb? You dill.
5 years guarantee probably, so most likely Siemens Gamesa. They are only refitting rubber edges and the wind park keeps running. The company that owns the windpark has built lots of them and plans on building unsubsidized parks. So what’s the big deal here? Skeptics wanting to see bad things happening?
Seb is getting tiresome because he refuses to depart from his belief of a catastrophe. Nothing will change his mind. It is so because he wants his world of a coming catastrophe to be true – nothing must interfere with that.
Some people are happiest when they think the end is near and people are finally going to get their very much deserved suffering. The worse the scenario, the greater is their glee. These are people who really hope for the worst case scenario hurricanes, and are disappointed when they don’t make landfall. They are angry about something, and they want to see people get hurt. Schadenfreude is what they live for. It’s some sort of psychological malady, I’m sure.
Of course this works both ways. Many skeptics also derive schadenfreude when severe cold snaps hit and thus lend to the evidence that global warming is bullshit. That’s the nature of the beast. Let’s be honest.
Excuse me Pierre, you know nothing about me. I don’t believe in a catastrophe to happen. I believe in getting to a sustainable economy sooner than later is a worthwhile endeavor. I believe in science. I also believe you guys are not understanding physics and math beyond simple correlations. And last but not least, I believe someone has to tell you from time to time that you are wrong and how you are wrong. If that only causes you to come up with better stuff to challenge AGW, fine. But I nevertheless hope you guys aren’t the lost causes you are playing here and some of you (or the audience) can see the problem with your arguments you think “support a skeptic viewpoint”.
Ramble on… your arrogance sickens us. You are not the Herr Oberlehrer here.
I don’t what the truth is, and no serious skeptic will claim to know it. But I am pretty sure that those who do run around and insist they know what it is are either charlatans, frauds or just plain ignoramuses. For you, honestly speaking, I’d bet on the latter. Why makes you the bearer of the truth? You can’t even tell us your real name, let alone tell us what the planet will be like in 100 years. The flat earthers of the 14th century also claimed to “fully understand physics”. I’ve had enough of charlatans and arrogant know-it-all know-nothings for one day.
You’re not well informed or educated on the science like you think you are. Rather you come across as someone who is very easily duped.
Only LOST CAUSE here, is you, seb
Junior high level science and physics that you refuse to get passed. Perpetually WRONG on basically every topic you rant meaninglessly about.
Your beliefs that are based on FANTASY and GULLIBILITY.
Many countries had sustainable economies, wind and solar have put them on a knife-edge.
A Video, just for you. 🙂
It’s amazing what alarmists will imagine. I recently fielded this post from someone who is normally a reasonable poster regarding a report that production from someone else’s photovoltaic panels had dropped by 9% since 2013:
“Is it possible that generally warmer weather this year, and in recent years, is causing a drop in production?”
My reply:
“Nope, with a temperature coefficient of power of -0.3%/K, the average temperature of San Diego, CA, would have had to have risen by over 54 degrees Fahrenheit to account for a 9.1% drop in production. In fact, there was no real change in temperatures between 2013 and 2017:”
(Fallbrook, CA, has the closest Climate Reference Network site to San Diego, so it is the closest non-fiddled temperature record. To my knowledge, CRN is still clean, but who knows?)
Like many things these days, global warming is assumed by some (many?) to cause EVERYTHING, even when the real problem is simply defective design or manufacturing of a product.
Ask where and when the panels were made.
Some reports of early loss/failure a few years ago are reported.
If the installation was installed “on the cheap” there seems reason to expect greater loss than the industry claims and reports.
Is there a follow up: Does the installation have a warrantee and is the local company still there? Likewise for the maker of the panels?
Such issues would keep me from having a home rooftop system.
If I wanted “solar energy” I would opt for buying it via a utility and the regional grid.
Animation of the Upper air temperature (850hPa) values and movement as it comes across the continent.
Also see https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/04/100415080848.htm for how low solar activity affect the UK’s winter climate.
I hear that France and Germany are increasing their IMPORT of USA coal. 🙂
Will it be enough to account for the NON-FUNCTIONING of wind and solar non-energy.?
How is global warming down there in Australia?
BOM is INFAMOUS for using 1 second reading on their new AWS.
One day in the middle of a rain-free period, WOW.
“the hottest day on record since 1969.” whoopy do !!
Hottest days in Australia were in the late 1800’s, seb
Do try to keep up with history if you are going to bother comment,
or just continue to look stupid.
I know basic concepts are REALLY HARD for you…
… But do try to learn the difference
Brisbane is now very cool and very, very wet.
I think it’s called weather.
The records are very easy to break when the real/raw data has been “homogenised”.
The recent Queensland hot spell is no where near a record based on real data.
Seb, you truly remain – A DILL.
By the way Seb old mate, don’t go to Europe next week – it will be as cold as charity.
Something to do with some rare phenomenon called “weather” – you dill.
I live in Europe/Germany and you can still walk outside without freezing (it’s 1°C on the balcony).
But I am glad that you guys recognize that it’s the weather, not impending global cooling 😉
Of course we recognize that. All weather events are weather, and not just the cold ones.
Poor seb. Now that the Sun is having a snooze, AMO and PDO are turning down, there is NOTHING to drive any more of the slight but highly beneficial warming from ocean cycles that we have had since the LIA.
Pretty sure the he KNOWS that all climate indicators are starting to point down.
That is why we are seeing such attention-seeking DESPERATION from him.
Its getting more and more hilarious by the post… and he doesn’t even realise it 🙂
Please keep going seb,
You can’t escape anyway 😉
And really, what a JUVENILE attempt at distraction from the fact that France and Germany have increased their import of USA coal.
Can’t you FACE FACTS, seb??
Hope your fossil fuel heating holds out over the next while, seb.
Wouldn’t want to the freeze, from “global” warming , would we. 😉
As you are WELL AWARE, even your insignificant and pathetic existence is TOTALLY RELIANT on those fossil fuels supplying RELIABLE electricity.
Evidence of warm weather is not evidence of a CO2 cause, or any other cause. Likewise, with cold weather.
I can say, from local experience, cold weather causes an increase in CO2. A lot of local heat is produced from Propane and wood.
Those that did not get enough wood last fall for our prolonged cold spell have been using their (gasoline) chainsaws more than usual. Some folks still hand-split the wood, so it warms them 3 or 4 times as it goes from standing tree to the wood stove.
Gees, I remember when I was living just east of Canberra, minus something degrees C.. and the missus mentioned there was no wood next to the heater.
Splitting wood at below freezing is not my idea of fun!
Gees I’m glad I moved to somewhere WARM. 🙂
Rarely gets down to 5 or 6 Celcius in mid winter here.
Cold is NOT !!
Same here in Britain.
I moved further South (on the advice of relatives) as usual winter temperatures were around 2-3°C and rarely got below that.
Of course when I look up the local records I noted the 1960s-1970s cold spells but I noticed the more recent ones.
From the local records of snow in the area —
December to February 1963, 2 months
February 1965, 10days
January 1966, 3 days.
February 1978, 4 days
2010, 4 days
2013, 1 day
2016, 1 day
And now it is probable I’ll have to add this year to the list.
Yes I understand this is just local weather but then again climate is only local too.