Day Off

I’ve decided to take the day off from blogging today (April 29)ย on account it’s my birthday.

Kenneth will be posting tomorrow and I’ll be back on Tuesday.

Have a nice Sunday everyone!

49 responses to “Day Off”

  1. AndyG55

    Happy Birthday , P ! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. richard verney

    Have a happy Birthday

  3. Georg Thomas

    Herzlichen Glรผckwunsch zum Geburtstag!

  4. Mike

    Good idea!

    I don’t know how you find the time to do all you do for this site anyway.

    Enjoy your birthday.

  5. stephen

    Happy Birthday Pierre!

  6. Ozonebust

    A great website, I like the way you approach various subject’s.
    Happy birthday

  7. RAH

    Happy Birthday! And thanks so much for what you do.

  8. Henning Nielsen

    Happy birthday, many happy returns and a huge thank you for your great work! It is appreciated.

  9. Lars P.

    Your last post on solar activity has been posted on WUWT here:

    Happy Birthday!

  10. SebastianH

    Happy Birthday ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Yonason (from a friend's comp)



  12. Philip

    Happy Birthday, God Bless and many more!

  13. Penelope
  14. Curious George
  15. Graeme No.3

    Happy birthday Pierre with many more to come.

  16. toorightmate

    Happy 21st.

  17. scott

    Happy Birthday Pierre, hope you have a ripper day.

  18. 'Don from OZ

    Happy birthday from me (in Australia) It is actually Monday morning here. I support every thank you and every comment made.
    You’re a good man on the other side of the world.

  19. Bob in Castlemaine

    Happy birthday Pierre.
    A well deserved break, although one day off seems scarcely adequate.
    Thanks for the magnificent work you do.

  20. MJSnyder

    From one ole geezer to another one – have a great birthday. Careful though…all those candles emit “carbon” and CO2.

  21. John Brown

    Happy Birthday too.

  22. Rob

    Happy Birthday Pierre!

    Youre doing a great job with your blog!

  23. Annie

    Happy Birthday! All strength to your efforts on this blog. ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Freddie Stoller

    Sorry, I am to late, but better late than never, happy birthday and all the best for you!!

    Regards from the Swiss mountains, Fred

  25. Walter Horsting

    Happy Birthday…

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