By Kirye
Correction: 7 of 9 stations show no warming (not 8 of 9).
April data have been coming in, and they show that warming has been missing at many sub-Arctic stations over the past decades.
Canada cooling
Looking at 9 stations in Canada, where data from the Japan Meteorology Agency (JMA) are mostly complete, we see that the month of April hasn’t warmed at all despite all the hollering about a “climate warming crisis”.
Data source: JMA
In reality, the data show for April temperatures at 7 out of 9 Canada stations have been declining over the past 30-plus years!
Sweden no April warming in 2 decades
Next we look at data from 6 stations in the Nordic country of Sweden:
Data: JMA.
In Sweden, using stations with good data availability, we see that as a whole there has been no real April warming trend over the past 2 decades.
Irish spring is cooling
The same is true for the North Atlantic island of Ireland:
Data source: JMA
In fact, 5 of the 7 stations examined in Ireland have seen April cooling since 1993, a time when all the global warming hype was just getting started in earnest.
No warming at Antarctic station in 50 years
Finally. we move to the other end of the globe, Antarctica, and look at a plot of the annual data from the Japanese Showa research station:
Data source: JMA.
In an alleged time of “rapid warming”, nothing of the sort is actually happening. The Showa station, founded in 1957, in fact shows there hasn’t been any warming there in 50 years!
Thank-you Kirye,
Yet again you show real world temperatures are a country mile from the modeled nonsense propagandized and reiterated by the thoughtless minions of catastrophic climate change. Indeed this is yet another region that does not show any ‘catastrophic’ temperature change.
No doubt the doom and gloom prognosticators will vilify you and your analysis but they are like that, they can not question your message so will attack the person.
Oh really?
Ireland: (click on “Climate Change and the Long Term Average”)
Showa-Station in Antarctica:
no surprise here, it’s not located where the majority of the warming takes place …
The Kyre posts are cherry picked temperature graphs. Just like you imagine in another articles comment section that there is a cooling blip, these graphs are designed to facilitate the imagination of those who want to believe that there is no warming happening. If anything qualifies as propaganda, then it’s this behaviour.
No reason to vilify anyone over this. We all know what so called climate skeptics do. There is no real message here. Now begin the attack an my person as a proper reply of a climate skeptic 😉
“Oh really?”
Yes really but you’ll never notice as you prejudice get in the way, just as it has on any of the reports listed here
Nice try, but the data is based on adjusted actual data
[…] No Tricks Zone – Japan Antarctic Research Station Shows No Warming In 50 Years! Also: Northern… […]
The dogma of the UN-IPCC/UNFCCC/UNEP cult of climatism was the settled politics of the scientivists and their funders, the pecksniffian politicians.
Climatism always was the leading Trojan horse of globalism.
De-industrialisation, de-population, destitution and despair are hardly sustainable.
It’s all unravelling nicely around them now.
Brace yourselves; time for the next scam.
The above document in relation to both Ireland and the Global content has been found by many people to be very informative and indeed for the majority of them, a complete eyeopener as to the extent of the hype and hysteria we are now in.
In my station just south of Calgary Alberta, I have now 30 years of data. (I record temps/precip. for Environment Canada.)….
my station shows a -.5C decline in 30 years.
for the month of April.
[…] En artikkel som lister opp værlaget på flere kontinenter, inklusiv Canada, her […]