What follows today is really quite cool, and highly encouraging in a country known for lockstep thought.
Over the past months we’ve seen great media hype in Germany surrounding climate alarmist youngsters like Greta, FFF and more recently Rezo, who have played major roles in stirring up a lot of climate hysteria, all aided and abetted by the established media.
But apparently in Germany there are a few young, hip persons pushing back on all the climate hype and hysteria with their own videos, which have since gone viral.
“Join the Skeptical Movement”
The latest video comes from young German teen Naomi Seibt, who has decided to think for herself and check what’s really behind the climate “science” and hysteria.
Since she uploaded what she calls her “most elaborate project to date” on July 1st, her video — dubbed “Climate change – All hot air? — has been viewed more than 75,000 times and gotten over 8000 thumbs up.
YouTube takes Naomi down – temporarily
She writes at YouTube: “If you want to join the skeptical movement, please share this video.”
In her video Naomi explains how many large factors are at play in the climate system, how the UN IPCC is playing it loose with the facts and that politicians are attempting to use the issue to gain control over every aspect of our individual lives. The 18-year demonstrates an impressive knowledge on the subject, rarely seen among today’s youth.
Naomi’s success apparently has taken the climate activists by surprise and caused them to panic. Die kalte Sonne here reports how YouTube actually took down her video, before reinstating it.
JasonHD: “Manipulations and untruths”
Another spectacularly successful climate hysteria skeptical video was recently produced by German JasonHD on May 24th. In it he takes down climate alarmist and leftist political agitator Rezo (mentioned above) point by point.
JasonHD dismantles the “manipulations and untruths concerning climate change”.
So far JasonHD’s thoughtful video has racked up 190,000 views.
Rapper: “Climate Change – Climate Lies, Climate Swindle”
One of the earlier pioneers of German youth climate-hysteria pushback is Austrian rapper Kilez More, who already in 2011 uploaded his rap song “Climate Change – Climate Lies, Climate Swindle” song on YouTube.
As of today it’s been viewed some 209,000 times.
We need to get these young leaders at the climate conferences in place of the usual old, crusty figures. They’re well connected and are reaching their generation.
I like this!
YES!!! Thank you so much, Pierre. for all that you have done to help make this happen!
BobW, you are so right. Pierre and Kenneth are making a most admirable contribution to the return of Aufklärung (enlightenment) to Germany.
Funny that these youths rely on rational analysis for their argument versus “Greta can see CO2″on the other side.Very refreshing and encouraging.
“All hot air”
I would have translated it as ”Nothing but hot air,” which I think is a bit stronger and perhaps closer to the original intent?
Gives one the impression that there just might be hope for tomorrow.
Amazing that kids that age are critical thinkers. Gives me hope for the future. Best wishes for them!
It’s great to encourage young people to be critical thinkers. If they are concerned about a climate emergency then I would like to see them also be critical of their own lifestyles as well as those of others. In the UK the average home generates around 3,700 kg of carbon emissions (CO2 equivalent) annually on electricity use and space heating (mainly gas). I would ask young people how they (and their parents) are going to reduce this themselves, by improving the energy performance of their own home. It’s something that can be done without asking governments to take actions. The technologies are there, better home insulation being a key one, if families are prepared to act.
See data at https://great-home.co.uk/average-energy-consumption-calculator/
@Jon Davies
CO2 is not a pollutant, nor does it measurably affect temperature. These kids don’t have to spy on and pester their parents to minimize CO2, because CO2 isn’t the problem. As much as the “renewable” energy fiasco is driving up energy prices, I have no doubt that their parents will be trying to minimize power usage to save money.
If you have kids, I hope they pester you about how VERY toxic your solar panels are. (info on toxiciy courtesy of tomOmason)
Now THAT’S pollution.
And don’t forget they are also costly and inefficient.
Why are you explaining to me that CO2 is not a pollutant? Who has said that it is? Where do I state that solar panels are part of the solution? My point was about energy use reduction / not energy generation. It’s almost as if you have cut and paste your comment to me without reading my actual comment.
Oh, please, Jon!
If you didn’t mean that CO2 is causing the “climate emergency,” then what did you mean?
That’s why coal and oil is demonized, and the wind and solar scam was concocted.
OK, then what did you mean by….
“climate emergency”
And why do you want kids to be obsessed with pestering their parents because… “In the UK the average home generates around 3,700 kg of carbon emissions (CO2 equivalent) annually on electricity use and space heating (mainly gas). I would ask young people how they (and their parents) are going to reduce this themselves,”
If you aren’t connecting “climate emergency” to the CO2 you want kids to think has to be reduced, then what exactly are you doing?
“My point was about energy use reduction / not energy generation.”
Why? The only point of reducing energy use is to save money, NOT to reduce CO2, as you want kids to think is what is important.
Do you know the definition of “disingenuous?” You should. It’s you to a tee.
You aren’t related to SebastianH, are you?
And another thing…
“Why are you explaining to me that CO2 is not a pollutant? Who has said that it is?”
Just because you didn’t say it is, doesn’t mean I can’t say it isn’t. And if you actually read what I wrote, you’ll see that I nowhere alleged that you claimed that it was.
I introduced that as a contrast to the highly toxic solar panels you are advising people to purchase (presumably to reduce dangerous CO2 emissions, because it certainly isn’t economical).
I wasn’t “explaining” that CO2 isn’t toxic. It was an assertion of fact, as are the statements that there is no measure of the effect of CO2 on temperature (let alone climate), and that there is no “climate emergency.”
[Yes, I know you also didn’t explicitly say there was a “climate emergency” either, did you? You merely wrote “If they are concerned about a climate emergency…”. I.e., if they are fearful of the harm others have told them they are causing… you’ll be happy to advise them on how they can assuage their guilt, and to give them a false sense of security. And if they don’t feel guilty enough, get their kids to help, eh. They won’t save any money, but they’ll feel better about themselves for a while.]
It may help your consulting business to instill and then play on the guilt and fear in potential customers, but it isn’t honest, Jon.
You have made me smile. If only you read what people write rather than comment on views they don’t have. And then you accuse people of being dishonest. Maybe need to look in the mirror.
If you read things you may understand that….I tell people not to buy solar panels or batteries as they are not a good investment…..that building decent buildings which are well insulated and use little energy costs less in the long run and are more pleasant to live in than poorly constructed buildings that are draughty…and are a smarter way of making savings than being sold solar panels and battery storage by a salesperson on commission. Maybe you will learn about the benefits of the PassivHaus standard as well (no renewables in any of that by the way).
Little point in having a dialogue unless you are going to read first though.
@Jon Davies
“If only you read what people write rather than comment on views they don’t have.”
I did read it. And now I’ve read it several times, and after reading your responses to my comments, have come to the conclusion that it is just a commercial for your services. You don’t really say anything about climate, or critical thinking. What you wrote appears to just be slickly worded salesperson-speak to entice those who “are prepared to act” to call you for your advice. I repeat, it’s an ad.
Not saying that’s a “bad” thing. Depends how honest you are in your dealings with your customers.
Yeah, OK, I have to concede that I did over react somewhat. But as “allergic” as I am to salesperson-speak (you might say I’m “triggered” by it), I’m not surprised by my response. Something I need to work on, not to stop reacting strongly, just more sensibly.
Jon Davies Somehow you have managed to completely miss the point. Several years ago Denis Rancourt encouraged one of his classes to explore the ‘climate emergency’ for themselves. Their conclusion was less timid than the usual polite decrying of lying. http://activistteacher.blogspot.com/2011/03/on-gargantuan-lie-of-climate-change.html
@John Farnham
Thanks. Interesting article with some very good points.
From the article:
That’s not emphasized enough, IMO.
One of the comments:
Yup. Robbing the poor on behalf of the rich is what this scam is all about.
3 links posted by AndyG55 a while back on the scam of photovoltaics, how little things like sand, snow and hail…
And then there the matter of how solar compares to other forms of energy generation (one of the worst)
No. You miss my point; that if a young person concludes that there is a climate emergency then they should start with themselves and their lifestyle rather than campaign for others to change. That way they will experiment on themselves – rather than on others. Whether climate change exists or not is irrelevant to this point -its the actions they take when they believe it is true that interests me.