Bucking The ‘Warming’: Mid May ‘Ice Saints’ In Europe Have Intensified Since 1996!

Global warming should mean that the period of May 11-15 – known as the Ice Saints in Europe – when late spring frosts often occur, would become less frosty over the years. But the opposite has been the case since 1995.

Why have the Ice Saints gotten colder over the past 25 years?

By Die kalte Sonne
Authored by Josef Kowatsch
(Translated and edited by P. Gosselin)

In Germany the five days from  the 11th to 15th May are the so-called Eisheilige (Ice Saints). Farmers used to understand “ice” simply as late spring frost, so these are days with frost.

Our question is how have the Ice Saints behaved at various locations across Germany the last 25 years?


Let’s start with Potsdam, the capital of Brandenburg. We take the last 25 years as the period under consideration:

Figure 1: The five Ice Saints days in the state capital Potsdam. They are getting much colder. 2020 was the low point of the last 25 May months. On three days there were night frosts.


At Bad Kreuznach in the Upper Rhine Valley we show a southern Germany station from from Palatinate, a warm sunny region. The DWD Germany National Weather Service weather station is located north, outside the town.

Figure 2: Bad Kreuznach in the Upper Rhine, the trend line of the present day is even slightly lower for the Ice Saints than in Potsdam.


The DWD weather station is located in the Klotzsche suburb, at the airport north of the Saxon state capital.

Figure 3: DWD station Dresden Klotzsche. Ice Saints in the present. The trendline is a little bit lower than Potsdam and the Ice Saints 2020 were among the coldest since 1997.


Goldbach near Bischofswerda in eastern Saxony, a small suburb with about 500 inhabitants.

Figure 4: The Ice Saints 2019 were clearly the coldest, source of data: Station manager Dietmar Pscheidt.


This DWD weather station is located in the Eifel region, near the Belgian border.

Figure 5: Even in the far west of Germany, the Ice Saints outside the cities have become significantly colder. The average of the five calendar Ice Saints days in 2020 was 4.77°C – the second lowest.


The DWD Station Netzstall is located near Nuremberg, well outside the city. The missing value of the year 2000 was interpolated using the neighboring stations at Nuremberg and Nuremberg-Roth.

Figure 6: The village near Nuremberg shows a falling trend line of the five Ice Saints days. 2020 was slightly colder than 2019 and this year was clearly the coldest in the last 25 years.

10 responses to “Bucking The ‘Warming’: Mid May ‘Ice Saints’ In Europe Have Intensified Since 1996!”

  1. Kurt in Switzerland

    … must’ve been the dreaded polar vortex (which nobody predicted back in the 1980s or the 1990s). But hey.

    1. Mick

      polar vortex was around in the 70s and blamed on global cooling

  2. John F. Hultquist

    I searched for “ice_saints may frost” and found lots, but not from the USA. Unlike “the January thaw” that has been folk lore ‘forever’ the concept of ice saints is new to me.
    We had frost at the beginning of May – central Washington State. Better now.

    The charts are interesting. Thanks.

    1. Richard Kraus

      I live in Kentucky. We had 2 bouts of freezing temps in May, 1 after typical “last frost” date – killed some of my veggie plants. Some trees producing 3rd set of leaves.

  3. RoHa

    They’ve got colder because of man-made CO2. Must be.

  4. Lasse

    Clear sky and the globe emit heat during night and gain during day:
    For Sweden at least.
    Less clouds as a result of less SO2 in the air.

    1. Mick

      So China and India reduced their SO2 emissions since the early 80s?
      I dont think so

  5. Gus

    It’s interesting. Where I live, which is in the American Midwest, roughly half-way between Lake Superior and the Gulf of Mexico, we do get frost occasionally in early April. This year, however, we had frost in mid-May which affected trees and bushes, unused to it. Also, there was extremely cold weather in mid-November. Temperatures dropped to below *minus* 20C and this killed a lot of plants that weren’t ready for winter yet.

    All in all, however, there really hasn’t been any manifestation of the alleged “global warming” or “climate change” over here. If anything, the average temperature in the “contiguous-48” has dropped a little, especially in the Midwest, over the past century. Sporadic cold or hot weather, tornadoes, droughts, it’s all normal and nothing out of the usual, neither in frequency or intensity.

    “Climate change” is baloney. According to the latest Gallup Poll only 2% of Americans are concerned about it. COVID-19 has been a rude awakening from this drug induced dream of wealthy, privileged kids.

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