Scientists Continue To Affirm Rising Incoming Solar Radiation Drives Recent Warming In Europe

Two new studies refer to the natural decline in cloud and aerosol reflectivity and consequent rise in incoming solar radiation or sunlight duration as the explanation for warming trends across Europe. CO2 is not even mentioned as a factor in climate change.

Scientists point out that, for Europe, “the decrease in cloud cover is caused by the predominance of high-pressure systems in the last two decades of the 20th century and in the second decade of the 21st century” (Bartoszek et al., 2021).

Because there is less solar radiation reflected to space by clouds (and sulphate aerosols), Europe has experienced an increase of “1.9 and 2.4 Wm−²” per decade−¹ in incoming solar radiation (S) and shortwave radiation imbalance (S*), respectively, from 1983-2015 (Kejna et al., 2021).

Image Source: Bartoszek et al., 2021

Image Source: Kejna et al., 2021

These 2-3 Wm−² per decade−¹ rising trends in surface solar radiation have been observed not just in Europe, but throughout much of the world (Posselt et al., 2014, Pinker et al., 2005, Swift, 2018).

Image Source: Posselt et al., 2014

Image Source: Pinker et al., 2005

Image Source: Swift, 2018

When compared to the scant 0.2 Wm−²” per decade−¹ surface forcing associated with a 22 ppm rise in CO2 (Feldman et al., 2015), it becomes more and more evident that driving force in recent global warming has been the increase in shortwave forcing due to the declining trends in cloud and aerosol reflectivity.

11 responses to “Scientists Continue To Affirm Rising Incoming Solar Radiation Drives Recent Warming In Europe”

  1. John Hultquist

    Cleaning the air began in earnest (in the USA) after the 1948 Donora smog – an episode not too far from my childhood region. (about 60 miles). Even in the 1960s we could note the air pollution when approaching a large city – needed to be able to see from 20 to 30 miles away. Much better now.

    The “Great Smog of London” (1952) was, likewise, a wake-up call.
    I haven’t seen a summary of for other European cities, but suspect someone has compiled information.

  2. The Indomitable Snowman, Ph.D.

    It’s interesting to ponder that. Back in the 1970s, the “cooling scare” basically had two suggested bases.

    One was that the present interglacial had simply already exceeded the expected length, and so a cooling (into the next ice age) was already overdue and thus could be imminent.

    The other was that industrial society was emitting so much particulate matter that this might be enough (by attenuating solar insolation) to cause a cooling – and maybe even a runaway into another ice age. This was compared to the coolings that occurred after major volcanic eruptions – and was even called at the time “The Human Volcano.”

    Both of those featured prominently in a 1970s documentary on climate, “The Weather Machine,” about which Pierre wrote a piece two or three years ago. Maybe he has the old links to the video (two hours, broken up into four video links/files).

    1. P Gosselin
  3. Archie1954

    Is the atmosphere expanding because of solar radiation? If so could it be the reason behind the strange sounds and possible sky quakes that the World seems to be experiencing?

    1. The Atmosphere Guy

      The atmosphere at present, indeed over the last few years, has been cooling and contracting. Useful side effect is that satellites need less boosting to keep them in orbit and this is an interesting confirmation of what is happening. As far as climate goes, contraction pulls the whole atmospheric structure back towards the equator – for any particular season.
      A discussion here :
      you may find interesting. Feel free to comment as you wish.

  4. Record Snow Predicted For Mid-March – Record February Cold In The US – Volcanic Uptick – Iceland – Newsfeed Hasslefree Allsort

    […] Scientists Continue To Affirm Rising Incoming Solar Radiation Drives Recent Warming In Europe […]

  5. Lasse

    Thought so!
    Solar brightening comes at the same period as SO2 is banned.
    Remember the sulfor rain that caused some concern as it change the groundwater quality. Since then clean air act has reduced the SO2 buy 90%.
    Lets hope the eruptions will be as low as today.
    This is a Swedish graph showing the development of “The solar project”
    More sun to us-We can cope with the heat!!/image/allsack_1983-lastyear.jpg_gen/derivatives/Original_1256px/image/allsack_1983-lastyear.jpg

  6. Harry Dale Huffman

    Supposed (!) variations in planetary albedo, just like CO2, have no effect on GMST (global mean surface temperature). See my 2010 Venus/Earth temperatures comparison (n.b., Venus has 2400 times the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide as Earth, and 70% albedo, compared to Earth’s 30%…with no effect on the atmospheric temperatures, throughout the troposphere) — that comparison remains the definitive correction to ALL of the “climate science” of any and all “experts”.

    These scientists are just wasting their time, and the world’s.

  7. Chaleur urbaine et température globale | Science, climat et énergie

    […] Ajout du 13 mars 2021 : Deux nouvelles études font référence au déclin naturel de la réflectivité des nuages et des aérosols et à l’augmentation conséquente du rayonnement solaire entrant ou de la durée d’insolation comme explication des tendances au réchauffement en Europe. Le CO2 n’est même pas mentionné comme facteur de changement climatique. Lire ici. […]

  8. Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #446 – Watts Up With That?

    […] Scientists Continue To Affirm Rising Incoming Solar Radiation Drives Recent Warming In Europe […]

  9. Variationer i solstrålning - Klimatupplysningen

    […] Scientists Continue To Affirm Rising Incoming Solar Radiation Drives Recent Warming In Europe […]

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