Fake Hurricane News Exposed: Average Day Of First Hurricane Formation “Contrary To Media Reports”

Lazy, uncritical media again fail to adequately examine data to produce misleading “news”

Tropical storm expert Dr. Ryan Maue analyzed data on whether or not climate change was leading the first named hurricane occurring to be earlier and earlier each year, thus meaning a longer hurricane season, as the media have recently claimed.

Media falsehoods exposed again

Maue wrote: “Turns out contrary to media reports today, the average first day of hurricane formation has become LATER on average almost 12-days comparing 1950-1970 to 2000-2020.”

At Twitter Dr. Maue posted the following chart going back to 1950:

Chart: Dr. Ryan Maue

As the chart shows, the first named hurricane has in fact been tending to occur a bit later, and not earlier. Rather than tending to start in July as they did in the 1950s, today they are tending to start in early August.

Media trick of starting at 1980

Relying on results produced by the trick of starting in 1980, the media reported an earlier and earlier start date, Maue points out.

Chart: Dr. Ryan Maue

We know that CO2 emissions rose from 1950 to 1990, and so applying alarmist CO2 theory, the first named hurricane would be expected to occur earlier and earlier in the year. But instead it trended to start later and later during the 1950 to 1990 period, meaning it has little or nothing to do with CO2.

“Artificially inflated”

Overall Maue called the “fixation on ‘named storms’ and lengthening the season” a “waste of time.” He notes that the data for the first hurricane is “highly variable data” and that there has been “no significant trend — 2 days down over past 20-years.”

He sums up: “The whole ‘named storms’ trends is artificially inflated w/o a meaningful connection to climate change.”

Washington Post’s earlier “massive error”

This reminds us of how last year the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post published another alarmism-fraught article on how there supposedly was a “slower decay of landfalling hurricanes in a warming world.” Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. responded saying that there was a “massive error” in the Nature paper, which the Washington Post had uncritically cited.

“Says it shows hurricanes decaying slower over land post-landfall (more damaging). But they forgot to remove storms that landfall & then go back over the ocean,” Pielke tweeted.

5 responses to “Fake Hurricane News Exposed: Average Day Of First Hurricane Formation “Contrary To Media Reports””

  1. tom0mason

    The whole idea of named storms is to prime the intended victims (most of the public) into thinking and remembering particular name storms, and how it affected them (or not).
    No such naming convention happens for very cold winters thus they are easily forgotten, except when such winters have features that are out of the ordinary run of winters.

    Maybe we should have named extreme normality periods so that people appreciate that the weather is often quite ordinary and seasonal most-times.

  2. Fake Hurricane News Exposed: Average Day Of First Hurricane Formation “Contrary To Media Reports” – Watts Up With That?

    […] Reposted from the NoTricksZone […]

  3. Fake Hurricane News Exposed: Average Day Of First Hurricane Formation “Contrary To Media Reports” – TECH LIFE

    […] Reposted from the NoTricksZone […]

  4. Yonason

    The following quote can be found at the indicated link, curtesy of EdBo…

    ”The basic radiation-transfer physics outlined in this paper gives no support to the idea that greenhouse gases like methane, CH4, carbon dioxide, CO2 or nitrous oxide, N2O are contributing to a climate crisis.”

    I repeat, there is no support for fear of CO2 or Methane, etc., contributing to a climate crisis.

    Sent from my iPhone

    1. Yonason

      BUT, while there’s no crisis, the warmunistas are probably going to use any bad weather to claim that there is. And this year they may have some, if Joe is correct in his forecast for the upcoming summer.

      So brace yourselves; grit your teeth, roll your eyes, try to stay calm and keep reeding what Pierre and Kenneth provide to help us stay focused.

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