Climate Sensitivity

New Study Finds No Evidence Of A CO2-Driven Warming Signal In 60 Years Of IR Flux Data

New Study Finds No Evidence Of A CO2-Driven Warming Signal In 60 Years Of IR Flux Data

“The real atmosphere does not follow the GHG [greenhouse gas] GE [greenhouse effect] hypothesis of the IPCC.” – Miskolczi, 2023 CO2 increased from 310 ppm to 385 ppm (24%) during the 60 years from 1948 to 2008. Observations indicate this led to a negative radiative imbalance of -0.75 W/m². In other words, increasing CO2 delivered […]

More Research Affirms The Human Role In Global Warming Has Been Strongly Overestimated

More Research Affirms The Human Role In Global Warming Has Been Strongly Overestimated

AGW proponents use subjective forcing models and unmeasured estimates of past solar activity to claim humans drive warming. A scientist’s (Larminat, 2023) reassessment finds the Sun can drive climate, equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS, 2xCO2 + feedbacks) is 1.14°C, and human forcing is overestimated. Because there have been no direct measurements of solar activity until the […]

New Study Finds The Post-1900 CO2 Rise Has Not Discernibly Altered The Greenhouse Effect

New Study Finds The Post-1900 CO2 Rise Has Not Discernibly Altered The Greenhouse Effect

Variations in the greenhouse effect are predominantly modulated by water vapor and cloud cover. CO2’s role in the greenhouse effect is so minor it cannot be discerned. For decades scientists have reported that a CO2 concentration of about 300 ppm can only increase the downwelling longwave radiation (DLWR), or greenhouse effect, by about 1.5 W/m² […]

97,404 Direct CO2 Measurements From 1826-2008 Indicate Humans Do Not Drive CO2 Change

97,404 Direct CO2 Measurements From 1826-2008 Indicate Humans Do Not Drive CO2 Change

Per a new study, atmospheric CO2 levels rose to 383 ppm in the 1940s mostly as a consequence of soil respiration processes and sea surface temperature warming. Any anthropogenic contribution to this CO2 peak “can be largely excluded.” When assessing the historical atmospheric CO2 concentration, direct measurements of chemically analyzed air samples are at least […]

More Real-World Evidence Indicates 'Trace Gases Such As CO2 Don't Have Any Influence…On Climate'

More Real-World Evidence Indicates ‘Trace Gases Such As CO2 Don’t Have Any Influence…On Climate’

Non-greenhouse gases like O2 and N2 (air) absorb radiation “almost to the same degree” as CO2 does in outdoor experiments, which is “proof that the greenhouse theory cannot be true.”  – Allmendinger, 2023 A principal reason why CO2 is regarded as a special gas, the “control knob” of the globe’s surface temperature, is that it […]

New Study: 'Atmospheric CO2 Is Not The Cause Of Climate Change' ... The Next Glaciation Has Begun

New Study: ‘Atmospheric CO2 Is Not The Cause Of Climate Change’ … The Next Glaciation Has Begun

CO2 “only affects a small range of long-wave re-radiation from the surface of the Earth,” and there “seems to be no connection between carbon dioxide and the temperature of the Earth.” − Harris, 2023 New research published in the MDPI journal atmosphere by Dr. Stuart A. Harris asserts past and modern climate changes are natural […]

Lab Experiment Shows A 2500-Fold CO2 Increase Delivers Surface Cooling, Not Warming

Lab Experiment Shows A 2500-Fold CO2 Increase Delivers Surface Cooling, Not Warming

“In a modified experiment, where IR emission from the heating source is present, no heating but a slight cooling of a black object is found when air is replaced by CO2. The modified experimental situation is also more like the earth/atmosphere situation.”  – Seim and Olsen, 2023 Scientists Hermann Harde and Michael Schnell published a […]

Physicist: Physics Laws 'Neglected' In Climate Models...Doubled CO2 Leads To 0.6°C Warming

Physicist: Physics Laws ‘Neglected’ In Climate Models…Doubled CO2 Leads To 0.6°C Warming

“Climatological models…pretend on a long-term description of the atmosphere…ignoring physical laws in climatology.” – Smirnov, 2022 “[T]he Kirchoff law is neglected in climatological models. This leads to a large mistake in prediction of the global temperature change.” “[D]oubling the concentration of atmospheric CO2 molecules leads to the following change of the global temperature T = […]

Climate Expert: Climate Change Is Not To Blame For Everything

Politicians have gotten in the bad habit of blaming everything on climate change “to shift responsibility away from themselves”. Expert: Climate change is not to blame for everything Hat-tip: Klimanachrichten here We have to wonder what attacks Friederike Otto will face from the social media. The climate attribution researcher is quoted in an article at […]

New Study: Neither Global Warming Or CO2 Radiative Forcing Were A Cause Of Past Mass Extinctions

New Study: Neither Global Warming Or CO2 Radiative Forcing Were A Cause Of Past Mass Extinctions

Over the last 210 million years [Myr], (a) CO2 falls as temperatures rise (negative correlation, r = -0.76), (b) mass extinctions occur 4.08 Myr after CO2 peaks, and (c) global warming/CO2 radiative forcing “did not cause extinction of biodiversity.” A new study has been published in Earth’s Future journal that supplements a 2017 analysis of […]

Scientists: Cosmic Ray-Cloud Connection Explains Million-Year Climate Changes Far Better Than CO2

Scientists: Cosmic Ray-Cloud Connection Explains Million-Year Climate Changes Far Better Than CO2

Per a new study, million-year variations in cosmic rays (CR) modulating cloud cover, which, in turn, drives variations in incident solar radiation on short- and long-term timescales, is the dominant cause of million-year climate variations, explaining all 7 Ice Age epochs over the Phanerozoic. In contrast, declining CO2 and rising solar luminosity over the last […]

Europe's Climate Suffers From Lack Of Clouds And Rain...Not From A CO2 Increase

Europe’s Climate Suffers From Lack Of Clouds And Rain…Not From A CO2 Increase

The higher temperatures are clearly attributable to a reduction in cloud cover, not CO2 The DIY way to demystify “greenhouse gas” claims Rapidly rising temperatures and drought in parts of central Europe are caused by a long-term trend of receding cloud cover. Fewer clouds result in increased solar energy influx and reduced downpour. Both factors […]

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