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German State Court Orders Stefan Rahmstorf To Cease And Desist “Violating Journalist’s Personal Rights”

Bitter conflict with climate skeptics has moved to the newspapers and media. Earlier this year, German science review magazine WPK Quarterly published a report here on how one scientist dealt with a skeptic journalist, hat-tip here and here. It’s front page cover bears a full page photo of Stefan Rahmstorf along with the headline: Independent Scientist […]

Rahmstorf: Difference Between Vineyards In England And A Frozen Thames Is “A Few Tenths Of A Degree”

The online leftist Die Tageszeitung (TAZ) from Berlin has an essay by Stefan Rahmstorf, who attacks Dr Fritz Vahrenholt, head of RWE Innogy, for his comments in a December essay that casts doubt on man-made climate change appearing in the somwhat more conservative Die Welt from Hamburg.Interestingly, instead of appearing in the Science section, Rahmstorf’s rant appears in the Debate […]

Stefan Rahmstorf: Greenland Could Melt With Another 0.4°C Of Warming

The 5th Arctic Frontiers Conference in Tromsø, Norway recently took place with about 1000 scientists attending from all over the world (another big footprint). But except for a few fringe media outlets, no one listened. So I thought I’d lend these poor desperate alarmist scientists a favour and help them get their message out. This year’s […]

Rahmstorf Backpedals – Cold And Snow Not Due To Warming – Dumps Cold Water On Petoukhov And Semenov

At his wissenslogs blog, sister blog of Real Climate, Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research has a post attempting to find an explanation for Europe’s heavy snowfalls and cold from last month. Part of Rahmstorf’s problem is his habit of not asking to the right questions, which is a prerequisite for […]

Rahmstorf Sea Level trend compared to actual satellite

How Rahmstorf & Vermeer Grossly Exaggerated Sea Level Rise

Tom Moriarty at Climate Sanity has done a thorough analysis of Stefan Rahmstorf ‘s and Martin Vermeer’s PNAS 2009 paper Global Sea Level Linked To Temperature, hereinafter RV2009, which claimed sea levels would rise 1.8 m by 2100 due to rising temperature. Turns out they used awfully “brutal mathematical contortions” and bad assunptions to reach this […]

Proxies from all over the world confirm fluctuations on a global scale.

Stefan Rahmstorf, Michael Mann – Are They Climate Paranoid?

  Is paranoia contagious? It seems so in certain circles. Like fear, it begins with one, and then spreads like wildfire. Yesterday I wrote about Professor Stefan Rahmstorf’s hissing and fitting reaction to a piece written by EIKE, the humble sceptic organisation that had the audacity to bring up one of Rahmstorf’s old, yet embarrassing […]

Sea level rise is slowing. TOPEX U. of Colorado

Rahmstorf Retorts – Says Past Warmth Was “Northern Hemisphere”

We want to be fair, and so I’m obligated to inform readers that Professor Stefan Rahmstorf, has testily replied to EIKE’s report, which I wrote about just 2 days ago. Rahmstorf retorts at his website: Headlines From Absurdistan here. First, recall that Rahmstorf is that alarmist scientist who projects an oddball sea level rise of 1.4 meters […]

Rahmstorf/Schellnhuber Confirm No Anthropogenic Climate Change!

Rahmstorf/Schellnhuber Confirm No Anthropogenic Climate Change!

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it. – Omar Khayyám Scratch off the Potsdam Institute For Climate Impact Research from the alarmist list. No kidding! The European Institute For […]

Public interest in climate protection continues to drop in Germany

Public Interest In Climate Protection Wanes (Again!) in Germany – Rahmstorf Whines

Despite all the media über-hype about this year’s “weather extremes”, which are normal to begin with, and the upcoming Cancun Conference, the German index of public interest on climate protection fell yet again during the 3rd quarter of 2010, from 56 to 55, according to the co2online GmbH, a program set up by the German Ministry […]

Author Of New Paper: No AMOC Collapse..."Should Dissuade People From Climate Doomism"

Author Of New Paper: No AMOC Collapse…”Should Dissuade People From Climate Doomism”

The ice sheet and the Atlantic overturning circulation (AMOC): No Alarm AMOC. Source: Woods Hole By Frank Bosse We hear it over and again: the melting ice in Greenland due to warming will soon lead to a collapse of the AMOC, making it difficult for it to “restart”. The salt content in the north is […]

61 NoTricksZone Articles On Studies, Datasets From 2023 Show Climate Models Are Rubbish

61 NoTricksZone Articles On Studies, Datasets From 2023 Show Climate Models Are Rubbish

Most climate models are worse than garbage, a number of real measurements, peer-reviewed studies and data show. Their phony results are mainly used to spread fear.  Models put out hyper-exaggerated fiction. Image: PIK.  The outputs of model simulations often get confused by the media and public as real measurement results. But often they are generated […]

Again A Fuss About The AMOC. Reality: Future Scenarios Border On Adventurous Speculation

Again A Fuss About The AMOC. Reality: Future Scenarios Border On Adventurous Speculation

By Fritz Vahrenholt und Frank Bosse A look back at an article about the imminent “tipping point” of the Atlantic overturning circulation: At the end of July 2023 we had reported on an essay that thought to have identified the “tipping point” of the Atlantic overturning circulation (AMOC): Supposedly (most likely) it will be already […]

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