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Skeptic Papers 2019 (1)

Skeptic Papers 2019 (1)

A Warmer Past: Non-Hockey Stick Reconstructions Collins et al., 2019     Over the past 2300 yrs, SST values range between 14.3°C and 12.2°C (Fig. 4a), and hence most of the record is warmer than today. The earlier half of the record is relatively warm and stable and displays a gradual warming from 13.2°C at 2300 […]

Swiss Meteorologist Exposes Shocking Lack Of Fundamental Science Knowledge By Climate Scientists

Swiss Meteorologist Exposes Shocking Lack Of Fundamental Science Knowledge By Climate Scientists

Before people jump into a debate about weather with veteran Swiss meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann, they’d first better make sure that they really paid close attention at school and did their science homework. In an debate at Twitter, the high-profile, seasoned meteorologist inadvertently exposed a shocking lack of comprehension of fundamental physics by some of Germany’s […]

Potsdam Institute Caught Up In Contradiction: Says North Atlantic Cooling, Yet Blames May Snow On Warming!

Early May saw a surprise heavy snowfall across parts of central Europe and near record levels for that particular time of year up in the Alps. Such events do little to bolster public confidence in the claim the globe is warming. So leave it to the ultra-alarmist Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) to […]

Newest Climate Model Still Useless, German Scientist Says. And: Green Energy Turning Into An Ecological Disaster

One of the fathers of the German environmental movement, Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt, comments on models, Friday school strikes and the environmental destruction by green energies. =============================== Ladies and Gentlemen, New climate model is useless Over 80(!) authors, led by Jean Christophe Golaz of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, have recently developed a new climate model (produced […]

600 Non Warming Graphs (1)

600 Non Warming Graphs (1)

Zhou et al., 2021  South China Sea ~4°C warmer SST during the Middle Holocene…1994-2004 coldest temperatures of the last 6000 years Tarasov et al., 2021 (full paper)  Arctic Siberia was 3.5 to 5°C warmer than today during the peak of the last glacial (180 ppm CO2), providing year-round grass grazing for large herbivores Environments during […]

Vortices Of Controversy…Experts Slam Polar Vortex-Global Warming Claim, Suggest Public Trickery

Cold in the USA: That’s got to be climate change, right? By Die kalte Sonne (German text translated/edited in the English by P Gosselin) “Climate communicators” always have the same “right” interpretation for every weather event: It’s climate change! A warm, especially dry summer in Germany? Climate change! We reported on this just recently. Polar […]

Regional Models: 3-10°C Warming In The Next 80 Years. Observations: No Warming In The Last 40-100 Years.

Regional Models: 3-10°C Warming In The Next 80 Years. Observations: No Warming In The Last 40-100 Years.

There are large regions of the globe where observations indicate there has been no warming (even cooling) during the last decades to century. Climate models rooted in the assumption that fossil fuel emissions drive dangerous warming dismiss these modeling failures and project temperature increases of 3° – 10°C by 2100 for these same regions anyway. […]

U.S. Media Bans Scientific Dissent - Claim Wildfires, Floods, Droughts, Hurricanes Are Human-Controlled

U.S. Media Bans Scientific Dissent – Claim Wildfires, Floods, Droughts, Hurricanes Are Human-Controlled

NBC News’ Chuck Todd recently asserted that we humans can control the climate and the frequency or intensity of extreme weather events (hurricanes, floods, droughts) and disasters (wildfires) with our CO2 emissions. He has declared the science is “settled” on this point and therefore no “denier” is allowed on his Meet the Press program. But […]

Green Party Leader Tells National Audience: "Average German Emits 9 BILLION Tonnes Of CO2 Annually!

Green Party Leader Tells National Audience: “Average German Emits 9 BILLION Tonnes Of CO2 Annually!

German Green Party leader Annalena Baerbock appeared on German talk show Maybritt Illner  (30:59 mark) on December 13, 2018, where she confidently told before a national audience how the average German citizen emitted “9 BILLION tonnes of CO2 annually”. German Green Party leader Annalena Baerbock claims average German citizen emits 9 billion tonnes of CO2 annually. […]

View From German Scientists On The U Of Arizona’s Coming Release Of The Hockey Stick Chart E-Mails

A Piece Of Climate Science History: Hockey Stick Emails Soon To Be Published By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt (Text translated by P Gosselin) The hockey stick controversy over a temperature reconstruction of the past 2000 years represents an important stage in the climate debate. At around the turn of the millennium, the […]

Inconvenient!...Real Observed Data Demolish Alarmist Claims Of Strengthening, More Frequent Hurricanes

Inconvenient!…Real Observed Data Demolish Alarmist Claims Of Strengthening, More Frequent Hurricanes

Nowadays the usual suspects are busily peddling the idea that Hurricane Florence’s intensity is due to climate change. For example climate activist Stefan Rahmstorf of the alarmist Potsdam Institute blames Florence on global warming, telling the online Potsdamer Nachrichten (PNN) here: “In fact many of the strongest storms we have ever seen have occurred in […]

Science Nepotism Racket …Small, Closed Group Of Climate Scientists Caught Awarding Themselves Prizes And Money!

The latest in science scandals: a small, closed group of self-glorifying and like-minded climate scientists have been caught awarding each other prizes and money in a clear abuse of ethics. If there were a prize for science nepotism, this year it would have to go to: RealClimate, namely the following scientists: Stefan Rahmstorf Katharine Hayhoe Richard […]

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