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Itulah beberapa penjelasan mengenai akun pro situs BandarQQ. Meski penjelasan ini mencakup semua situs judi online yang ada. Hal terpenting yang harus kamu ingat ketika bermain judi online adalah dengan tidak serakah karena keserakahan bisa mengantarkanmu pada kerugian. Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat, ya.
Svensmark Vindicated:
Cosmic Rays linked to rapid mid latitude cloud changes.
Excellent stuff. Winter is such, as is the direction from where the air comes, period. What drives the changes in air circulation is another question, but since the frequency of NAO is similar to PDO/AMO, obviously oceans drive the air circulation.
There is also a noticeable agreement between NAO and CET winter temperatures.
Btw hot summer and cold winters is exactly what 1940ties were about in Europe. See the CET record. Looks like we can learn something, watching the previous period.
Pretty much buries CO2 as a regional climate driver, just as Dr Karsten Brandt has been saying (see previous posts).
“The winter 2010/2011 is set to be as cold and snowy as last year, as a slew of weather phenomena push cold air from the poles down over Sweden, experts predict.”
“Scientists have shown that a severe snowfall in North America and Northern Europe in the winter of 2009-10 was caused by a rare, once-in-a-century, collision of two weather systems.
They concluded the harsh winter and heavy snow was an example of hard to predict weather events, not a change in climate”
What Causes Changes In Oceanic Heat Content?
Posted on November 25, 2010 by stevengoddard
Clouds are the key variable. When the sun shines on the ocean at a low angle of incidence, SW radiation enters the water and heats it. When it is cloudy, less heat enters the water.
So a critical factor in predicting changes to ocean heat content is being able to forecast clouds. If you can’t model clouds accurately, you can’t forecast changes in ocean heat content. If you can’t forecast changes in ocean heat content, you can’t forecast changes in climate. Period.
Climate models don’t model clouds accurately.
Nice to read this although I am not happy with the cold that just arrived here in The Netherlands. Please, go on with contrasting the AGW predictions with the facts. I have read somewhere that the AGW people now try to predict very cold winters. We should not allow this immunization strategy. They predicted warm winters and snow would become a rare phenomenon. We will see.
Mene, Mene, Tekel, PIK!
Arctic sea ice thickness hindcast vs NAO.
Notice the estimated sea ice volume build from 1955 to 1969 when the NAO was strongly negative.
dejavu all over again.
[…] This post was inspired by the article Negative AO bringing cold winters back to Europe. […]
This was a very interesting article. Can someone please tell me why more scientists dont tell the general public more about these things and , about the serious erosion of the gulf stream in the past 2 years alone. Polish scientists are predicting we are to have the coldest winter in 1000 years. Here in Scotland we have just had 2 ft of snow at low levels and temperatures down to minus 20 degrees in November!!!!.This has not happened since 1919!Temperature records are being broken. Most people do not get the point. The Climate is shifting dramatically and quickly. I think it is time to wake up and warn the people to get better prepared for more severe winters in the northern and southern hemipheres. By the way in doing thorough research, the Southern Hemiphere also just had their worst winters on record from Australia to South Africa to South America. There is a definite shifting in the climate towards more extreme weather, and in some places hotter summers and also much colder winters. With the Gulf Stream being eroded, this is also playing a major part in changing the winters in Europe. Why do so many put out so much mis-informatioin about the weather and not tell the obvious Truth?
Read you, and agree with some of it 🙂
Yep, we’re in a negative NAO, and we are surprised. But before when we were in a positive NAO we hadn’t the explanation for why that stayed so long either 🙂
With a changed warmed climate comes higher humidities, spread by winds all over the globe, also changed water temperatures etc. It’s likely that a lot of new strange effects will be seen ‘locally’ over the closest decades. But amongst them a colder mean worldwide temperature is incredibly unlikely I would say 🙂
To me it speaks of a non-linear system starting to ‘wobble’.
And the likelihood of it tipping into a new climate is ??
But, good luck proving your hypothesis.
I wouldn’t mind.