Harvard German Conference: Germany Attempting To Hawk Its Catastrophic Energy Strategy To The USA

Anyone wondering what some US leaders envision for the USA’s energy policy may wish to attend the following Harvard German Conference to find out.

The energy part of the conference is taking place this weekend, Saturday morning, February 18, 2012:

9:30 – 10:30: Energy – Keynote Jeremy Rifkin.
The Third Industrial Revolution: The New German Model for a Post-Carbon Economy, Radcliffe Yard

10:30 – 10:50: Coffee Break, Radcliffe Yard

10:50 – 11:15: Energy Address, Dr. Hermann Ott (MdB German Green Party), Radcliffe Yard

11:15 – 12:40: Energy – Panel and Q&A:
Full throttle towards green energy – Germany visionary or misguided?
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kluge, Dr. Hermann Ott, Benjamin Schlesinger, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Eicke Weber, Radcliffe Yard

And if you’re interested in finding out how the “new German model” is coming along, read about it here – it aint pretty! In fact, the power grid came only a whisker away from a collapse during the recent cold spell. And many German companies are relocating to places where supply is more reliable.

But who cares about these nuances – it’s the way the USA should go these misguided pointy heads tell us. I’ll let the German readers here tell you who these German masterminds are.


The above report is a must read if you are involved in energy engineering, planning or policy!

If you do, you’ll never want to touch the German strategy. In fact, according to experts from 21 of the World Energy Council’s country committees:

81% of the countries surveyed reject the German way as a model for the world, and none of the experts could imagine their own countries following the German way.”

I’ve read the entire 28-page report, and it sounds worse than Soviet-style central planning. If anyone happens to be near Harvard, go check out the conference.

So far in Germany, the current attempt to switch over to renewable energy has only succeeded in:
1) driving up electricty and energy rates for consumers,
2) making the power supply unreliable,
3. littering the landscape with windparks and solar panels,
4. driving up the price of food,
5. driving industry out of country,
6. regulating private lives more and more intensely, and
7. putting billions into the pockets of a few opportunists and carbon traders.

6 responses to “Harvard German Conference: Germany Attempting To Hawk Its Catastrophic Energy Strategy To The USA”

  1. Peter Hartmann


    you’re the native speaker, but don’t you mean “hawk” (not hock) in the title?

    do you still have my email blocked? if so, could you please unblock it?


  2. Ulrich Elkmann

    “Keynote – Jeremy Rifkin”.
    What else do you need to know?

  3. DirkH

    Rifkin? Run for cover.

  4. DirkH

    “Euro Crisis – Keynote Peer Steinbrück (Former Minister of Finance):
    German responsibility in the Euro Crisis Radcliffe Yard
    2:00 – 3:20 Euro Crisis – Panel and Q&A:
    Leading from behind or lagging behind – The German role in the euro crisis
    Prof. Dr. Clemens Fuest, Dani Rodrik, Ph.D., Peer Steinbrück ”

    Well letssee, Steinbrueck is the SPD (social democrat) guy who used to be finance minister in the great coalition with the CDU so what’s his position towards the Euro crisis. Let’s bing…
    LONG interview in English:


    He says:
    -Full guarantees for all European national debts by the EU
    -Transfer Union.

    Run for cover if you still have an economy. The guy is a walking default.

  5. archaeopteryx

    I love your titlte.

    A little casual internet search will show that Enron was a big fan of Kyoto, and that a Very Large European Company (which shall go unnamed lest there is a server crash) , which had decent ties with the Democrats, (who promoted public transport and other Green Schmreen projects) was in touch, or had used Enron to approach Republicans.

    This bit of trivia from a bankrupt corner were polticians are rumored to be habitually “approached” and are 2/3-3/4 AGW Greens.

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