Germany’s No. 1 Daily – Bild – Puts Focus On, Slams Climate-Cash-Making Gore – 11,000% Wealth Increase!

No. 1, multi-million circulation national daily Bild here has an unflattering piece about Al Gore and his newly found mega-riches titled: “Al Gore earned 75 million euros – in one month!”

So profitable can the global warming scam be! Never mind that there hasn’t been a bit of warming in 15 years.

The Bild piece starts with:

Rich, richer, Gore! The former vice president of the USA, Albert ‘Al’ Gore, alone in January earned 75 million euros. Now he has an estimated wealth of 153 million euros (200 million dollars)!

[…] That’s an increase in wealth of 11,000%!”

Much of this comes from spreading fear over global warming (which, again, hasn’t happened in 15 years). The more fear that Gore spreads, the more his investments in green energy and “climate-protection” technologies and activities pay off.

Bild also informs readers that Gore earned huge amounts from sales of shares of Apple and Current Network TV.

This was sold in January for 382 million euros to ‘Al-Jazeera,’ a TV network in Qatar. An estimated 70 million euros found their way into Gore’s bank account. The politician is a stakeholder in various companies and investment funds. Among other things, he’s a co-founder of ‘Generation Investment Management’, which made a profit from 2008 to 2010 of 166 million euros.”

Not too shabby.

Gee, suddenly where are all the anti-capitalist, anti-speculation greens? Bild also tells its readers of another source of income:

Because of his popularity, Gore receives a fee from industry associations, symposiums, and other events of up to 130,000 euros – per speech!”

So what on Earth could Gore be possibly doing with all that climate-cash? Bild tells us:

With his millions, Gore bought a 20-room mansion in Nashville/Tennessee and a luxury beach house in Montecito, California. So nice losing can be: Had Al Gore won the US presidential election election in 2000 against George W. Bush, he would have earned ‘only’ 306,000 euros per year.”

Most Germans have a strong aversion to wealth of this sort. An unflattering piece for Al Gore. Bad publicity to say the least.

Hat-tip: Meteorologist Dr. Wolfgang Thüne, by e-mail.

PS: Another reader wrote: “Yeah, this is how someone can get filthy rich with supposed climate-protection. No wonder so many so-called environmental scientists and countless institutes want to imitate him.”

Things are beginning to come around for Al Gore and his scam.


4 responses to “Germany’s No. 1 Daily – Bild – Puts Focus On, Slams Climate-Cash-Making Gore – 11,0004 Wealth Increase!”

  1. Juergen Uhlemann

    You can find Al Gore’s Montecito, California house in Google Earth.
    The elevation is about 150 m. Today 😉
    If the sea level would rise by about 100 m he will have a front row seat. Typical, always the best seat in the house.
    The beach would be about 300 m away and this is better then the roughly 3000 m.

  2. thebiggreenlie

    Now that Al has “gored” his way to becoming a multi millionaire off his Global Warming FRAUD, maybe he will now take his fat, bloated overstuffed carcass out of the news and go to his huge carbon footprint house and shut his mouth for a change.

    After all isn’t he producing way too much C02 with his fraudulent speeches???

  3. Germany’s No. 1 Daily – Bild &ndash...

    […] No. 1, multi-million circulation national daily Bild here has an unflattering piece about Al Gore and his newly found mega-riches titled: “Al Gore earned 75 million euros – in one month!”So profitable can the global warming scam be! Never mind that there hasn’t been a bit of warming in 15 years.  […]

  4. L Michael Hohmann

    I am getting bored. The globe can be getting warmer or colder, but the idea that the human contribution from burning carbon fuels has anything to do with it is not only IMHO the biggest political and intellectual fraud ever – but so says the IPCC itself: The ongoing discussion pro and con is becoming akin to the scholastic argument as to how many angels can dance on the head of a needle. Which is, of course, exactly what is intended to achieve worldwide disorientation away from the actual IPCC aims of monetary and energy policies – and bringing a whole, if not all, of science into disrepute. Even the UK Royal Society has become Lysenkoist. viz.

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