Reader Ed Hoskins sent me the following temperature graphic for Central England by e-mail. I’d say the chart says it all…linear trend of more than 6°C COOLING per century. It’s worse than we thought!
Bare ground in the winter will soon be a thing of the past!
Clearly temperatures have been sinking for the last 10 years. The “missing heat” is also nowhere to be found in England. The Central European trend is similar.
In fact, many places globally are showing a cooling trend over the last decade.
So when it comes to disproving warming, what more could they want!
My kids come to see me every year in SW France and every year for the last five have been cooler and wetter, where I live, than the previous year. This year is dreadful.
Thanks! Added to post.
the link you copied for UK MO does not work
I think it needs to be in full
Try it now.
Someone will accuse you of cherry-picking (Central England, only since 2000). They will present the data for a “dangerously warming Arctic” as evidence that it’s worse than we thought:
The lack of GLOBAL surface atmospheric warming (land or sea, N. or S. Hemisphere) is merely typical of natural fluctuations — since the DEEP oceans are of course heating, and dangerously so, as we all have been told. Besides, storms are getting stronger and coastlines are threatened. So NOTHING you deniers say calls into question the urgency of taxing Carbon ASAP!
And they will do this with a straight face, aghast that you fail to see the Canary in the Coal Mine (or perhaps not surprised, since you must be in the pocket of Big Coal), you Gaia-hater you.
All the everywhere else missing heat showed up here in Norway, where several warmth records were broken in July. And boy, are most people glad for that (me included) after several lousy summers!
It must be rather embarrassing for the UKMO. On the one hand, they’re fully paid-up, card-carrying warmists, eager to toe the approved line. On the other, even after being subjected to their most intimate “adjustments”, the data resolutely refuses to play along. It makes one wonder just how fast the raw data is dropping.
FWIW, our brambles here (in the Midlands of England) have given us a huge crop of berries this year, and early in the season, so I can nod sagely and observe, “Ooh, arr, it’ll be a bitter winter” as tradition demands. The MO, however, are predicting a mild, bland winter for us – which is fair enough, I suppose, given their over-riding belief that things are warming up. It’ll be interesting to see what sort of winter we actually get, and possibly even more interesting to see how long our compromised electricity infrastructure lasts should we need to keep warm.
Slightly OT, Steven Goddard has put on a show with so many dancing data acts that it quite makes your head spin. If you ever doubted that all global warming is indeed man-made, read this and believe. A reference page to bookmark:
The chart clearly displays a trend!
A TREND TOWARDS CLIMATE CHANGE! In what silly academic world view are you playing in?
The climate is changing. Regardless of data either convenient or inconvenient to a position.
Act to reduce our impact and see if it can be rebalanced by our climate energy systems.
Cease and desist the child’s arguments. All of us are in this together.
“Act to reduce our impact and see if it can be rebalanced by our climate energy systems.”
But Edsel. Aren’t oscillations the usual way a feedback system balances itself out?
edsel,i agree wholeheartedly ,we need to produce as much atmospheric carbon dioxide as possible to stave off the beginning of the next ice age 🙂
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