Wind’s False Promise Of Environmental Purity…Everywhere “Everything Is Rotating And Blinking”…”High Price To Pay”

Public opinion of wind energy in Germany, once unanimously high, has eroded considerably over the past years as more people begin to realize that the country’s once idyllic countryside is turning into a blighted industrial landscape.

The earlier visions of environmental purity are instead turning out to be illusions by con-artists. The reality is an environmental hell.

In an opinion piece at German flagship daily Die Welt, Wolfgang Büscher wrote:

Wind energy is destroying the country more than any other industry.”

Blighted landscape…everything “blinking and rotating”

And the irony could not be more glaring. German environmentalists used to be devoted to all things that protected forests and rural countryside against the ravages of industrialization. But now, Büscher writes, “It’s the same activists who are blandishing the blighting of the landscape.”

Büscher describes the views of wind parks in Bavaria as “massively appalling”. While German industry once only ruined local areas of the country, such as the Ruhr industrial region, Büscher adds:

The wind industry is not satisfied with that. It wishes to subject the entire country to its moral galvanized industry. Whether it’s Magdeburg or Warburg Saxony Anhalt regions, whether it’s Holstein or the lower Harz region – everything is rotating and blinking, the further north you go, the worse it is.”

Büscher forgot to mention “whooshing” and “shredding”.

Germany’s march into environmental insanity

Yet, in the eyes of the wind industry, Büscher laments, “The wind industrialization of Germany is not only without alternative, it is an aesthetic benefit. The industry truly believes the entire country needs to by planted with turbines from border to border.”

As incredible as it may be that a country managed to get its citizens to march into the murderous folly of Nazism some 85 years ago, a similar phenomenon is happening today on the environmental front: there’s now the mad march into environmental murder. The collective German conscience still truly believes it’s all going to rescue the planet from a climate calamity which a group of (false) prophets foresee arriving in the year 2100. Environmental purity awaits!

Back on the eerie path of self-destruction

Of course wind industrialization cannot be compared to Nazism on the scales of murder and destruction, but the path and development stages of the two insanities are the eerily similar. Both proceeded as follows: 1) visions and promises of purification, 2) the mad, blind rush into the project 3) critics silenced, 4) signs of mounting failure ignored, 5) denial, retreat to the bunkers and 6) in evitable self-destruction. In both cases it’s all brought on by intoxicated leaders, one-sided media apparatus, crony industries, dogmatist institutions and unscrupulous banks.

Once madness goes collective, it becomes very difficult to stop.

When Germany gets an obsession in its head, the only thing that is left to stop it is the act of letting it play out and until it destroys itself. We may soon be witnessing the Rise and Fall of The Environmental Reich. Currently we find ourselves somewhere between phases 4 and 5.

Fortunately there are shimmers of hope that leading politicians are beginning to understand, as the newly formed Merkel-led government seems to be in no hurry to keep promoting big wind at any cost.

Former federal minister: “high price to pay”

Not only is the environmental price mentioned by Büscher excruciatingly high, but so is the financial price of the Energiewende, this according to former German Transportation Minister, Peter Ramsauer, now Chairman of the Committee for Economic Cooperation and Development.

In a recent interview with the Passauer Neuen Presse (PNP), Ramsauer slammed Germany’s rapid march into the Energiewende, telling the Bavarian online daily: “We have a high price to pay for the Energiewende.”

“Object lesson to other countries”

Ramsauer warned against the hasty shutdown of half of the country’s nuclear power plants in the wake of the Fukushima disaster back in 2011, “but no one wanted to listen”.

The PNP writes that it was “a fundamental mistake to believe that it would be possible to adequately replace the nuclear power”. Ramsauer told the PNP:

Germany is paying a high price for it and offers an object lesson to other countries.”

The PNP summarizes: “There’s no going back. The deadline for shutting down the remaining nuclear reactors is 2022. Ramsauer says that Germany will have to get used to high electricity prices and dependency on Russian gas. The folly will then be complete.”

61 responses to “Wind’s False Promise Of Environmental Purity…Everywhere “Everything Is Rotating And Blinking”…”High Price To Pay””

  1. Georg Thomas

    Your comparative analysis of the Third Reich and the Environmental Reich is brilliant. It encapsulates with great discernment the essence of what we Germans ought to learn from the Energiewende.

    The willingness of the population to let them be gleichgeschaltet is shocking. So is the lack of democratic-pluralist instincts and critical thinking that would make us Germans, of all peoples, shy away from the totalitarian tendencies that have been building up in an age when green pseudo-environmentalism has become the ruling ideology in Germany, indeed the new church that unites almost all Germans.

    1. SebastianH

      Your comparative analysis of the Third Reich and the Environmental Reich is brilliant.

      It’s unreal that anyone would think that this is brilliant or even make a comparison like that …

      What is wrong with you guys?

      1. Bitter&twisted


    2. Jeremy Poynton

      Must read. Rupert Darwall’s (He of the Age of Global Warming, a comprehensive takedown fully referenced and annotated of CAGW) recent “Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex” which documents the rise of environmentalism courtesy of the Nazis. Amazon and hopefully your library. Sweden also massively implicated – which figures, as they flirted with totalitarianism for decades.

    3. Jeremy Poynton

      Nazi roots of environmentalism fully documented in Darwall’s new book, Green Tyranny.


      “Few know today that the Nazis were the first political party to champion wind power, Hitler calling wind the energy of the future.”

      1. SebastianH

        You guys are really taking it a bit too far now …

      2. yonason (from my cell phone)
  2. wert

    The PNP summarizes: “There’s no going back. The deadline for shutting down the remaining nuclear reactors is 2022. Ramsauer says that Germany will have to get used to high electricity prices and dependency on Russian gas. The folly will then be complete.”

    Being dependent on Russian gas is mad, but luckily Merkel will have to do another Energiewende. Russian gas is a tool for Putin, money to him is money to chemical weapons in Syria – and Salisbury. Just look his Chutzpah when he talks! He knows Germany is on its way to submission. Trump’s Russian collusion is just fools speech, but Putin’s Russia freaking dangerous to all of us, Russians included, and it is present, also on catastrophic global warming contrarianism blogs. Don’t be fooled.

    1. SebastianH

      Imports from Russia make up 35% of Germany’s gas imports. 34% is imported from Norway, 29% from the Netherlands.

      We are – as most countries on this planet – dependend on fossil fuel imports. Another reason for increasing the share of renewables.

      1. John

        “Another reason for increasing the share of renewables.”

        Show us, me how to build a battery, solar panel or windmill with a windmill. Then and only then we can do without oil.
        Until then, we need more oil with more renewables.

        1. SebastianH

          Show us, me how to build a battery, solar panel or windmill with a windmill.

          You probably mean how we could get the raw materials needed to build these things by using just electricity, right?

          Be creative, you can heat with electricity, you can move stuff with electricity. Why wouldn’t that work?

          Then and only then we can do without oil.

          Why oil? Do you mean because the transport of those raw materials relies on oil using machinery? Why couldn’t that be replaced electric vehicles? And even if we can’t fit ships with pure electric propulsion … replacing all the rest is still better than no change at all.

          Until then, we need more oil with more renewables.


          1. AndyG55

            So, NOTHING but FANTASY, yet again

            Seb FAILS miserably at everything accept displaying his ignorance….as usual.

            “replacing all the rest is still better than no change at all.”

            BULLS**T !!!

            There is ABSOLUTELY NO SCIENTIFIC EXCUSE for the use of wind energy.

            Wind turbines are a blight upon avian wildlife and the environment, and if it weren’t for the manically idiotic anti-CO2 scare/fallacy, nobody would ever have bothered WASTING such HUGE amounts of unproductive funds , time and manufacturing potential on them.

          2. SebastianH

            So you aren’t really opposing the fact that you can do nearly everything with electricity as the means to power it? Interesting.

            if it weren’t for the manically idiotic anti-CO2 scare/fallacy

            Oh come on AndyG55, haven’t we just learned that the Nazis were the first who build wind turbines or something like that? They started it, blame the Nazis!

          3. AndyG55

            Try not admit too much IGNORANCE of industrial processes, seb.

            You will just add to the endless list of things you are TOTALLY CLUELESS about.

      2. Zthomm

        Psst… I know where you can get some fracked shale gas, really cheap! Just dial (800) USA-FRACK for details. LOL

    2. posa

      A mass of refugees from America’s Regime Change wars is tearing apart German society… that’s not on Putin. He’s putting an end to American genocidal rampages… he should be thanked.

      1. SebastianH

        “tearing apart society” … a feeling only those filled with hatred can have. What are you talking about, posa?

        1. posa

          Hey Sebastioan… why not ask Merkel?
          “Angela Merkel admits that ‘no-go zones’ exist in Germany” … guess that’s the society people like you want to see…

        2. Zthomm

          “Arab Spring.”

          H. Clinton engineered disaster.

  3. Wind energy is destroying the country more than any other industry. – CO2 is Life

    […] Continue Reading […]

  4. Eric Platt

    Worthwhile article. Wind turbines have limited lifespan, are expensive to decommission and are sometimes left to litter the landscape.

    Just a typo comment: “scrupelous” [banks] – you probably meant “unscrupulous”.

    Thank You

    1. SebastianH

      Wind turbines have limited lifespan, are expensive to decommission and are sometimes left to litter the landscape.

      All prices in. I don’t know about other countries, but whoever runs a wind turbine in Germany has to build up reserves (mandated by law) for the decommissioning.

      1. toorightmate

        Just like mining companies eh?
        You are a stark raving idiot – and that’s putting it politely.

        1. SebastianH

          Why are you so angry?

          What about mining companies?

        2. Yonason (from a friend's comp)

          What’s wrong with you, toorightmate? Don’t you know you’re supposed to believe the activist knucklehead chatbot idiots, and not the data…

          ASIDE – I get the impression you’re laughing at him, as opposed to being angry. Amazing how they can’t get anything straight. I guess that’s what comes of their telling so many lies; they become incapable of telling the truth about anything.

          1. SebastianH

            Puh. Yonason, someone who has to say “you are a stark raving idiot” obviously has some hatred build up in him/her. Why the anger? And what do mining companies have to do with anything?

      2. AndyG55

        “whoever runs a wind turbine in Germany has to build up reserves “

        You poor, naïve little trollette, seb !!

  5. Yonason (from a friend's comp)

    It’s been posted about before, but needs to be kept in mind, that wind and solar generation of energy being able to supply even a fraction of the world’s energy needs is just a mirage.

    OK, more like a demented fantasy.

    Failure is not an option – it’s mandatory!

    1. Yonason (from a friend's comp)

      perhaps this section of “windaction” blog would have been better to reference.

      See also here.

      Nope. Nothing to see here.

      Move along and don’t question the narrative.

      1. tom0mason

        And I requote what you’ve said before —

        …normalising for energy production, the renewables subsidies are 8.4 times larger and amount to 94% of the value of the energy produced. This latter statistic is hard to believe, but if it is close to true, it suggests that new renewables are contributing virtually nothing to society.

        …contributing virtually nothing to society. Just like chatbots everywhere.

        1. SebastianH

          Always forgetting the unpriced externalities of fossil fuel, are we?

          1. AndyG55

            I sense another load of zero-science fantasy coming from seb.

            Remember, the WHOLE OF SOCIETY is build using fossil fuels, and continues to exits because of fossil fuels.

            Everything you do is TOTALLY RELIANT on the availability of fossil fuels, seb.

            Wind and solar SUBTRACT from society… They are a BURDEN.

            Fossil fuels BUILD IT, FEED IT and KEEP IT ALIVE

          2. AndyG55

            4th line…. exits => exist

    2. SebastianH

      but needs to be kept in mind,

      Oh yes, please remind everyone about this very strange calculation. 350000 wind turbines a 2 MW (the original had 5 MW, but whatever) to cover the increase in primary energy consumption. The consumption increase was around 172 Mtoe (or 2000 TWh), but you can’t directly compare that with usage of electricity. You’d only need 666 TWh of wind generated electricity to cover a 2000 TWh primary energy increase. At 5 MW per turbine and a capacity factor of 18% that’s 85000 5 MW wind turbines. 2017 saw 10500 new wind turbines (if they all would have been 5 MW turbines). At the current growth rate installed wind power will double every 7 years … it will only take a few decades until renewables could cover most or even all of the yearly increase in energy demand, meaning “peak everything else”.

      We are just at the start and wind isn’t the only renewable in town. My bet would be on solar energy slowly overtaking wind.

      1. AndyG55

        “until renewables could cover most or even all “

        ….of Germany !!

        1. toorightmate

          and the Baltic Sea.

      2. tom0mason

        All that need be kept in mind is that wind and solar electricity generation runs independent of customer demand. Generation without respect for customer demand is very, very inefficient! This generated amount (from these grid ruinable sources) is highly variable and can maximize at the baseplate generation value, which is often too much for the require customer demand; or on sunless, windless days zero. Either state is far less than optimum for the customer.

        Fossil fuel generation, on the other hand, allows the generated electricity to exactly match the required customer’s load demand. Thus it simply and efficiently tailors it’s output to match current and predicted customer demand, keeping the grid stability at a maximum.
        As grid ruinable electricity sources, like wind and solar, can not be regulated for demand but they have priority in supplying the grid, they added a new level of control to the grid, a control that throttles the simplicity and efficiency gains of fossil fuel generation whilst adding considerable complexity to grid control. With ruinable generation on the grid, the fossil fuel generators now have to regulate not just for a variable customer demand but also the variable ruinable energy generation.
        THIS IS A LOSE-LOSE SITUATION with very high initial costs for bringing in wind and solar (with subsidy and industrialization of the countryside), very high running costs when putting them on the grid (grid control with additional fossil fuel expenditure), and added unreliability and instability to the grid system. None of which (I’m sure) the cost paying customers have demanded.

        Thankfully this experiment is being done in Germany, and not so wholeheartedly close to where I live. I pray Mrs Merkel continues with this policy, so that the rest of the world will see what an appallingly mess results from installing these unreliable electricity sources onto a grid system.

        1. SebastianH

          First 11 weeks of this year saw 40.1% renewables share in Germany … no sign of a unstable grid:

          Other countries achieve far higher renewables shares (Denmark comes to mind) and surprisingly we don’t hear about massive blackouts there.

          So what exactly is your problem? Why are you so adamantly defending the use of fossil fuels? Don’t you think it is a good thing to become less dependent on fossil fuels?

          Thankfully this experiment is being done in Germany […] so that the rest of the world will see what an appallingly mess results from installing these unreliable electricity sources onto a grid system.

          Why do you believe this will be “an appalling mess”? Why are you so damn pessimistic? Why do you want to see others fail? Has a green Nazi done something to you?

          1. SebastianH

            40.1% of what?

            tomOmason is talking about the eletricity grid and so am I. Should be kind of obvious.

          2. SebastianH

            Concentration discussion all over again? The argument he makes is not about the “tiny” fraction of renewables (around 14% in Germany), but the instability of the electricity grid with high fractions of renewables – namely wind and solar.

            Why are you countering an argument that the fraction is high and the grid is not unstable with a “rhetorical” primary energy question? What’s the point of doing that?

          3. AndyG55

            Seb, yet again counting biomass and hydro, in an attempt to exaggerate.

            So pitiful.

          4. tom0mason

            No seb try to keep the argument to wind and solar and it’s effects on the grid — not your dream world.

          5. tom0mason

            Hahaha, seb, nice jest!

            I suppose one day you’ll address the basic problem of unreliable electricity generation personally when you’re sat in the dark.

  6. Jeremy Poynton

    My posts keep disappearing. One more try

    “German obsession with renewable energy originates deep within its culture. Few know today that the Nazis were the first political party to champion wind power, Hitler calling wind the energy of the future.”

    Review of Rupert Darwall’s book, “Green Tyranny” which happily shows us that Sebastian is as usual talking out of the hole in his bottom.

  7. Bitter&twisted

    Trying to carry out a reasoned fact-based discussion with a troll is like trying to wrestle with a pig.
    All that happens is you get dirty and make the pig happy.

    The moral of this story is DNFTT.

    1. SebastianH

      Takes one to know one?

      However, with you, it’s more like pigeon chess …

      1. John Brown

        If SebH thinks he is feeding Trolls, why not stop?

        In the movies they say: you have right to remain silent.

        You always chatter like pigeon. Maybe stop? Can you?

      2. AndyG55

        Seb always thinks he is the winner in pigeon chess…

        … TOTALLY and MANICALLY avoiding producing any proof of CO2 warming

        …. while spewing baseless AGW mantra in every post.

        1. Bitter&twisted

          I think our troll is a mindless spambot.
          It has all the hallmarks.

  8. tom0mason

    Another comment in the spam bin?

  9. woodsy42

    I have a long term inner ear problem originally caused by an infection. It means I am very dependent on sight for my balance, which makes me very suseptable to disorientaion and even loss of balance from large moving objects, particularly on the periphery of my vision. I have to be extremely careful when driving past or towards turbines to fight the sensation that I am turning. Awful things!

  10. Jeremy Poynton

    Renewables simply move the cost and the pollution elsewhere.

    “Unsustainable: 43 Million Tonnes Of Wind Turbine Blade Waste By 2050” – an earlier post of Paul’s

    and of course the recent admission that hundreds of blades used at offshore windfarms will have to be replaced after five years. As opposed to the 25 years we were told they would last. No doubt that cost will be passed on to us.

    Not to mention that you cannot make a wind without coal. Derrrr, as my kids used to say.

    One group for whom renewables is like Christmas every day are the innumerable rent seekers who have lined their pockets at our expense.

  11. Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #308

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