How Planet-Saving Vegans React When One Of Their Own Renounces And Goes Back To Meat


At Twitter I ran across this young lady who announced to the public she had just ditched her vegan diet after being on it for 4 years, most of which she describes as a living hell.

Ruining your health for the illusion of saving the planet

One of the big climate fads nowadays is veganism, because it’s a diet that supposedly leaves the least impact on the climate and spares the lives of animals.

Vegans refrain from animal based products and nourish themselves solely through plant-based foods. The challenge with the vegan diet, however, is to get the adequate amount of essential nutrients that are otherwise easily obtained through the consumption of meat, e.g. Vitamin B12.

Felt depressed and dying

According to Kristel, during these four years, she felt like she was dying, depressed, had all sorts of stomach issues, was never happy about her appearance, stopped getting her period and she found herself purging because she felt unclean.

One day she decided to end the self-inflicted torture and had an egg and butter and decided to return to the a diet that includes meat, eggs, butter, etc.

And after 3 weeks: boy, what a difference!

Earlier on August 6th, just after she had stopped the vegan diet, she tweeted:

Today she feels whole, happy and energetic. Her negative feelings about herself ” instantly went away” when she started eating meat again. Here’s one of her recent meals.

Vegans are not peaceful and tolerant

For a number of vegans, the exclusively plant-based nutrition method is like a cult religion. If you renounce it, the other vegan cultists will view it as a graveĀ act of apostasy that even warrants the death penalty.

Violent backlash

What follows one reaction she got from a former fellow, animal-cuddling, peace-loving tolerance preaching vegan (and I thought my hate mail for being a climate skeptic was bad):


There you have it – the assertion of consensus and authority: “…the diet that is proven humans are meant to eat, all the science is in…”

Along with the eruptions of sheer hatred.

Sound familiar?

Study found vegetarians more mentally disturbed

It’s the same with manmade climate change and its skeptics. The environmental movement is in reality one that includes hate and intolerance as one of its pillars. If you disagree, that’s the sort of reaction you get all too often.

The reaction Kristel received is yet another data point that confirms a post I wrote awhile back about a study that showed vegans and vegetarians are more psychologically disturbed than meat-eaters.

77 responses to “How Planet-Saving Vegans React When One Of Their Own Renounces And Goes Back To Meat”

  1. spike55

    “the exclusively plant-based nutrition method is like a cult religion”

    A large proportion of vegans I know are rabid AGW cultists as well. !

  2. MGJ

    “Itā€™s the same with manmade climate change and its skeptics. The environmental movement is in reality one that includes hate and intolerance as one of its pillars. If you disagree, thatā€™s the sort of reaction you get all too often.”

    I shan’t argue with that.

    Who do leftists hate more than anybody else? A tough question when they spew so much hatred but the answer, I believe, is anybody who rejects their proffered victimhood.

    Your life isn’t shattered by AGW armageddon = denier (code for nazi)
    Achieved success in life = capitalist exploiter
    A black conservative = ‘Uncle Tom’
    Successful, happy mother = domestic slave
    Gay but not on the left = white supremacist

    1. SebastianH

      Your life isnā€™t shattered by AGW armageddon = denier (code for nazi)
      Achieved success in life = capitalist exploiter
      A black conservative = ā€˜Uncle Tomā€™
      Successful, happy mother = domestic slave
      Gay but not on the left = white supremacist

      You have twisted mind, MGJ.

    2. Yonason

      Exposing the vile accusations of the twisted minds of Leftists makes one the target of yet more vile accusations. More proof that leftists are nothing if not hate filled and dishonest.

      1. SebastianH

        Exposing the vile accusations? Oh come on … have you ever read what you guys regularly accuse others of? Read back your own comments to yourself, Yonason.

        1. Yonason

          WE BACK IT UP.

          YOU NEVER DO.

          Although I will admit that perhaps some of us should stop calling others “headless chooks.” Right Chuck?

          Or not, LOL. šŸ˜‰

          1. spike55

            I use that term purely as a description of seb’s utter cowardice and running away in panic, like chicken-little without a head, whenever two simple questions are asked.

            You watch his headless-chook type response.

            Evasion or a manic attempt at distraction..

            Never even an attempt to answer.

            A true HEADLESS-CHOOK response.

            Q1. In what way has the climate changed in the last 40 years, that can be scientifically attributable to human CO2 ?

            Q2. Do you have ANY EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE at all that humans have changed the global climate in ANYWAY WHATSOEVER?

          2. SebastianH

            WE BACK IT UP.

            No you don’t. You post links to conspiracy sites and questionable tabloids as a source for your opinion crap.

          3. SebastianH

            Never even an attempt to answer.

            You have been posting the same two questions for a while now and think me evading them now is a sign of your superiority or something like that. It’s not. I’ve answered them several times and you can answer them for yourself if you’d come out of your little bubble of ignorance.

            You repeating them all the time only served to show that you are what you are. A pseudoskeptic with no clue and an anger issue.

          4. spike55

            Your EVASION and attempted distraction are noted.. yet again..

            Quite pathetic, really.


            You cant even support the most basic fallacy of the AGW meme.. CO2 warming.. with anything even remotely resembling real science.

            Q1. In what way has the climate changed in the last 40 years, that can be scientifically attributable to human CO2 ?

            Q2. Do you have ANY EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE at all that humans have changed the global climate in ANYWAY WHATSOEVER?

            RUN AWAY again, seb

            Back into your bottomless TROLL pit full of your own BS.

  3. SebastianH

    Along with the eruptions of sheer hatred.

    Sound familiar?

    Yes, it does. Could have been something spike55 wrote. Replace the veganisms with “need to consume fossil fuels” and voila, you have the typical skeptic ranting about how bad transitioning to a sustainable economy would be.

    Maybe it’s just that “skeptics” breathed in more polluted air? šŸ˜‰ (“The impact of exposure to air pollution on cognitive performance”)

    1. Kenneth Richard

      Maybe itā€™s just that ā€œskepticsā€ breathed in more polluted air? šŸ˜‰ (ā€œThe impact of exposure to air pollution on cognitive performanceā€)

      SebastianH, do you find it effective to characterize skeptics as suffering from brain damage? Do you think it’s cute? Funny?

      1. SebastianH

        Are you thinking this is what I am implied? That is cute, yes. Only you forgot the quotation marks around “skeptics”.

    2. Bitter&twisted


    3. spike55

      “how bad transitioning to a sustainable economy would be.

      Wind and solar are NOT sustainable.

      Basically NOTHING offered by the “sustainable” agenda, is sustainable.

      Pity you are too self-consumed to comprehend this REALITY.

      1. Yonason
      2. SebastianH

        “WE BACK IT UP”. Indeed … *sigh*

        1. spike55

          *sighing* like a little child yet again

          While producing ZERO-EVIDENCE (as always)

          You poor pitiful SJW

          1. Yonason

            Always appeals to emotion, not reason. A sure sign you’re talking to a Leftist activist.

        2. spike55

          Ok seb, the ONLY thing that sustains wind and solar are subsidies and feed-in mandates.

          You KNOW that.

          Just like you KNOW it requires pretty close to 100% of RELIABLE Back-Up

  4. Glyn Palmer

    “Along with the eruptions of sheer hatred. Sound familiar?”
    Very familiar. They practised on smokers first!

  5. Pyccku Tpo77

    Both faces are of a beautiful person!

    1. Yonason

      Well, of course. It’s the same person, so duh. But the one on the right looks a lot healthier.

      1. Jaime

        I see no difference in the appearance of health in the photos.

  6. Penelope

    My favorite veganism is that vegetarian men are more competent in bed! Now I ask you: Is it easier for your body to make YOU out of steak, or out of green leaves and apples?

    Anyway, what’s so holy about causing fewer animals to be BORN?

    I personally only know one vegetarian family (not vegan). Every time the husband comes over (employs my roommate), he has a taste of whatever meat soup, etc I’m cooking.

    I’ve tried repeatedly to convince them that vegetarianism isn’t safe for their little children, who are just forming their organs & brain, but to no avail.

    The little girl is obviously depressed, a sad onlooker to life. They finally took the little boy to the doctor after I insisted that its not normal for his legs to bend. (rickets)

    1. spike55

      “is obviously depressed, a sad onlooker to life”

      Just like seb.

      REALITY just passing him by.

      1. SebastianH

        And you think you are better than a vegan accusing a once vegan as in the tweet depicted above? Come on šŸ˜‰

        1. spike55

          Poor, sad, attention-seeking seb

          You are the most INEFFECTIVE AGW cultists in the world.

          NEVER able to even attempt to support the most basic fallacy of the AGW scam, CO2 warming.

          Nothing more than a serial pest.

          Which you make your life’s work.

          Point out one place where I have used swear words to describe your worthless position.

          All I have EVER done is ask for EVIDENCE, and call you out for your total INEPTITUDE and IGNORANCE, and for your mindless attempts at avoiding actually producing any such evidence.

          Let’s see you run away in evasions and distractions yet again…

          Q1. In what way has the climate changed in the last 40 years, that can be scientifically attributable to human CO2 ?

          Q2. Do you have ANY EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE at all that humans have changed the global climate in ANYWAY WHATSOEVER?

          1. SebastianH

            Well, here we are again … the vile accusation type of reply.

            Point out one place where I have used swear words to describe your worthless position.

            You are kidding, right? You don’t even notice how insulting you are? You have serious anger issues, spike55.

          2. spike55

            So you ADMIT that I have never used swear words.

            Thanks seb.

            I have no anger towards you. You aren’t worth it.

            I just think you are a mindless, worthless TROLL.

            That is your PURPOSE here isn’t it.. TROLLING for attention.

            You have FAILED pitifully at anything else.

          3. spike55

            “the vile accusation “

            I see no “vile” accusation.

            Please point it out.

            Every point I made is absolute fact..

            .. which you are unable to counter.

          4. SebastianH

            I see no ā€œvileā€ accusation.

            “Poor, sad, attention-seeking seb […] most INEFFECTIVE AGW cultist […] support the most basic fallacy of the AGW scam […] Nothing more than a serial pest. […] describe your worthless position […] call you out for your total INEPTITUDE and IGNORANCE […] your mindless attempts […]”

            Every point I made is absolute fact..

            Nope, it never is. It’s always attempts to annoy everyone that you don’t perceive to be on the pseudoskeptic side. You don’t even realize how rotten your language is.

            .. which you are unable to counter.

            You aren’t saying anything. What is there to counter what you claim? You are lost to reasoning and misinterpret everything (i hope, if not, I’m sorry for you) on purpose to annoy people. Replying to you is a waste of time, but somehow I am a sucker for falling for your troll attempts. Can’t resist on the off chance you will just once realize how pathetic this clown performance of yours is.

          5. spike55

            Unable to counter one point about your posts ???

            Nothing “vile” in my post.. JUST THE FACTS.

            If you think they are “vile” you must know more about yourself that I thought.

            Not one swear word from me seb.

            Use a mirror in your posts seb, you will see they are NOTHING but a waste of time and space.

          6. spike55

            “most INEFFECTIVE AGW cultist”

            Unless your aim was to show what a mindless backwater sewer the AGW cult really is, you have been totally ineffective at anything.

            You have sent the AGW farce far backwards, into the realms of sick fantasy. You are just too blinded by your ego and arrogance to see the damage you have done to the “meme”.

            The comments above are just basic facts.

            seb-descriptors, so to speak.

            Nothing “vile” about them, so not really a true representation at all..

          7. spike55

            What is your “aim”, btw?

            What is your “purpose” here ??????

  7. Michael Lewis

    Why this diet bashing? How does this advance our understanding of natural climate change and the political and economic arguments used to support global warming hysteria?

    Looks like trading one hysteria for another to me.

    1. Yonason

      It’s not “diet bashing.” It’s exposing those who want to impose their worldview on others. That’s the common thread that runs through the respective activisms.

      Climate change activism and vegan activism are closely linked, as we see in the video here that climate activist James Hansen is also a vegan activist, and that he connects the two.

      And it isn’t just Hansen. The UN is pushing that nonsense, as well.

      When we realize that the sole purpose of climate hysteria is as a vehicle of controlling the masses, the connection with any other hysteria they are advocating is a bit easier to make.

      1. SebastianH

        Yonason, you do realize that you are forcing your worldview on others here all the time and especially right now, do you?

        1. spike55

          So now, exposing FACTS, is forcing one’s worldview on other people.

          Seriously seb !!

          Your thought process is, as always, totally WARPED and IRRATIONAL.

          Not one thing Yonason says is “forcing his worldview” onto anyone.

          In fact he is saying “go for it”, but stop trying to BULLY us into your manic-depressive schemes.

          1. Yonason

            “So now, exposing FACTS, is forcing oneā€™s worldview on other people.” – spike

            Yup. That’s the way they think. And when you expose them, they lash back accusing you of exactly what they are guilty of, and you are not.

            Just as MGJ wrote – after which SebH cackled back a bogus accusation right on cue. Child mind, as you have written before.

          2. SebastianH

            Worldview one:
            “Itā€™s not ā€œdiet bashing.ā€ Itā€™s exposing […]”

            Worldview two:
            “Climate change activism and vegan activism are closely linked”

            Worldview three:
            “The UN is pushing that nonsense, as well.”

            Worldview four:
            “the sole purpose of climate hysteria is as a vehicle of controlling the masses”

            Yonason is doing “diet bashing” and explains it is just “exposing the facts” or something. Sorry kids, if anyone is simple minded in this discussion, it’s you guys.

          3. spike55

            So, No argument against ANY of those viewpoints

            Didn’t think so.

            Still no evidence of the most basic lie of the AGW scam, seb ???

            DENIAL of the real purpose of climate alarmism when its been CLEARLY STATED by many of your scam leaders.


          4. Yonason

            Hey, spike. Do you know why they say “Go Vegan?”

            Because it would be too obvious if they said “Go Kill Yourself By Slow Agonizing Starvation.”

            As to “World Views.” Some are more evidence based than others, as you point out.

            The following e.g., is for those who are thinking of following SebH.

            World view succeed – “I’ll get from the 4th floor to the first by taking the elevator.”

            World view fail. – “I’ll get to from the 4th floor to the first by jumping out the 4th floor window.”

            Not all choices are different by equal.

            One way or another, we’ll see y’all on the ground floor. I hope it’s all in one piece, and not on your way to the morgue.

            (I don’t think SebH is THAT stupid. But I do think he hopes some of Pierre’s readers are.)

        2. spike55

          And of course in the case of wind and solar, Not only are they expecting EVERYONE to cow-tow to their idiocy,

          .. but they are FORCING the general public to pay for it via subsidies and mandates and high electricity prices, while FORCING the shut-down of RELIABLE electicity supply systems.

          The whole AGW scam is one big TOTALITARIAN CONTROL AGENDA.

          1. Yonason

            But spike, you talked mean to him, so your worse. Nyia. So there. šŸ™‚

        3. Yonason

          Unlike those you support…

          …we do NOT threaten or intimidate you. We couldn’t care less what you believe or what you eat.

          It’s because of your pathological dishonesty that we mock you, and you thoroughly deserve it.

        4. Steve

          SebH you are so far out of touch with reality you really need to go and get a life.

          1. Yonason

            Oh, no, Steve. You have it all wrong. SebH is the “sane” one, as are all his activist friends. We’re the nutters. And here’s the proof. //sarc//

            Nope, nothing weird about that. No siree!

      2. spike55

        Hansen is prime case of where a vegan diet has led to severe mental and cognitive issues.

        1. Yonason

          Sadly, he has gone bye bye.

          Your (brain) dead, Jim.

  8. Yonason


    …or maybe he was just comatose.

    As I’ve written elsewhere, you don’t see carnivores terrorizing the produce isles of grocery stores, do you?!

    Vegans, on the other hand, can be hate filled and violent against those whose diets offend them.

    Is it the diet that drives them crazy?
    Were they just born that way?
    And when they use force or threats of force to impose their insanity on others, what difference does it make?

  9. Yonason


    “This Trick Makes Vegan Scrambled Eggs Actually Taste Like Eggs”

    Here’s a “trick” for you. USE REAL EGGS!

    So many cults today. They have fake food, fake leather, fake fur, fake men, fake women, fake science, …fake everything, and so morally outraged when normal people don’t take them seriously!

    I’m beginning to think that they are the zombies of the apocalypse we’ve been told to expect. Well, if I don’t show up, feel free to start without me.

  10. Steve

    The ones that really need brain transplants are the Anti-vaccers.

    In saying that Vegans run a close second followed by vegetarians. I really love vegans and vegetarians who smoke.( cigarettes and dope)

    Moderation in everything, but what I find with global warmers is that they tend to be a rather rabid. Basically its a cult.

  11. Yonason

    Pierre has had some good articles on vegetarianism, like this one.

    It’s an important point. While individuals who have become vegetarian or vegan late in life probably can tolerate it for quite a long time, especially if they were healthy before they started, children raised as total vegetarians from birth are often not so fortunate.

  12. Robert Folkerts

    I certainly look forward to whatever meat my wonderful wife cooks for us, but I am aware humans were created vegetarian. The eating of meat was specifically allowed only after the Flood.

  13. Penelope

    Steve 29, We can hardly resist bashing anti-vaccers, since virtually all authorities and media encourage us to mock them.
    (just like those who bash “climate deniers”)

    I sincerely advise you to do your own research in the matter, but don’t be fooled by all those studies paid for by Big Pharma.

    Here’s a few bits:
    In 1985 we had only 3 vaccines: MMR, Polio, Diptheria, Pertusis & Tetanus. Today kids get 16 antigens, 40 doses by 6 mos; 113 injections by kindergarten. Dr gets $2200 for each kid’s full immunizations. Newborn gets first shots before leaving hospital. “CDC knew abt Level of Mercury Exposure”

    “There was no point in time from birth to approximately 16-18 months of age that infants were below the EPA guidelines for allowable mercury exposure. In fact, according to the models, blood and body burden levels of mercury peaked at six months of age at a shockingly high level of 120ng/liter. To put this in perspective, the CDC classifies mercury poisoning as blood levels of mercury greater than 10 ng/L.”

    Many shots contain mercury, formaldehyde, MSG, and aluminum, just to name a few neurotoxins. Flu shots contain the highest levels of mercury, up to 25,000 times what the EPA allows as a maximum in drinking water and edible fish. Mercury is the second most poisonous element known to mankind.

    When you feel the urge to disregard a conclusion as “ludicrous”, please remember that when we don’t know the reasons and data that support it we are apt to dismiss many truths.


    1. SebastianH

      Who would have thought that someone believing in climate related conspiracies would also believe in “big pharma” conspiracies?

      1. spike55

        Again seb with his cognitive dissonance and lack of comprehension of reality

        The climate conspiracies are right out in the open

        Stated by your very own priests seb. !!

        Have you seen this, seb

        And you still DENY there is collusion ??????

        REALLY ?????

        DENIAL of FACTS seems to be your ONLY method of protecting your feeble mind from a complete meltdown due to having to finally FACE THE FACTS.

        1. Yonason

          Not “collusion” spike, but “collision” with reality.

    2. Roger B

      Please can you expand on your figures:

      “In 1985 we had only 3 vaccines: MMR, Polio, Diptheria, Pertusis & Tetanus. Today kids get 16 antigens, 40 doses by 6 mos; 113 injections by kindergarten.”

      MMR, Polio, Diptheria, Pertusis & Tetanus is certainly more than 3. MMR is three in itself.

      How do you get from 16 antigens to 113 injections by kindergarten?

    3. Steve


      I suggest you have a read on Science Based
      Excellent articles
      BTW there is no mercury in vaccines.

  14. Global Wheat Shortage / Hungersteine / Vegan Death Cult | ice age farmer

    […] How Planet-Saving Vegans React When One Of Their Own Renounces And Goes Back To Meat […]

  15. spike55

    Oh so SWEET šŸ™‚

    What a difference getting rid of Turnbull the leftist psychophant makes. šŸ™‚

    Now the REALISTS will hopefully come flocking back to the Liberal Party (centre-right conservatives) ranks.

    1. SebastianH

      Great source for information, spike55!

      1. spike55

        Yep, It is a FAR BETTER source than any source you have as evidence of CO2 warming.

        REALITY .. why do you HATE it so much, seb ??

  16. spike55


    WOW.. !! This is worth a read !!!

    1. Yonason

      Yes, “wow.” And that’s consistent with the recent attempts to shake down big oil for billion$, on nothing more than speculation and false accusations. Just about all the corrupt AG’s involved were Democrats, too, as I recall.

  17. Steve

    I lived in India for a year.
    South India is mostly vegetarian. Hardly anyone there was taller than myself at 171 cms.

    In the north where they eat meat most are much taller and stronger than the Hindus of the south.

    As an aside,I swam across the Ganges at Hardwar. I think I finished about 2 miles downstream !
    I ate the food anywhere and everywhere and did not get sick once.

  18. M E

    Just a thought.
    The vegan craze may be subsidised by growers of broad and soya beans. Along with corn ( maize) and tomatoes these are very big contributors to the U.S economy.
    Broad beans however cause a reaction
    in men of Mediterranean background
    it is called Favism , I believe
    “Susceptible persons may develop a blood disorder (hemolytic anemia) by eating the beans, or even by walking through a field where the plants are in flower”
    ( It could be that the vegan fad is directed at the Mafia) šŸ™‚

    From New Zealand where milk and meat are produced.

  19. Penelope

    ROGER B You’re right, I should have said kids received 3 INNOCULATIONS in 1985, one of which –DPT– contains 3 vaccines. I’m researching the other.

  20. Penelope

    STEVE, I know that CDC told us that all the mercury had been taken out of vaccines. However, as I indicated in my link, they were subsequently outed: ā€œCDC knew abt Level of Mercury Exposureā€

    It’s based on a foia document here

    I know that it sounds absolutely absurd to tell you that govt agencies are lying to us. But Steve, you have seen many examples of NASA, EPA and others lying about climate data. I’m not talking here about their analysis, but you know they often lie about the actual data.

    So if some govt agencies lie for political or worse reasons, is it so crazy that CDC lies, too?

  21. Global Wheat Shortage / Hungersteine / Vegan Death Cult - Lose Belly Fat

    […] How Planet-Saving Vegans React When One Of Their Own Renounces And Goes Back To Meat […]

  22. Penelope

    ROGER B–
    Thank you for catching the exaggeration in my source who said that kids received 100 vaccine doses by the age of 6. I ought to have caught it.

    According to the CDC’s schedule, they receive 34 doses by age 15 months, and another 14 by age 6. (The schedule before 15 mos shows only 25, but the footnotes add 9 more. The “by age 6” includes 5 flu shots, which are annual)

    It is to be noted that Big Pharma is held harmless for all injuries & deaths by their vaccines. The Vaccine Act of 1986, just before the increased vaccinations began, provides for a Vaccine Court and any monetary recovery is from taxpayer funds.

    2,000 Gardasil injuries in Japan
    Big Pharma gets $600 for each Gardasil (HPV) dose, so they’re pretty aggressive about “debunking” any expose of it.

  23. “Vegawatts” Now Getting Fed Into Energy Grid… German Power Utility Now Offering “Vegan” Electricity And Gas!

    […] priorities of veganism. Many claim health benefits as well, but this is hotly disputed, e.g. see here and […]

  24. dodgy geezer

    …Then there was the opposite school. There was Mr. Edward Carpenter, who thought we should in a very short time return to Nature, and live simply and slowly as the animals do. And Edward Carpenter was followed by James Pickie, D.D. (of Pocohontas College), who said that men were immensely improved by grazing, or taking their food slowly and continuously, after the manner of cows. And he said that he had, with the most encouraging results, turned city men out on all fours in a field covered with veal cutlets. Then Tolstoy and the Humanitarians said that the world was growing more merciful, and therefore no one would ever desire to kill. And Mr. Mick not only became a vegetarian, but at length declared vegetarianism doomed (“shedding,” as he called it finely, “the green blood of the silent animals”), and predicted that men in a better age would live on nothing but salt. And then came the pamphlet from Oregon (where the thing was tried), the pamphlet called “Why should Salt suffer?” and there was more trouble….

    C K Chesterton The Napoleon of Notting Hill (1904)

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