Arctic Ice Volume Shames Climate Experts …Antarctic Stations Show Cooling, Not Warming

By Kirye in Tokyo

We constantly hear from the untrustworthy media how polar ice is melting rapidly – due to human-induced global warming.

But when we look at the real data, we understand why audiences worldwide increasing distrust the mainstream media and their constant stream of doomsday reports, which they uncritically produce.

Recently I looked at some island stations near Antarctic, a continent where we are told melting ice will lead to many meters of sea level rise if we continue emitting CO2 into the atmosphere business as usual. These stations I examined are:

Base Arturo P
Centro Met.An, Marsh
Base Orcadas
Great Wall

They are shown on the map below:

These six stations in the South Shetland Islands or the South Orkney Islands (located in the Antarctic Ocean) have even seen a slight cooling trend for decades.

The temperatures at the six stations, which are not subjected to any urban heat island effects and located in the middle of the natural elements, are plotted below and show no warming at all. Instead we see a bit of overall cooling:

Chart: Kirye.

At Bernado O’Higgins, Antarctica, the mean temperature from September to November 2018 was -2.77 ℃. There’s been no warming trend from 1963 to 2018 for September to November.

Chart: Kirye. Data source here.

Looking at the rest of Antarctica, not a single of the following stations shows a warming trend over the past decades:

These stations have not seen any warming over the past decades. See charts and data sources here.

The Arctic surprises, shames alarmists

At the other end of the earth at the North Pole, Arctic sea ice has not been cooperating at all with the doomsday scenarios of the global warming alarmists. Some of them said it should have gone ice-free in late summer by now.

A recent chart shows that late summer Arctic sea ice volume has GROWN over the past 12 years, and not plummeted as the alarmists once warned:

Predictions totally detached from reality, as real observations show.

Note how predictions made back in 2007 by “leading experts” were completely wrong, and sea ice volume instead has been rising modestly, thus totally surprising and shaming the doomsday prophets.

Yet today the media as a whole continue to lend credibility to these totally failed experts. Is it only natural that citizens are distrustful and regard much climate reporting as “fake news”?

In summary: the polar ice has been holding up well for more than 10 years. The earlier predictions are totally wrong. And in historical context, there is more ice today at the poles than at most times over the past 10,000 years.

Pierre Gosselin contributed to this article as well. Follow Kirye at Twitter here.

44 responses to “Arctic Ice Volume Shames Climate Experts …Antarctic Stations Show Cooling, Not Warming”

  1. Edward Martin

    How about a concise version of this that could then be forwarded to our Senators and congressmen.

  2. Arctic Ice Volume Shames Climate Experts …Antarctic Stations Show Cooling, Not Warming – Truth is difficult but essential; to find, to understand, to accept

    […] No Tricks Zone – Arctic Ice Volume Shames Climate Experts …Antarctic Stations Show Cooling, … […]

  3. John M. Brown

    I find it funny they talk about the polar caps melting when if I’m not mistaken water freezes at 32 degrees and the polar caps never get even close to those temps. Especially in the southern polar region where it gets colder there than anywhere on Earth.

    1. John F. Hultquist

      Salt water does not freeze at 32, ocean currents impact floating ice, and winds can come from warmer places.

      Arctic Ocean floating ice often goes low when “ice arches” break and winds blow the chunks out of the Arctic.
      If a person looks at one of those years, 2007 for example, getting the wrong idea is easy.
      from NASA’s JPL via WUWT

    2. Skeptik

      has Reality Returned?

    3. rah

      The major dynamic changes in sea ice are the result of storms. The Ice is pushed and shoved around, torn apart and compacted by winds, wave action, and currents. This is why sea ice is about as lousy a proxy for temperature as one can choose. I laugh at those which constantly fret over extent and point to it as a climate indicator. Unless your one of the few who navigates in or around the sea ice or lives in a community reliant upon resupply or commerce through icy waters, the only time to be concerned about sea ice extent is when and the ice sheet advances so far south that it isolates places like Iceland, as it did during the Little Ice Age.

      1. Robert Knight

        Oh, I see. So measured near big cities, (heat traps), and next to constantly erupting volcanoes is a more natural, and accurate proxy?? Idiot or troll??

  4. R scientust

    Total fake news and appeal to fear.

  5. Bitter&twisted

    Yet more “Inconvenient Truths”😂

  6. Jim Coyle

    The money is currently on warming alarmism, hence notification to our “Representatives” will be fruitless.

  7. Devil's Advocate
  8. Tom Gibbons

    I checked at DMI, given as the source of the Arctic information. Their website does not say this at all. Quoting:”Since the 1970s … From these measurements we know that the sea ice extent today is significantly smaller than 30 years ago. During the past 10 years the melting of sea ice has accelerated, “

  9. John F. Hultquist

    Tom G,
    From this chart I see that sea ice is right in the middle of the years 2014, ’15, ’16, & ’17.

    This seems to be contrary to ” During the past 10 years the melting of sea ice has accelerated, “

    I’m not inclined to investigate further, but if you or someone else wants to clarify what is going on, please do.

  10. Brian Swift

    This article is disinformation. If anything is factual, it has been cherry picked — e.g., temperatures for just sept-nov plotted vs years. Climate change is about the extremes, and the Spring season is not typically where the extremes occur. Is this a fake news site? I think so.

    1. Kenneth Richard

      Climate change is about the extremes, and the Spring season is not typically where the extremes occur.

      Who has defined extreme anomalies in some months vs. other months as climate change…considering climate is generally defined in 30-year trends?

      In what way is “climate change is about the extremes” not about cherry-picking anomalies that favor one (alarmist) position over another (non-alarmist) position?

  11. Skeptik

    GISS 250 would certainly agree qith you that the Antarctic has not warmed since 2007. GISS is important since it uses stations from SCAR as well as those in the GHCN database.

  12. Mateusz Paluch

    I Love this article. I live in Sweden and I really want to grow grapes and an apricot tree on my backyard. We need this kind of desinformation to reach this goal. Of course, other countries can suffer damage, but who cares? So, global warming is not true, burn more coal, I want to have my grapes!

    1. Michel

      Like in the Medieval Warm Period ( when there was actual Swedish wine (

      1. Kenneth Richard

        Wine grapes were also grown in southern Norway during the Medieval Warm Period, when CO2 levels were around 270 ppm.

        During The 800s-1300s AD, Wine Grapes Were Grown At Latitudes Where Polar Bears Now Roam

        1. tom0mason

          Kenneth Richard,
          I wonder how all those polar bears survived way back then?

          But then again this planet is populated with the remnants of life whose ancestors could adapt to whatever the weather and climate could throw at them, be it hot or cold, wet or dry. All others were extinguished, made extinct.

    2. Robert Knight

      Mateusz Paluch, you might do better to invest in ‘ice wine’ making.

  13. sasquatch

    There is just too much ice in the Arctic Ocean and
    the pseudo-scientists need to figure out how to melt it so there models become reality.

    Sea ice is the problem, somebody has to find a solution to decrease the amount of ice up there at the North Pole.

    According to the gospel of the Church of Climate Alarmists, the Arctic Ocean was supposed to be ice free at the end of the one of the summer seasons up there here in one of the past few years. Hasn’t happened yet, so let us pray to the climate gods that it someday will. lol

    1. rah

      We’re only a couple days away from another prediction from the great climate prophet James Hanson being proven false. I don’t think there is any way for the alarmists to save their one time leaders reputation.

  14. rah

    Looks like there is finally a push for the US to start challenging Russia in the Arctic. It is a travesty that the largest Navy on earth does not have a single ice breaker nor any warships other than subs capable of transiting icy areas. All of the very limited numbers of ice breakers in the US Armed Forces belong to the Coast Guard.

  15. Spekulation: „Megawinter“ ab Januar 2019? Der Polarwirbel macht ernst! – wobleibtdieglobaleerwaermung

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  16. rah

    Should not go without noting:

    Remember it’s summer down there. Really when ever one takes off carrying everything they will need with no resupply or support expected for any extended period, they are in the survival mode the whole time. Of course what he has accomplished is far and away above anything I have ever done. However I think I can relate better than the average person as to what went into this amazing accomplishment.

    My first winter warfare exercise we were chased through the Green mountains of Vermont for 15 days with no resupply. For me, being new on the team and still learning how to ski, it was very tough. It never got above 0 F and one night the little clip on thermometer I carried with me during the day on a zipper and hung up in the tent at night read -32 F. I was in great shape before we left but still lost 15 lb. in 15 days. Believe it or not, a real danger in the cold snowy environment is dehydration. You simply do not feel thirst until you are already dehydrated so like everything else in a survival situation discipline is an essential key. Discipline to ration food. Discipline to drink when you don’t feel thirsty. Discipline to make sure the things that cannot be allowed to be frozen are next to your body at all times, including in the sleeping bag. Discipline to get out of the bag into the extreme cold and get moving to do all the things you have to do to get ready to move in the most efficient way possible. Discipline to make sure that at all times your doing what you can to prevent the loss of precious body heat because body heat is the equivalent to calories and calories are energy and warmth, and you only have so much food with you to keep your metabolic furnace stoked. Everything, even the simplest things, must be thought out and planned before you attempt to execute to conserve your calories and thus your energy.

    The ambiance of living in a frozen environment that is nearly silent except for natural sounds other than those you make is something that has to be experienced to be understood. It does allow one to focus in a way that I have never experienced in any other environment and once one gets used to it, does foster a feeling of inner peace.

    I notice that the stove he relied upon appears to be a MSR ( Mountain Safety Research) model. A multi-fuel MSR is what I carried during cold weather operations. They are fantastic. For warmer operations I used a simple propane stove because it was lighter and easier to set up and take down. But propane freezes and will not gas in the cold and so the MSR using white gas for fuel was the choice in such conditions. It really puts out the BTUs.

    The type sleds he was using are of the Akio type. Great for hauling loads on flat or rolling terrain but unmanageable for a single person on steep assents that require traversing if they have much of a load in them. He also had to avoid places with deep powder because there is no way he could have hauled 100’s of pounds through it with those Akios. Thus he had to avoid wind breaks where powder tends to accumulate on the lee side and stay out in the open braving the wind and thus the wind chill.

    As far as I’m concerned what those men, both the American and the Brit, is far and away a greater accomplishment than topping Everest or any other mountain.

    1. Brett Keane

      Ahem, Hillary did both, and much else…. Brett

  17. Bob Tisdale

    Kirye in Tokyo, thank you very much for this post. Your work is wonderful.


    Bob Tisdale

    1. Kirye

      Thank you. That’s really encouraging.

  18. tom0mason

    I for one am not in the slightest upset at hearing that the Arctic is melting, why should anyone be? It is a fine example that the we are definitely leaving the LIA behind and moving to a more beneficial warm time.
    It will, at some point, all melt. It may be rapid it may be quite slow, either way humans are NOT in control of it and never have been.

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