“FRIGHTENING FINDINGS” stun… “immediately after vaccination start on December 27, 2020, sudden and unexpected deaths exploded in Germany.”
This is shown by just released data of the 72 million insured by Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV):
Sudden and unexpected deaths in per quarter since 2016. Chart: Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV),
The number has more than doubled since the vaccine was introduced at the end of 2020, jumping from about 6000 per quarter to 14,000 currently. The difference, 8000, means more than 80 people each and every day are dying suddenly and mysteriously.
The German analysis since the start of Corona vaccination show the population has seen drastic changes in disease patterns and deaths. This is the result of data from the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), which Martin Sichert was able to evaluate exclusively together with data expert Tom Lause, and made public at a press conference earlier today.
Frightening findings
“Patient data of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) on side effects of the Corona vaccinations provide frightening findings,” tweets Prof. Stefan Homburg. “With the start of Corona mass vaccinations, the number of those who died ‘suddenly and unexpectedly’ jumped more than fourfold compared to previous years. In each quarter, beginning with the first quarter of 2021, more sudden and unexpected deaths were recorded by panel physicians than in any total year from 2016 to 2020.”
The task and responsibility of monitoring vaccine safety falls in the hands of Germany’s Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), which appears to have grossly neglected analyzing the KBV data – a duty it is obligated to do in the interest of public safety.
The German government in 2020 indeed standardized the use of the insurance data to protect against immunization damage, but the current government and the PEI have stunningly ignored the law.
German parliamentarian Martin Sichert and data analyst Tom Lausen have since forced forced the release of the data and the shocking results.
Can’t see how the m[iracle]RNA toxic spew COVIDIUS jab can cull so many modern moron slaves!
One thing is certain… About the sudden unexpected deaths those that can be associated with the intake of the m[iracle]RNA toxic spew COVIDIUS jab Umanity hasn’t lost any balanced uman animal.
Heck the Coroners have showing what they have pulled out of peoples veins when they ‘suddenly die’…long collections of what I believe are the ‘spikes’ in the Mrna Death Jabs.
AND the people who ‘died suddenly’ all took the Death Jab. All studies by Insurance Companies have shown a a rapid rise damn near INSTANTLY after the Death Jab was started to be used widely.
I am a PUREBLOOD and have had COVID – a 2-3 day yuckey time – and now I am fine. Now many are getting Covid 2, 3, 5 times which means the COVID Virus is man made and a BIOWEAPON.
Prove me wrong Death Merchant Fauci!
I have posted a message on JoNova’s Website Climate Change will save lives and prevent heart attacks.
I’m flabbergasted. But not surprised.
Climate Heretic
[…] Zdroj: https://notrickszone.com/2022/12/12/breaking-data-of-72-million-insured-shows-massive-sudden-unexpec… […]
It is interesting to see how many quite different countries all seem to have the same policy – that the vaccines are safe and effective, and that any disagreement with this policy must be suppressed. ONE WOULD almost think that there was some supra-national guiding hand behind it all.. .
RE “ONE WOULD almost think”
No. One MUST think that’s the case because it IS — see The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon” at https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html
“… doctors and scientists are now on the same lever of public confidence as the scum living in the swamp.” — Unknown in 2022
The un-vaccinated have been blamed for spreading the evil Covid viral strain that will kill everybody alive, even the vaccinated.
The horror.
The mask-wearing vaccinated are dying, the un-vaccinated are at fault.
As a lunatic thoroughly ensconced in my digs on the moon, there is something wrong about what is going on down there on earth.
It wasn’t me!
Said the lunatics in charge.
Still your fault the vaccines don’t work.
[…] The number of sudden deaths more than doubled since the vaccine was introduced at the end of 2020, jumping from about 6,000 per quarter to 14,000 currently. The difference, 8,000, means more than 80 people each day are dying suddenly and mysteriously, according to a report on the No Tricks Zone website. […]
[…] to a report from No Tricks Zone, the difference, 8,000, means more than 80 people each day are dying suddenly and […]
The response:
So, does this mean they were smart enough to change the different codes right at the time the vaccines were introduced and in doing so make any real comparison impossible..?
Not certain I follow the reason they are stating the report showing the major increase is wrong.
I called the Covid-19 lockdown scam correctly on 21Mar2020 and advised my governments against deploying the toxic injections on 8Jan2021.
I only publish when I am certain. See CorrectPredictions.ca
[…] The number of sudden deaths more than doubled since the vaccine was introduced at the end of 2020, jumping from about 6,000 per quarter to 14,000 currently. The difference, 8,000, means more than 80 people each day are dying suddenly and mysteriously, according to a report on the No Tricks Zonewebsite. […]
[…] The number of sudden deaths more than doubled since the vaccine was introduced at the end of 2020, jumping from about 6,000 per quarter to 14,000 currently. The difference, 8,000, means more than 80 people each day are dying suddenly and mysteriously, according to a report on the No Tricks Zonewebsite. […]
[…] https://notrickszone.com/2022/12/12/breaking-data-of-72-million-insured-shows-massive-sudden-unexpec… […]
How the CDC & VAERS prepared for mRNA vaccines – 6 months in advance:
There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27.
The Initial Contract with General Dynamics
The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020. It outlines a series of services the company was to provide to the CDC pursuant to the “anticipated increase” in VAERS reports due to the COVID-19 vaccines.
There is no clause in the contract giving the CDC an option to cancel or suspend the contract in the event that vaccines would not be authorized. Also, the contract stipulates that the contractor would have everything up and running within 60 days of the contract, which means by the end of October. But what if the vaccines were never approved? Or what if they were approved much later, say in February, April or June? Was the CDC just going to hand over [redacted] millions of dollars to the contractor for nothing? Or did the CDC know something about the impending approval of COVID-19 vaccines? It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion.
BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: https://www.ibtimes.sg/fact-check-biontech-ceo-ugur-sahin-refuses-take-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-due-safety-concerns-61652 but by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher, (bearing in mind that VAERS represents only 1% of all injuries and deaths recorded and multiplying the numbers given by 41 (x41) gives a much better appreciation of just how many American’s were being injured or had died, after vaccinations began in early 2021), on a daily basis: see below
CDC Expected Huge Increase in VAERS Reporting
The contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature:
According to the contract, VAERS had been receiving an annual average of 53,000 reports in recent years, so in contracting for up to 1,000 reports per day, the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher.
The initial total amount specified (with options) under the contract with Eagle Health Analytics was $5,925,388.58 or $7,077,054.90 “with all options” (which presumably includes the extension of the VAERS work through July). This amount also includes the CISA project assistance. However, it does not include the increased hours in the Oct. 29 revision, nor the increase for the V-SAFE pregnancy registry work. However, I have not been able to find the contract in any Federal contracts database. Perhaps one of my readers will have better luck.
How Much Did All of This Cost?
The amounts paid out under the contracts with General Dynamics were redacted. But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million added, though it’s not clear for what since the contract had presumably expired by then. (Best guess is that General Dynamics continued some or all of its work on COVID VAERS reports with Eagle Health brought in for additional support.) Grand total? $35,425,642 of your taxpayer dollars.
So the next time somebody says that VAERS data is worthless, ask them why the Federal government paid contractors at least $45 million dollars over 2 years to maintain this “nationally critical function.”
The Contracts
23 00099 General Dynamics Information Te…
23 00099 Eagle Health Analytics, Ll
An anonymous source has sent me (Josh Guetzkow) two key contracts obtained via FOIA between the CDC and two contractors hired to assist with COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring, including reports to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). “Assist” is not quite the right word, since the contracts essentially outsource VAERS maintenance and reporting for COVID-19 vaccines to these companies. Both contracts are embedded above, of this post.
The above information posted by Josh Guetzkow – which I happened to come across.
Question: There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27, but It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion – from January 2021
So the CDC knew that Covid-19 vaccines would cause approximately 1,000 injuries or deaths per day (x41), once they were released for public use – yet the mRNA vaccines went ahead anyway, care of Trump first and Biden later and no mention has been made of the 99% Graphene Oxide and nanotechnology in the Lipid packages, which were injected in their billions in each mRNA vaccine shot – so what do you think of the above – when you “volunteered” to be mRNA vaccinated, but now?
I don’t know where this came from, but it seems relevant to the above: https://acrobiosystems.com.cn/A1111-SARS-CoV-2-Related-Products.html#module=kit4
30 years never had a virus or bacteria infection = never ill: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of clean warm water – cup a hand and in stages, sniff or snort the mugful up your nose spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, you have a virus and the salt solution is disinfecting it, so wait 2-3 minutes until burning sensation goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night or more often if you want, until it feels like you are flushing with water only – job done. 3 minutes idea to job done – simple. No virus, no Covid or Long Covid in your head possible. You cannot catch Covid, you have to catch a Coronavirus first and let it become Covid in the nasal passages of your head, later transported down into your body in the one liter of snot, or mucus, we each produce daily – the engine oil of the body. mRNA vaccines – what for?
“You will own nothing and you will be happy” is what concerns me. Did you know the US Supreme Court passed a Law in 2013 (the same year, 2013, that Moderna patented their Covid virus) that everyone synthetically mRNA vaccinated is no longer human and all human rights are lost and the body of the vaccinated becomes like a GMO product, because once the vaccines are injected into the blood stream and pass through the blood brain barrier in the billions of lipid packages in each vaccine shot, they can’t be taken out, so the body becomes “owned” by the vaccine maker of choice, like a GMO product, because the “synthetic mRNA and RNA is not naturally forming in the body and thus has been patented.
The mRNA vaccines are said to change a persons DNA in 6 hours and sterilize all in 8 hours, irrespective of sex, so presumably no more children making it to birth, before dying, or not long afterwards if they make it that far.
The assets, homes, and everything else, are not much use to a bio/human, once they are controlled by a computer somewhere – so guess who gets to own everything without paying a cent for it, presumably?
The mRNA vaccines include 99% Graphene Oxide and nanotechnology – bearing in mind that the Pfizer vaccines, anyway, were created by Dr Ugur Sahin CEO of BioNTech and inventor of the BIO N TECH Pfizer vaccine on a home computer in an afternoon and no virus or Covid was present and his vaccines were rolled out in January 2021 – see Wiki for more information.
everyone synthetically mRNA vaccinated is no longer human and all human rights are lost”
Do you have link to, and or a quote from this law?
It’s a screwball claim. DNA gets modified constantly from mutations that occur over one’s lifetime, as well as every time sperm meets egg, and doubtless from infection with some viruses. Unmodified DNA is not what makes us human. If it did, then none of us would be.
I can’t imagine any but the most depraved mind conceiving such a warped idea.
Well – given my above post: There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27.
Now you know why there were so many deaths after mRNA vaccines, which were rubber stamped by governments around the world as being safe, based on Trump and Biden’s models – so this in reality might be called deliberate genocide – in my opinion, by all of our governments.
The stuff in brackets are my add ons and the last 2 paragraphs at the end of the article asking my question.
If you want more of this stuff, have a look at Robert O Young’s webpages (might be the earlier ones) regarding what is injected in the vaccines into everyone’s bodies, but at a cellular level, so a high powered microscope is necessary, which he has – if you have not seen it yet, scary stuff indeed, bearing in mind that Pfizers vaccine was made on a home computer (which presumably linked in turn to mainframe computers) in an afternoon and NO Covid virus or infection was present or used in the vaccine assembly – so how could anyone know if it did anything?.
If you use the side bar on the right hand side of his webpage and move it to the bottom, it jumps his webpage to the comments section, where you will find plenty more articles by me, which you can download and publish if you like, although most of it is out of date now – a doozie however, is the post about how many lipid packages there are in each shot, (billions) each containing 99% Graphene Oxide and the nanotechnology and parasites (presumably to make the whole package work), but at a cellular level – so my question to you is, who controls the computers that made the Pfizer vaccine in the first place and if that entity is not “human” but computer, what then, when 5G kicks in worldwide from space?
you will also find an article about Graphene Oxide and how it can be changed to Graphene Hydroxide by a radio signal. Graphene Hydroxide is a whole different ballgame – miniature double sided razors at a cellular level which chop up nerves and the insides of organs – but not discovered, because autopsies don’t examine the insides of organs to see if there is any micro damage there.
The guy who put to press the switch from Oxide to Hydroxide (a name like Noke?) died a horrid death, which was seen and recorded and my take on his death is that those behind this mRNA vaccine, served him up with Hydroxide to punish and kill him, for reporting about it and the cause and effect of these tiny razors.
Interesting times indeed – “You will own nothing and you will be happy” the end of the human race is well in hand (well not human after mRNA vaccination, no longer human with zero human rights – another form of cattle), probably see the final solution by 2025 – if it is any help, I have NOT been mRNA vaccinated, nor will I ever agree to be. No point being miserable, might as well be flippant – who is behind this – my guess Bill Gates who funds the CDC and thus owns it – but does Bill Gates control the computers that made the mRNA vaccines that is the question.
I also posted about the Novavax vaccine – it uses H1N1 if my memory serves me correctly – the same formula used for the vaccines for Spanish Flu, created, apparently by Bill Gates father (like father like son) they worked so well then, killing everyone who had them after WW1 (1918) it seems they are being used by Novavax again now – I wonder why?
The question that Richard A. asked is very simple: Do you have link to, and or a quote from this law?
If you have, please provide that link to the legal ruling in question or to the legal analysis that leads to your conclusion that those people who were injected with vaccines that are based on mRNA solutions are no longer legally human and have, as a consequence, forfeited their human rights.
There are increasingly thinner lines between supposition, conspiracy theorising and paranoia.
Apparently not. It is such a strong assertion to make, that it must be backed up.
[…] The Daily Sceptic reports: The difference, 8,000, means more than 80 people each day are dying suddenly and mysteriously, according to a report on the No Tricks Zonewebsite. […]
[…] The Daily Sceptic reports: The difference, 8,000, means more than 80 people each day are dying suddenly and mysteriously, according to a report on the No Tricks Zonewebsite. […]
[…] The number of sudden deaths more than doubled since the vaccine was introduced at the end of 2020, jumping from about 6,000 per quarter to 14,000 currently. The difference, 8,000, means more than 80 people each day are dying suddenly and mysteriously, according to a report on the No Tricks Zone […]
We in the control group are going to be the living proof of what caused this.
[…] L. Gosselin of the “NoTricksZone” blog has provided an English report of the data. Thanks to Henry Makow for including this in […]
[…] L. Gosselin of the “NoTricksZone” blog has provided an English report of the data. Thanks to Henry Makow for including this in his […]
[…] L. Gosselin of the “NoTricksZone” blog has provided an English report of the data. Thanks to Henry Makow for including this in […]
[…] L. Gosselin of the “NoTricksZone” blog has provided an English report of the data. Thanks to Henry Makow for including this in […]
[…] L. Gosselin of the “NoTricksZone” blog has provided an English report of the data. Thanks to Henry Makow for including this in […]
[…] L. Gosselin of the “NoTricksZone” blog has provided an English report of the data. Thanks to Henry Makow for including this in […]
[…] L. Gosselin of the “NoTricksZone” blog has provided an English report of the data. Thanks to Henry Makow for including this in […]
[…] L. Gosselin of the “NoTricksZone” blog has provided an English report of the data. Thanks to Henry Makow for including this in […]