
Germany 17.2°C Mean September Temperature Sets All-Time High...DWD Blames "Climate Change"

Germany 17.2°C Mean September Temperature Sets All-Time High…DWD Blames “Climate Change”

Germany’s DWD national weather service reports September, 2023, was the warmest ever recorded, the second sunniest. High pressure ruled the month. This year, Germans welcomed a warm September. Symbol photo, by NoTricksZone The reason for the “enormous meteorological anomalies to Germany in September”, the DWD reports, was “an omega weather situation.” Central Europe was under […]

Despite Extreme Heat Claims, Germany’s Summer Not Even Warm Enough For Public Swimming Pools

The preliminary German DWD national weather service results of the data for Germany this summer (June, July, August) are in. As expected, the summer was warmer than normal, but nothing really unusual. Fudging the anomalies The DWD reports, however, the temperature of the  2023 summer in Germany “was significantly above the multi-year average, every summer […]

Germans Will Need To Turn On Heat As Cold, Wet Weather Sets To Grip Country In Early August

Germans Will Need To Turn On Heat As Cold, Wet Weather Sets To Grip Country In Early August

“Weather situation from mid to late October”…cold and rains drown heat alarmism across Europe. Highs only in the 50s and 60s Fahrenheit. NOAA August forecast for Europe flops! Early in the summer, “experts” like the NOAA had predicted a record hot and dry summer was likely for Europe. The first 6 weeks of the summer, […]

New Study: 21st Century Precipitation Trends Have Become Less Intense Globally

New Study: 21st Century Precipitation Trends Have Become Less Intense Globally

Yet another instance of the models getting it wrong.   Hydrological processes were expected to intensify with warming. The opposite has happened.                                                                   […]

Germany Mean Temperature Trend For The Month Of May Sees No Rise Since 1986

Germany Mean Temperature Trend For The Month Of May Sees No Rise Since 1986

Germany’s DWD national weather service has released the preliminary figures for Germany’s mean temperature and precipitation for May, 2023. The month was normal in terms of temperature using the 1991-2020 climate mean and drier than normal.  May has shown no warming trend for almost four decades By Stefan Kämpfe, EIKE Those who hoped for compensation […]

Cold Grips Globally: Alaska's 4th Cold Winter... Record Cold Down Under...UK's Delayed Spring...

Cold Grips Globally: Alaska’s 4th Cold Winter… Record Cold Down Under…UK’s Delayed Spring…

Excerpts from EIKE here. 1. Alaska’s fourth cold winter in a row Alaska was once seen as a beacon of hope in the AGW coal mine: but after four cold winters in a row, culminating in a historically cold winter season in 2022-23, The Last Climate Frontier has certainly lost that status – the catastrophists […]

US Has Had An “Historic Winter” As “All Western States Have Seen Record Snowfall”

By Christian Freuer, EIKE (Translated, edited by P. Gosselin) The western US has had an historic winter. From record-breaking cold spells to unprecedented amounts of snow, this has been a memorable cold season – and one that runs counter to the prophecies of the AGW party. Starting with the cold – and according to data from […]

Central Europe April Has Been Cool And Wet, Bringing Relief To Drought Stricken Regions

Central Europe April Has Been Cool And Wet, Bringing Relief To Drought Stricken Regions

April 2023 is more than half finished and the average temperature was Germany is 6.2 degrees Celsius for the first half of April. That’s below the long-term average of 9.0 degrees Celsius. April 2023 very cool Hat-tip: Klimanachrichten However, the month still has a ways to go and warmer weather may prevail. But it seems […]

1969 Cold Record Broken In China -53°C...Snow In The Mediterranean...Japan Hard Hit

1969 Cold Record Broken In China -53°C…Snow In The Mediterranean…Japan Hard Hit

1960s winter conditions hit across the globe Unusually harsh winter conditions pepper the globe. Symbol image generated by dall e2, Open AI.  As usual, parts of the globe have experienced warmer than normal temperatures this winter, like Central Europe, while others have seen colder conditions. It’s all natural. As a whole, the globe is seeing […]

Oimjakon, Siberia Sees “Extremely Low Temperatures” As Mercury Plummets To 65 Below!

UPDATE: December 5, 2022… now -57°C.  Unusual temperatures for early December…knocking at energy-deprived Europe’s door  German meteorologist Dominik Jung of says, after having reported yesterday of -50°C in Oimjakon, Siberia: “-54°C were measured there this morning.” -54°C is 65 below Fahrenheit. “For early December, these are extremely low temperatures there, which are normally expected […]

Colder, Wetter Than Normal September Pushes German Gas Consumption +14.5%, Winter Gas Outage Looms!

Colder, Wetter Than Normal September Pushes German Gas Consumption +14.5%, Winter Gas Outage Looms!

Sudden mid September cold snap forces Germans to turn on the heat early…consume 14.5% more gas than previous years…”wettest September since 2001″…gas shortage in winter “difficult to avoid” Germany’s heating season gets an early start as cold snap hits. (Symbol photo by P. Gosselin)  With Russia’s gas supply to Europe having practically come to a […]

Germany 2022 Summer 'Heat Wave'? So Far July Has Been Cooler Than Long-Term Mean

Germany 2022 Summer ‘Heat Wave’? So Far July Has Been Cooler Than Long-Term Mean

The media and climate activists have been shouting about the hot weather in Europe – as if it has reached historic dimensions. They’ve been using wild fantasy 10-day model projections to intensify the sense of alarm. The whole act of course is to try to get people to think we’re in crisis and, like with […]

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