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Skeptic Papers 2015

Updated 27 March 2016 Reader Kenneth Richard presents 282 peer-reviewed papers published in 2015 supporting the skeptical position that natural factors are in fact a dominant climate driver: Feel free to send this list to a political leader. ========================================= Papers Supporting a Skeptical-of-the-Consensus Position for 2015 Solar Influence on Climate (95 papers) http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00024-014-0929-1 We have reconstructed the temperature […]

Current Solar Cycle Only 56% Of Normal…Modelers Scramble…Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) Projected To Fall To 1880 Levels!

German Professor Fritz Vahrenholt and Frank Bosse present the solar report for October 2015. The current cycle continues to be a weak one. ======================================= The Sun in October 2015 By Frank Bosse and Fritz Vahrenholt [Translated/edited by P Gosselin] In October, 2015, our mother star was less active than in September. The solar sunspot number […]

Potsdam Institute Director Schellnhuber Presents 60,000 Year Predictions! …A Prophet, Or Just Stark Raving Mad?

Rudolf Kipp of the Science Skeptical site has a post on the latest climate predictions of Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber, the Director of the alarmist Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). The institute is influential and is famous for being staffed with scientists who are homogenously alarmist and at times zealously intolerant of dissenting views. Kipp refers […]

Shrill Alarmism Backfires…Squandered Credibility, Potsdam Institute Scientist Wonders Why No One Heeds Daily Climate Alarms

Stefan Rahmstorf’s Nightmare By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt When facts and arguments stop convincing, then the only thing left to do is to argue at an emotional level. Climate activists have produced a website where IPCC-cozy scientists expressed their concerns in hand-written letters. One of the writers was Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for […]

German Scientists Call Matthew England’s Attempt To Declare Climate Models “Robust” A Real Joke

By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof Fritz Vahrenholt It’s rather peculiar: None of the IPCC climate models projected the warming pause of the last 17 years. An real embarrassment. Scientist Stefan Rahmstorf was devastated, and so publicly disputed that there even was a pause at all. Naturally this strategy cannot be successful over the long run. Then […]

“There Are People Who Believe They See Unabated Global Warming In the 1/100°C Range” …Warming Has Ground To a Halt

Stefan Rahmstorf: No pause, anywhere! By Michael Krueger [Translated by P. Gosselin) “No pause, anywhere!” announced Stefan Rahmstorf in his latest article at KlimaLounge. And he added: “As our long-term readers know, there’s been a steady global warming since the 1970s, though it has been superimposed by the usual short-term fluctuations, it has not slowed […]

Academics Seeking Power Over Global Policy Launch “Australian-German College of Climate & Energy Transitions”

Tony Thomas at the Australian online Quadrant site here has an excellent overview of who and what is really behind the far-out alarmist “science” coming from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK): “Die Grünshirts Parachute Into Parkville“. Some excerpts follow. On Hans Schellnhuber: PIK was founded in 1991 by climate doomsday professor, Herr […]

Georgia Tech Climatologist Curry: “No Sign Of Slowdown” In AMOC…Sees Atlantic “Arctic Sea Ice Recovery”, Hints Of Greenland Cooling

Michael Mann’s and Stefan Rahmstorf’s recent AMOC paper has been promptly and widely discredited since it came out, see here WUWT, WUWT, and NTZ. The sharp criticism has since picked up. Veteran meteorologist Joe Bastardi for example blasted the paper in a comment at WUWT, calling the claims “nonsense” and reminded that renowned climatology expert […]

German Experts: New Paper By Gleisner Shows 2013 Cowtan And Way Arctic Data Hole Paper Was A Lemon

German experts Sebastian Lüning and Fritz Vahrenholt tell at their Die kalte Sonne site us why the 2013 Cowtan and Way paper has proven to be a flop. ======================================== Failed spectacularly: Arctic data hole theory for the warming pause collapses By Sebastian Lüning and Fritz Vahrenholt (Translated, edited by P Gosselin) For quite some time […]

Science With “97% Consensus” and “99% Certainty” Sees 0% Of Its Scientists Willing To Bet On It!

About 10 days ago a press release by the Alfred Wegener Institute gave readers the impression that the Arctic sea ice would keep on melting. In response I sent e-mails to the two scientists cited in it, Marcel Nicolaus and Lars Kaleschke, and asked if they would advise a bet on it. I even posted […]

!! Prime Minister Of India: "Climate Has Not Changed" ... Alarmist Scientist Accuses Modi Of Denial !!

!! Prime Minister Of India: “Climate Has Not Changed” … Alarmist Scientist Accuses Modi Of Denial !!

The online India Today here reports that India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday: Climate has not changed. We have changed. Our habits have changed. Our habits have got spoiled. Due to that, we have destroyed our entire environment,” he said while addressing students and replying to their questions through video conferencing in the […]

Berlin Orchestra Now Donning Rubber Boots To Elevate Awareness Of Dangerous Climate Change

The seemingly climate doomsday-obsessed Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) tweeted a link to the Berlin Staatsoper (Berlin State Opera), which is announcing a benefit concert dubbed “Science Meets Music“, slated for 30 August 2014. The proceeds raised will go to the NaturTon Foundation. I just had to laugh at the new elitist level of […]

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