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Europe Climate Policy Blows Engine…”Giant Failure” … Scientists “Failed Tricking Their Way Past Democracy” … Mood Of Resignation

Good news! This is about one of the most damning pieces on the European climate movement I’ve read all year, and that from Germany’s equivalent of the Washington Post. An atmosphere of resignation is truly sweeping through Germany’s climate movement. Flagship media are waking up. We’re winning! “Failed tricking their way past democracy” The Frankfurter […]

Scientists Find That Sea Level Rise Is Much Slower Than Expected…No Human Fingerprint

Veteran journalist Ulli Kulke of the German blog Die Welt has a report claiming that how sea levels are not rising anywhere near as fast as climate science alarmists are claiming. First Kulke reminds readers that measuring sea level is no easy task because, depending on the location, sea levels can vary by several decimeters – […]

Swiss News Magazine ‘Weltwoche’: “Skeptics On The Rise…No Trace Of Consensus In Climate Science”.

A couple of days ago I wrote about an article published in the print copy of Swiss magazine Weltwoche. That same article also had a side feature story on the myth of climate science consensus titled: Skeptics On The Rise – by Alex Reichmuth. Reichmuth writes that the claim of a scientific consensus in climate […]

UN IPCC Exhumes, Brings Climate Catastrophe Back From The Grave...Politicians, Activists Dancing Like It's 2007!

UN IPCC Exhumes, Brings Climate Catastrophe Back From The Grave…Politicians, Activists Dancing Like It’s 2007!

Today the German and international media, politicians and activists are all in a celebratory mood – the climate catastrophe is back after all. It’s real and approaching faster than ever. The UN just certified it! Climate activists are in a state of euphoria again – they’re out dancing in the streets – there hasn’t been such a feeling […]

German Professor: IPCC Science Finds Itself In A Serious Jam…”5AR Likely To Be The Last Of Its Kind”

And: “Extreme weather is the only card they have got left to play.” So says German Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt, who is one of the founders of Germany’s modern environmental movement, and agreed to an interview with NoTricksZone. He is one of the co-authors of the German skeptic book “Die kalte Sonne”, which took Germany by storm last […]

PIK Scientist Gerstengarbe: “A Single Heat Wave Is Absolutely No Sign Of Clmate Change”

How often have we heard the alarmists say “one cold winter is not climate” but then claim that a single tornado or a few days of hot weather are ominous signs of global warming? Yesterday the German Press Agency (DPA) had an interview with Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research climate scientist Prof. Friedrich-Wilhelm Gerstengarbe. […]

German Scientists: “Antarctic Shelf-Ice More Stable Than Thought…Potsdam Alarm Stories Becoming Obselete”

Antarctic Shelf-Ice More Stable Than Thought: Potsdam Alarm Stories Becoming Obselete By Dr. Sebastain Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt (Translated/edited with permission by P. Gosselin) The Antarctic ice shelf is made up of huge ice sheets that float on the ocean and are firmly connected to the mainland ice cap. There are two main ice […]

Warmist Scientists Amuse Themselves With Rolling Stone's "10 Dumbest Things Ever Said About Global Warming"

Warmist Scientists Amuse Themselves With Rolling Stone’s “10 Dumbest Things Ever Said About Global Warming”

UPDATE: Levermann has now officially blocked me as a Twitter follower Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research scientist Anders Levermann, a colleague of über-alarmists Stefan Rahmstorf and Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber, gleefully tweeted an article from the sex, drugs, and rock n roll lifestyle authority, Rolling Stone: The 10 Dumbest Things Ever Said About Global Warming. PIK […]

Blacklisted Science Journalists Taking German Environment Ministry To Court For Defamation, Violating Neutrality

Germany’s Süddeutsche Zeitung reports the latest development on the Umweltbundesamt (UBA) scandal. Recently Germany’s version of the Environmental Protection Agency (UBA) published a 120-page brochure that publicly named and branded renowned skeptic US and German journalists and scientists because they “did not conform to the level of climate science knowledge“. Minister of Bullying? Environment Minister Peter Altmaier […]

German Business Magazine: UBA Federal Environment Agency Authors “Made Themselves Religious Warriors”

Just how radical has the environmental movement become in Germany? Well, to give you an idea, Germany’s Umweltbundesamt (Federal Environment Agency), or UBA, which is Germany’s version of the EPA, recently issued a 122-page pamphlet that fiercely defended the alarmists predictions of catastrophic global warming, and used harsh tactics to pillory skeptic US and German journalists and […]

Vahrenholt Hits Back At German Government's Pillory Of Skeptics: "Why Did You Falsify My Biography?"

Vahrenholt Hits Back At German Government’s Pillory Of Skeptics: “Why Did You Falsify My Biography?”

Germany’s version of the EPA, the Umweltbundesamt (UBA) unleashed a wave of outrage with the publication of a 123-page pamphlet dubbed: “And indeed it continues to warm – What’s behind the climate science debate” (background here). The government pamphlet defames and blacklists US and German climate skeptic scientists and journalists. Among those targeted is Professor Dr. […]

Veteran Journalists Slam German UBA Environmental Agency...Suppression Of Dissent "Reminds Of Reichskulturkammer"!

Veteran Journalists Slam German UBA Environmental Agency…Suppression Of Dissent “Reminds Of Reichskulturkammer”!

A few days ago NTZ wrote about a recently published brochure released by the Umweltbundesamt (UBA), which is Germany’s version of the EPA. UBA Director Jochen Flasbarth lost control of the agency to radical zealots, now under massive fire. Photo: UBA. The notorious brochure not only included an alarmist summary of climate science today, but […]

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