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DIE ZEIT Weekly Defames Climate Science Skeptics, Calling Them "Deniers" - Attack Book They Never Read

DIE ZEIT Weekly Defames Climate Science Skeptics, Calling Them “Deniers” – Attack Book They Never Read

Controversy is swirling over new upcoming skeptic book. It begins with DIE ZEIT’s latest article on the controversial new skeptic book authored by Prof Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt (renewable energy expert) and Dr. Sebastian Lüning (expert geologist) which will hit the bookstores on February 6, published by the renown Hoffmann & Campe in Hamburg. It has […]

Alfred Wegener Institute Deputy Director, Veteran Polar Scientist: “We Have A Light Cooling Trend”

I really hate doing this, because I know that the poor scientist will probably be summoned to some office somewhere for an earful, or just suddenly disappear in some big ice crevice. We all know that in Germany terrible things happen to climate scientists (and journalists) and who don’t say the right things. Our friends […]

Hans von Storch: North Sea Sea Levels Rising 20 cm/century (Only)

German “intellectual” online daily Die Zeit here interviews four (state-funded) alarmists (some more, some less) just to reassure its readers that the world is indeed coming to a catastrophic end. Here it’s interesting to compare the remarks of Hans von Storch and Stefan Rahmstorf on the subject of sea level rise of the North Sea, as […]

Climategate 2.0

Looks like Thanksgiving is early this year. Here’s a feast for kings. 🙂 http://foia2011.org/index.php?id=2 Update: The real doozies are marked in bold print. having gone through them, I have to say sorry, but these scientists are nothing but liars. If the governments don’t act now on this, then we are truly living in anarchy. It will […]

Climategate 2.0

Looks like Thanksgiving is early this year. Here’s a feast for kings. 🙂 /// FOIA 2011 — Background and Context /// “Over 2.5 billion people live on less than $2 a day.””Every day nearly 16.000 children die from hunger and related causes.” “One dollar can save a life” — the opposite must also be true. […]

Der Spiegel 1948: “America Will Become Less” – Sea Level Rise Of 6 Millimeters Per Year!

Awhile back Stefan Rahmstorf took a few readings off the coast of North Carolina and concluded sea levels were rising faster than at any time since Jesus had walked on water. Well, Der Spiegel noticed it 63 years ago in 1948 and wrote a piece called “America will become less”. Obviously Rahmstorf had only recycled an old story […]

The Math That Gives You The Result You Want – Every Time!

UPDATE 1: Roger Pielke Jr: Here is another good example why I have come to view parts of the climate science research enterprise with a considerable degree of distrust.” =============================================== With the IPCC 5th report due to come out in the near future, the order books at hockey stick factories are full. The Potsdam Institute […]

North Pole stop in the 1950s.

The Paul Ehrlich Of Climatology Reveals His Latest Halloween Horror Visions

Halloween is already in full swing at the Potsdam Institute For Climate Impact Reseaarch in Germany. Witches, goblins, flesh-eating zombies and scary monsters are stirring about and spreading disturbing horror visions. Right now Stefan Rahmstorf is frozen by such a vision like a deer in the headlights. Rahmstorf, who has the unscientific habit of taking cyclic graphs and drawing […]

Global Mean Sea Level Determination: An Ocean Of Uncertainty

Global Mean Sea Level Determination: An Ocean Of Uncertainty

What follows is a good overview explaining why the measurement of Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL) is fraught with much uncertainty and so subject to substantial error. Michael Limburg of the European Institute for Climate and Energy tells us why. Tide gauge system (Credit: University of Colorado) Source: http://sealevel.colorado.edu/content/tide-gauge-sea-levelOn On Determining Global Mean Sea Level […]

Hurricane hype blows back against the warmists. (NASA photo)

German FAZ: Winds “Moving Massively Against Hurricane And Climate Science”

Online German flagship national daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) has a piece on the hype surrounding hurricane Irene, which we recall was supposed to end up being the most super-charged hurricane to hit the Northeast US in a quarter century. It ended up being a hurricane of hype, and nothing else. But the FAZ writes if […]

Der Spiegel: Global Warming Now Causes Sea Level Drop…Through Weather Shifts!

It wasn’t long ago a PNAS study led by Stefan Rahmstorf had come out claiming sea level rise is “accelerating”. This of course was followed by the mainstream media jumping on the global warming bandwagon and trumpeting doom and gloom would strike sooner than we ever thought, maybe even before we die. Unfortunately, the acceleration […]

German Reaction To CERN Project: Stubbornness And Dismissiveness – To The Bitter End

Here is a sampling of the media reaction coming from Germany on CERN’s cosmic ray cloud seeding experiment. Normally the German mainstream media is quick to report on new scientific developments, especially anything indicating catastrophic global warming. But this time they have been slow and cautious. FOCUS magazine online starts with: Climate skeptics doubt that man-made […]

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