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Der Spiegel: Projecting Sea Levels Has Become "A Bazaar - Who Can Bid The Most?"

Der Spiegel: Projecting Sea Levels Has Become “A Bazaar – Who Can Bid The Most?”

 Just call it bazaar science. The projection of sea levels has become quite the political football. So much hinges on the projections. Der Spiegel in an article titled IPCC haggles over data for sea level rise writes that 146 million people live in areas 1 meter or less above sea level. Tens of billions of dollars […]

Leading German Meteorologist: Michael Mann's Sea Level Story Is "A Quack"

Leading German Meteorologist: Michael Mann’s Sea Level Story Is “A Quack”

What follows in English is a summary version of a piece appearing here at the European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) based in Germany, written by retired meteorologist Klaus-Eckart Puls. ================================= PIK report: “Sea level rising fastest in 2000 years” turns out to be a quack! Data shows no change! Sea levels are now rising […]

German Skeptics Finally Breaking Into The Discussion – Germany Says Auf Wiedersehen To Climate Science Consensus

While German politicians, alarmist scientists, activists, and media are staying super-glued stuck on stupid, i.e. remaining mired in the stupidity of dogmatism and closed-mindedness, the climate debate and controversy in Germany is, well, shall we say, heating the hell up.Mark the following time and place on your calender: Wednesday, 25 May 2011, 10 pm. http://www.mdr.de/mdr-figaro/ Once […]

German Green Parliamentarians Stuck On Stupid – Taxpayers Now Waiting 6 Months For A Reply

Dr. Hermann Ott, German global warming mobber who not long ago called for a science pogrom aimed at skeptics of dubious global warming science, brings our attention here to a planned conference at the Bundestag in Berlin on June 10, 2011.The conference is designed to attack skepticism in science, and is hosted by the German Green Party faction. It is dubbed: Strategies […]

Skeptics And Alarmists Clash At Climate Conference – German Scientists Call PIK Scientific Position “Weak”

This is a look into a climate science debate conference between skeptics and warmists that took place last month in Potsdam, Germany. The skeptics are scientists from the European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) and the warmists from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). In October 2010 PIK Director Prof. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber […]

Edenhofer’s Plan For Sustainable Wealth Destruction – Wants $12 Trillion For A Few Tenths Of A Degree Of Cooling

Question: A man sitting next to a radiator in his living room wants to feel 0.2°C cooler. What should he do? a) Move his chair a couple centimeters further away from the radiator, or b) Go out and pay $5000 for a completely new heating system from a shady manufacturer who promises it will be […]

German Climate Science – Reduced To A Travelling Circus

Leading German scientists are now spreading fear among children at schools. Is this the indoctrination part of the “Masterplan”? German science used to be, and is in many areas, still highly regarded worldwide. But in the area of climate science, it has been reduced to politics and masterplanning. Sadly, Germany’s “leading climate scientists” are far more preoccupied with […]

The Real Cause Of Polar Bear Knut’s Death

Last Saturday polar bear poster child Knut died unexpectedly, much to the horror of viewers and fans internationally. Knut was only 4 years old. Polar bears normally live to be more than 30. Of course, everyone is asking why. What was the cause of death? Media reports say Knut had some sort of brain ailment. Activists are […]

Banking On Climate Crisis – The Merchants Of Doom

This is a story on how some good ol boys are pushing extreme scenarios to make big money. Fiduciary duty is getting thrown overboard by banks, insurance companies and investment houses as they race to capitalize on carbon schemes and the “green economy” – all under the guise of “saving the planet”. When large financial institutions like […]

Another German Professor Rejects Climate Catastrophism

A new book written by University of Konstanz Professor Gerd Ganteför is now being released by science publisher Wiley VCH: Klima – der Weltuntergang findet nicht statt (Climate – The End of the World Called Off). Although Ganteför is a warmist, he dismisses the notion that a climate catastrophe is coming, and even adds that […]

Conference: German Alarmists Alarmed Over Waning Alarmism – Growing US Scepticism

Doubt over the science of climate change goes beyond USA, Great Britain and Australia, and is now spreading into mainland Europe, in particular Germany. So much so, that the German Greens are getting alarmed about the waning alarmism. This is why the alarmists in Germany, led by the Green Party and Stefan Rahmstorf of the […]

James E. Overland Going To The Tabloids To Be Heard: “Things Are Going To Get A Lot Worse”

It used to be that scientists communicated their knowledge through reliable professional journals, which then communicated to the media. Apparently climate scientists are getting increasingly desperate, and so they are now going directly to the very bottom of the media chain and giving interviews to the mass-market, most sensationalist of the tabloids. Such is the latest with James E. […]

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