
You are browsing the search results for "Rahmstorf"

Die Welt: Scientists Not Really Sure Where Heat Has Gone…Rahmstorf Peeved By Skeptics’ Success

COP 19 in Warsaw is fast approaching and part of the ritual is the ringing of climate disaster alarms, much like churches ring their church bells on Christmas Eve. The Die Welt article here tries to explain to readers why the climate catastrophe is still approaching even if temperatures haven’t risen in 15 years. The […]

Rahmstorf Claims “New Generation” Of Climate Models Are Robust Because “They Can Predict The Past Very Well”!

PIK scientist Stefan Rahmstorf at Twitter directs our attention to an interview he gave on German Public Radio. The interview is about new models that predict the frequency of heat waves globally will double in the next seven years alone, i.e. by 2020, and quadruple again by 2040. I wrote about this yesterday here. In […]

Dice N’ Splice – Curve Designer Stefan Rahmstorf: “We Are Catapulting Ourselves Out Of The Holocene”!

At the SciLogs website, Stefan Rahmstorf of the über-alarmist Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research presents Part III of his Mann-hockey-stick-resurrection series. Here he explains to his German readers how the temperature really developed over the Holocene and why the 20th century is “unique”. To do this, Rahmstorf uses the findings of the already refuted […]

Skeptical Science Folly: Video Based On Flawed Rahmstorf & Foster Paper Disappears!

Die kalte Sonne website posted an article yesterday about a Skeptical Science video folly. ============================================ Climate activist group close to IPCC removes video: The science on which it was based, from Stefan Rahmstorf, is no longer the scientific consensus By Fritz Vahrenholt and Sebastian Lüning (translated/edited by P Gosselin) For years Skeptical Science has been […]

Trapped, Stefan Rahmstorf Declares Pretending To Be Better Than Facing Reality (Playing Into Skeptic Hands)

Trapped, Stefan Rahmstorf Declares Pretending To Be Better Than Facing Reality (Playing Into Skeptic Hands)

German climate catastrophe-obsessed blogsite klimaretter.com here has a 2-part story on a recent alarmist panel discussion held in Berlin and sponsored by Germany’s version of the Guardian, the TAZ. The panel discussion was dubbed: “The climate conference circus!  Just how stupid is it?” The motto of the 2-hour discussion: “It can’t keep on like this!” Photo right: Oliver Geden […]

Charts Of IPCC 5 AR Draft Completely Refute The Alarmist Scenarios Of Master Curve Designer Stefan Rahmstorf

Now that the preliminary draft of the IPCC Assessment Report 5 (AR 5) is available online, thanks to Alec Rawls, readers have had the chance to analyze it in detail. Michael Krüger at Readers Edition here takes a look at some of the charts and graphics for temperature and sea level rise development, and compares the IPCC […]

Stefan Rahmstorf's Sea Level Amnesia - Using His Own Numbers, Sea Level Rise Actually Slowed Down 3%!

Stefan Rahmstorf’s Sea Level Amnesia – Using His Own Numbers, Sea Level Rise Actually Slowed Down 3%!

Ulli Kulke, veteran journalist at the German flagship daily DIE WELT, posts a comment at his blog on über-alarmist Stefan Rahmstorf’s claim that “sea levels are rising 60% faster” than previously thought in 2007. Sea levels have decelerated over the last years. Chart source: http://sealevel.colorado.edu/. Being a devout alarmist, Rahmstorf is obsessed with finding ways […]

RealClimate Scientist Stefan Rahmstorf Joins OWS, Noam Chomsky In Agreeing There’s A “Scant Chance Of Survival”

This year’s Elevate Festival is now taking place in Graz, Austria from (24 – 28 October) and features a program of discussions, lectures and screenings designed to bring attention to social, environmental and political issues. Rahmstorf joins Occupy Wall Street, Noam Chomsky and eco-genocide lawyer Polly Higgins at this year’s Elevate Festival. (Photo source: University of Copenhagen, licensed under the […]

Stefan Rahmstorf FOS Again! Prophecy Of Gulf Stream Tipping Refuted By New Comprehensive European Study

Michael Krüger at German blogsite Readers Edition uncovers how one of Stefan Rahmstorf’s scariest prophecies of climate doom has just been RESOUNDINGLY refuted by hard data from a new European study. Gulf Stream is not weakening, a new European study says. Photo source: NASA (public domain image). Krüger writes: In 1999 German scientist Stefan Rahmstorf was […]

Der Spiegel Slams IPCC Lead Author Rahmstorf: “Scandal Surrounds German Government Climate Advisor”

It appears the tactics of Stefan Rahmstorf are truly beginning to catch up with him. What goes around, comes around.H/t: Lubos Motl Der Spiegel today has a story on IPCC bigwig and ultra-alarmist Stefan Rahmstorf, who is also a lead scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and elite member of the Hockey Team. […]

Revkin & Rahmstorf Conspire Against US Senator

Look how cozy Revkin is in bed with alarmists like Rahmstorf. And they really detest skeptics, don’t they? Rahmstorf writes to Andy: Hi Andy, from over here, it is hard to see this kind of Inhofe speach as anything else than an irrelevant piece of absurd theatre. It doesn’t even bother me any more – […]

Rahmstorf In Panic Over Mangini’s Stalagmites

Rahmstorf writes to Overpeck and co-authors: Dear Peck and IPCC coauthors, – I know it’s Easter, but I’m having to deal with Augusto Mangini, a German colleague who has just written an article calling the IPCC paleo chapter “wrong”, claiming it has been warmer in the Holocene than now, and stalagmites show much larger temperature […]

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