
You are browsing the search results for "Rahmstorf"

January Mean Temps In Northern Europe Stall, Top Climate Scientist Concedes: Cold Waves "More Frequent" Ahead

January Mean Temps In Northern Europe Stall, Top Climate Scientist Concedes: Cold Waves “More Frequent” Ahead

Data show the month of January has been cooling across the northern hemisphere over the recent decades as winters make a comeback. Charts by Kirye (photo right) and Pierre German research news site Forschung und Lehre here reports how climate researcher Professor Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute concedes: “cold waves like the one currently […]

Journal Nature Refutes PIK’s Fantasy-Rich Science That A Warmer Arctic Causes Extreme Cold Snaps

The polar vortex theory takes a beating: The claim a warm Arctic is behind the brutally cold winter conditions at the mid latitudes is shown by a Nature study to be scientifically baseless.  Hat-tip: Die kalte Sonne. Now that Europe and North America are getting blasted by unusually severe winter weather, which climate alarmists predicted […]

Skeptic Papers 2020 (1)

Skeptic Papers 2020 (1)

A Warmer Past: Non-Hockey Stick Reconstructions Martin et al., 2020  France max Holocene temps (14°C) were 7°C warmer than the modern value (7°C) Modern climatic parameters were obtained from the instrumental database of Meteo-France at the nearby station of Mazet-Volamont (1130 m) located 11 km distant, for the period 2009-2017 … Temperature values were corrected […]

Surprise: North Atlantic Region Has Cooled By Almost 1°C Over Past 120 Years

Surprise: North Atlantic Region Has Cooled By Almost 1°C Over Past 120 Years

By Die kalte Sonne Atlantic region near Iceland has cooled over the past 120 years. Image: NASA (public domain) (German text translated by P. Gosselin) There are areas of the world that stubbornly resist “global warming”. These include an oceanic region near Iceland where sea surface temperatures have cooled by almost 1°C in the last […]

Flawed Models: New Studies Find Plants Take Up “More Than Twice As Much” CO2 Than Expected

By Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt at Die kalte Sonne (Translated by P. Gosselin) June 7, 2020 Dear ladies and gentlemen First, the global mean temperature of satellite based measurements was surprisingly much higher in May 2020 than in April. In contrast, the global temperatures of the series of measurements on land and sea decreased. The difference […]

No Need To Panic: Leading Scientists See Little Global Warming In The Works - Due To "Natural Variability"

No Need To Panic: Leading Scientists See Little Global Warming In The Works – Due To “Natural Variability”

A commentary titled “‘Just don’t panic – also about climate change’” by Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt appearing at German site achgut.com tells us there’s no need for panic with respect to climate change, as leading scientists dial back earlier doomsday projections. Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt. Image: GWPF No warming until 2050 Vahrenholt claims a negative Atlantic oscillation […]

'Die Zeit' Slams Science Dogmatism, The 'Delusion Of Total Controllability'...'Relapse Into Pre-Enlightenment'

‘Die Zeit’ Slams Science Dogmatism, The ‘Delusion Of Total Controllability’…’Relapse Into Pre-Enlightenment’

A German weekly “Die Zeit” commentary criticizes the hostility directed at skeptical climatologists and epidemiologists. “Where do we end up if a scientist’s degree of alarm becomes a litmus test for his scientific respectability?” Science activism represents “relapse into pre-enlightened thinking”.  Dogmatists refusing to look through Galileo’s telescope. Image cropped here. The false prophets Over […]

German Climate Researcher, Geologist: "What Climate Scientists Could Learn From Virologists"

German Climate Researcher, Geologist: “What Climate Scientists Could Learn From Virologists”

Corona shows the stark attitude differences between the sciences of climate and virology. While one arrogantly claims to monopolize the truth, the other acknowledges the great uncertainties. Image: CDC By Dr. Sebastian Lüning, Die kalte Sonne (Text translated, edited by P Gosselin) The corona virus with all the effects is currently pushing all other issues […]

2019 Science Refutes Climate Alarm On Every Front... Shrinking Deserts, Growing Islands, Crumbling Consensus, Weaker Storms, Cooler Arctic Etc. Etc. Etc.

2019 Science Refutes Climate Alarm On Every Front… Shrinking Deserts, Growing Islands, Crumbling Consensus, Weaker Storms, Cooler Arctic Etc. Etc. Etc.

2019 science: Absolutely no climate alarm  No alarm on every aspect: stable polar ice, normal sea level rise, no consensus, growing snow cover, less tropical storms, tornadoes, shrinking deserts, global greening, predictions wrong, models flawed, climate driven by sun, ocean cycles, biodiversity, warmer 1000 years ago…etc… 2019 saw a great amount of new science emerge […]

Alarmist Scientist "Way Off Target" ...Arctic Sea Ice/European Winter Claim Refuted By Newly Published Study

Alarmist Scientist “Way Off Target” …Arctic Sea Ice/European Winter Claim Refuted By Newly Published Study

Rahmstorf way off: New study finds no robust relationship between shrinking sea ice, European cold waves By Die Kalte Sonne (German text translated/edited by P Gosselin) Photo: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research A good six years ago, Potsdam climate researcher Stefan Rahmstorf was outraged by the German Weather Service (DWD) at his at Klimalounge […]

1970s: Earth Warmed 0.6°C From 1880-1940 And Cooled -0.3°C From 1940-1970. Now It's 0.1°C And -0.05°C.

1970s: Earth Warmed 0.6°C From 1880-1940 And Cooled -0.3°C From 1940-1970. Now It’s 0.1°C And -0.05°C.

Image Source: National Academy of Sciences,  Understanding Climatic Change About 45 years ago, the “consensus” in climate science (as summarized by Williamson, 1975) was quite different than today’s version. 1. The Medieval Warm Period was about 1°C warmer than present overall while the “largely ice-free” Arctic was 4°C warmer, allowing the Vikings to navigate through […]

Prominent Veteran Meteorologist Pleads For Moderation In The Climate Debate, Slams Both Hardcore Alarmists, “Deniers”

Averting a bloody climate science civil war It’s time to take the debate away from the extreme factions and to move it to cooler heads, says veteran Swiss meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann Former German Public television meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann wrote an essay commentary for the Swiss online Die Weltwoche here titled “Tell me where you stand”, […]

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