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New Paper Debunks Ad Hoc 'Explanation' That Antarctic Sea Ice Has Been Growing Since '80s Due To Human Activity

New Paper Debunks Ad Hoc ‘Explanation’ That Antarctic Sea Ice Has Been Growing Since ’80s Due To Human Activity

“In science and philosophy, ad hoc means the addition of extraneous hypotheses to a theory to save it from being falsified. Ad hoc hypotheses compensate for anomalies not anticipated by the theory in its unmodified form.  Scientists are often skeptical of scientific theories that rely on frequent, unsupported adjustments to sustain them. Ad hoc hypotheses […]

Electric Autos Could Threaten 250,000 High Paying German Jobs, Experts Warn

I’ve written on a couple of occasions about how some in the German government are demanding that Germany start banning the internal combustion engine already by 2030 and switch to electric cars — a radical proposal to say the least. Some two weeks ago the online FOCUS magazine commented on this here, writing, however, that “the electric […]

“Climate-Saving” Green Energies In Germany “Also Useless In November”!

The Germany-based European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) here recently reminded readers of two things: 1) renewable energies are performing woefully and temperature trends for Germany are pretty much flat, meaning they do not even remotely resemble anything you’d expect from a rapidly warming globe. ================================================= A look at the “climate-rescuing” new energies By Helmut […]

3 New Papers: Global Seas Now Rising About 2 Inches Per Century ... Claims Of 1 Meter Rise By 2100 'Sheer Nonsense'

3 New Papers: Global Seas Now Rising About 2 Inches Per Century … Claims Of 1 Meter Rise By 2100 ‘Sheer Nonsense’

According to the most highly-cited estimate of recent (1992 – 2011) polar ice sheet melt rates, the land ice on Greenland and Antarctica has been contributing to sea level rise at a rate of 0.59 mm/year in the modern era, which means the equivalent of 5.9 centimeters (2.3 inches) per century of sea level rise […]

Trump’s Election Means A Chance For “A Return To Reason In Climate Policy”, German Expert Writes

Physicist Dr. Peter Heller wrote at the German language Science Skeptical here how the election of Donald Trump could mean “the return to reason in climate policy” and that there may be a course change: “one away from trying to do what’s good for the climate, to one that does what is good for man.” […]

Spiegel: EU Corporations Have Raked In 25 Billion Euros Through Corrupt Emissions Trading Scheme!

Spiegel: EU Corporations Have Raked In 25 Billion Euros Through Corrupt Emissions Trading Scheme!

Emissions trading was set up to entice fossil fuel intense companies to reduce their CO2 emissions, and thus in this way help bring atmospheric CO2 concentrations to a standstill, and thus rescue the climate, according to the man-made global warming theory. New report by Carbon Market Watch shows large corporations raking in billions in CO2 […]

Meddling! German Environment Ministry Donated Up To $5 Million To The Clintons In 3rd Quarter Of 2016!

Meddling! German Environment Ministry Donated Up To $5 Million To The Clintons In 3rd Quarter Of 2016!

We often hear claims from the media of how president-elect Donald Trump unfairly got help from Vladimir Putin and the Russians to win the election, and that it’s outrageous a foreign government would meddle with and influence the US political process. (Never mind these allegations continue to be based on practically nothing.) Germany’s Federal Ministry […]

New Paper: Human Climate Forcing ‘Below Detection’ ... Deep Oceans Warm By ‘2°C Within 200 Years’ 100% Naturally

New Paper: Human Climate Forcing ‘Below Detection’ … Deep Oceans Warm By ‘2°C Within 200 Years’ 100% Naturally

Oceans Warmed 6 Times Faster Than Modern Rates During The Mid-Holocene Annotated graph from Rosenthal et al. (2013) illustrating the steep amplitude of natural variations in ocean heat It has long been acknowledged by scientists that significant changes in deep ocean heat content have occurred in the past in the absence of changes or forcing […]

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