France’s Fake Record: Weather Agencies Can Alter Datasets, But Can’t Rewrite The Newspapers

When it was made public Friday that France had recorded its “highest-ever temperature”, the media went into a frenzy. But once again we are learning that it’s more fake than fact.

Last Friday the mercury soared to 45.9°C (114.6°F) in Gallargues-le-Montueux in southern France according to French national weather service Météo-France. Media outlets not only blared the news, but sounded the global warming climate crisis alarms. That of course is very hot, but has it happened before?

Indeed once again it turns out that Friday’s “all-time record high” is likely far more fake than real. It is now being exposed that major heat waves with even higher temperatures in fact had occurred in France in August, 1930.

Worst heat wave since 1870

With the prevalence of fake climate news being what it is today, readers began digging in the archives to check the claims and found old newspaper articles from 1930.  These articles reported how Paris had seen its mercury hit 38°C (100°F) “in the shade” in what was called the worst heat wave since 1870 – meaning that heat was around in 1870 as well and even stronger. The temperature also climbed to 34°C (94°C) in London.

4°C higher than Friday’s reported 45.9°C “all-time record”

Yet those readings from London and Paris pale in comparison to what happened in southern France. In the Loire region, the temperature in fact skyrocketed to a Death Valley-like 50°C (122°F), some 4°C over the just reported all-time 45.9°C record:

The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947) – Trove Hat-tip: Tony Heller.

This news was also reported at the time by the New Zealand Horowhenua Chronicle:

Also read more here.

Although weather agencies can alter the datasets and cool down past heat waves and mean temperatures, they can’t rewrite the old newspapers.

29 responses to “France’s Fake Record: Weather Agencies Can Alter Datasets, But Can’t Rewrite The Newspapers”

  1. Google Algorithm Enrichment Team

    Ooops… time for Google to tweak the algorithm to make it impossible to find old newspapers. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. GeoffM

    Thanks for that; I knew someone would come out with alternative facts.

    1. -ronnie

      When did France convert to metric?

  3. Why Today’s and Past Heat Waves Have Nothing to do with CO2 – CO2 is Life

    […] France’s Fake Record: Weather Agencies Can Alter Datasets, But Can’t Rewrite The Newspapers (Source) […]

  4. Jan Eskildsen

    Thank you for this information.
    We are lied to each week.

    1. SebastianH

      Indeed, lied to by people like Tony Heller and pseudoskeptic climate bloggers

      1. TrollWatch

        Troll Alert

        argumentum ad hominem, unfounded allegation of lies, name calling

      2. Yonason

        SebH has NEVER shown Heller to be a liar. Yet he continues to accuse him of same. That’s slander. But what else does one expect from an unprincipled deceitful troll like himself.

        I’ve already addressed SebH’s lack of credibility, and here are a few examples.

        SebH has never been correct about anything important. Yet he continues to post his boastful propaganda as if it mattered to anyone but himself and the “watermelon” activists trying to hijack civilization to destroy it.

  5. Greg

    This time it seems the paper news were misinterpreted. The 122 was under the sun not in shade. And other newspapers contradict Paris temps…

  6. Adam Gallon

    I suppose one could say it’s a record for June?

  7. richard

    this site is a one stop shop for debunking- great stuff, thanks.

  8. Bruce of Newcastle

    The heat in France is also quite natural. Here is the jet stream map at the time. You can see a big loop over eastern Europe and a second loop west of the British Isles. The eastern loop is causing jet stream blocking – which prevents weather systems from moving east. Warmth coming up from Africa pooled over western Europe and was locked in place by the blocking pattern. The second loop west of Ireland kept cooler air from the Atlantic ocean from giving relief.

    The loopy jet stream patterns are consistent with low solar activity conditions in the solar minimum we’ve now entered. Last solar minimum we had a similar pattern causing the great Moscow heatwave of 2010. Again that was caused by jet stream blocking.

    So the reason for it is the Sun, not CO2.

  9. David Joss

    The 1930 European heat wave was widely reported in Australia as the search results at Trove (one of the world’s best collections of digitised newspapers) shows:

  10. Alvin Shier

    Is this another moment like “I did not have sex with that woman………”

  11. Petit_Barde

    The record set at Gallargues le Montueux brings some questions.

    There are two weather stations at Gallargues le Montueux :
    – one is on the roof of a house in Gallargues, belongs to the StatIC network, has been qualified by météo France and is published in the website,
    – the other is a météo France weather station, located outside Gallargues, near a canal and is rather surrounded by vegetation.

    1) The StatIC weather station :
    This weather station is located on the top of a roof of a house in Gallargues, with an AC on the wall, and faces an asphalt road. The house is at the junction between the street of Oliviers and the street of Pierre Plantée :,4.1791523,3a,75y,323.1h,98.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHiNT4Ufrtj5XvstshdusVQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

    The weather station was not yet installed in november 2010 (timestamp of the streetview), but the house matches with the pictures on the site (second picture) :

    This weather station has been qualified by météo France and belongs to the StatIC network and thus its measurements can be published on the website.

    This station recorded a maximum of 44.1°C the 28th of June :

    2) The météo France weather station :
    This station is described in this pdf document :

    and is located here (at 1.1km from the StatIC weather station, outside the town, rather surrounded by vegetation and at 16 meters from the canal) :,4.171047,3a,15y,45.4h,85.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sz4kcA_Rm86cYzge7yN0rqw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

    According to the pdf link, the weather station is on the Cave-coopérative site, and is composed of two pieces :
    – a rain gauge on a roof top of the cave coopérative,
    – a temperature weather station near the canal (16m).

    Searching for Gallargues temperatures for the 28th of June on the météo France website, the answer is the closest weather station, which is located in Montpellier (a big town where temperatures are often very high), which maximum for the 28th of June is 43,5°C :

    Lieu : ‘gall …’ then select Gallargues le Montueux
    Date : Vendredi 28 Juin 2019

    So, the data of the météo France weather station of Gallargues are not published on the météo France website : may be they are paywalled.

    3) Questions :
    – how a poorly placed weather station, in a town, on a tile roof, near an AC (see photo or google, the AC is on the wall), facing an asphalt street, can record a max of 44.1°C while a station outside of the town, rather surrounded by vegetation, near a canal can record a max of 45,9°C for the same day ?
    – how can it be that the nearest station of Gallargues published on météo France, in Montpellier, recorded a maximum of 43,5°C this same day ?
    – Same question with Nîmes (one of the warmest town in France), where the maximum recorded is 44.4°C.
    – The Gallargues météo France 45.9°C recorded maximum equals the “feels-like” temperature caclulated in the Gallargues StatIC weather station at 17h (see link) : coincidence ?

    The other four weather stations that recorded maxima higher than 45°C near Gallargues are all questionable, for more or less the same reasons.

  12. Greg

    Please Pierre remove this thread. The old news paper are not confirmed and not verified properly. I like you work but this time it seems this news was spread without further verification.

    I don’t know if this twitter link will work. It details
    and shows using other old newspapers or simply by reading it entirely

    1. dennisambler

      The “Fake news” response to anything that challenges the orthodoxy is the new strategy by the warmists.

      This piece was written post the 2003 heatwave in Europe:

      DE BILT, the Netherlands – While the 2003 heatwave might rate a distinct entry in the record books, it hardly is the most severe summer to ever strike the Netherlands.

      Heatwaves in earlier days, not unlike other harsh weather phenomenons, were more intrusive, and often disastrous.

      That concludes historical geographer and retired science teacher Jan Buisman, who has dedicated much of his life to recording, investigating and analysing extreme weather conditions. Exact information on the weather in the Netherlands has been recorded since 1706.

      According to Buisman’s recent findings, the year 1540 was one with an even more severe summer than was 2003. All over Europe, the heatwave lasted, off and on, for seven months, with parched fields and dried up rivers, such as the Rhine. People in Paris, France could walk on the river bed of the Seine without getting their feet wet.

      In medieval times, such severe weather conditions often led to other disasters. Drought caused famine, countless deaths from dysentery and other illnesses caused by lack of safe drinking water, and to large-scale starvation of farm animals.

      Another disaster usually associated with heatwaves and droughts was fire, often destroying entire villages or even towns such as Harderwijk in 1503. Wooden houses became tinderboxes, dry peat, forests and undergrowth ignited readily and led to massive wildfires.”

    2. richard

      perhaps you should write to the National Archive of Australia, Trove , and tell them their newspaper articles are fake.

  13. Greg

    Ho yes I agree with you, the media coverage is a bit ridiculous people are becoming crazy and mixing weather, climate, pollution, polar bears everything… Now the point is that I wanted to underline that it is very easy to show that the numbers from this old newspapers are not ok (if you look at other newspapers from same date and historical archives) and in a sense it is making your work less credible (just for this thread !!)

    1. richard


      1930s heatwaves, around 1934 looks pretty bad-

      1934- worldwide droughts-

      “A drought involving practically the
      whole of the Northern Hemisphere
      is causing a great deal of suffering.
      and the formers in that district are
      faced with ruinous losses”

  14. LINER011

    The alarmists can alter headlines if they need to.

  15. Robert W Knight

    According to research on the net, 5 of the 10 worst storms on the U.S. Atlantic coast, were between 1929 and 1936.

  16. Yonason

    Believers in human caused climate catastrophe have a history of making things up. Remember this scandal?

    It’s lucrative to lie about climate: and with the likelihood of getting caught being low, and the odds of being punished even lower, it should be no surprise there are so many willing to prostitute themselves to the AGW globalist agenda. And when you consider how opposing the climate lies could cost you your career, the miracle is that there are any who oppose it.

  17. sasquatch

    When it’s hot, it’s hot.

    1911 heatwave drove people insane

    1. Yonason

      Nice link, Squatch. Thx.

    2. Yonason

      sasquatch has it almost correct. Here’s how it’s been playing out.

      When it’s hot, it’s hot. When it’s not, you have to make it up.

  18. SCE INFO : 45,9°C un record en France ? | Science, climat et énergie

    […] Figure 1. Article publié le 30 Août 1930 dans “The Telegraph” (Brisbane). Source ici. […]

  19. Weekly Local weather and Power Information Roundup #366 – All My Daily News

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