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“Model Failure”…”Politics Hot Because Climate Models Are Too Hot”, Says Leading German Climate Science Skeptic

Leading German climate science critic Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt has penned a commentary at titled: “How climate models inflate climate sensitivity.” Image: GWPF CO2 climate overblown Vahrenholt cites Lewis/Curry 2018, who concluded “1.3°C for a doubling of the CO2 content of the atmosphere by about the end of this century (transient climate response), 1.7°C for […]

“Not Worthy Of Any Consensus” …4 Renowned Scientists Expose Major IPCC Shortcomings: “Models Clearly Erroneous”

The Munich Climate Conference 2019 By Dr. Andreas Mueller (Summarized by P. Gosselin) Last weekend the climate conference by the Germany-based European Institute for Climate and Energy EIKE took place in Munich, despite threats by leftist radicals. More than a dozen leading international climate experts presented views that severely challenge mainstream alarmist climate science. 1. […]

Cartology Affirms Relative Sea Levels Were Similar To Or HIGHER Than Now During The Little Ice Age

Cartology Affirms Relative Sea Levels Were Similar To Or HIGHER Than Now During The Little Ice Age

Surprisingly accurate nautical maps created the 17th to 19th centuries strongly suggest coastal land area in both hemispheres were quite similar to today’s. There is even evidence relative sea levels were higher than now back then. Image Source: Globally, coasts have grown since the 1980s Between 1985 and 2015, satellite observations indicate the world’s […]

Even Faster, More Powerful Than Climate Change… Europe’s Movement To Ecological Tyranny Emerging Rapidly

Claims of an escalating climate crisis are getting ever shriller in Europe and calls  for “real and radical action” are becoming increasingly urgent. Leaders are now labelling their own citizens “ecological vandals”, and openly demanding they be brought under tight control by a China-modelled system. The building blocks for a tyranny are in place.  Lately […]

Leading Meteorologist Slams Climate Alarmists As "Desperate and Scientifically Wrong"...PIK "Doomsday Prophets"

Leading Meteorologist Slams Climate Alarmists As “Desperate and Scientifically Wrong”…PIK “Doomsday Prophets”

High-profile Swiss meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann has penned a stinging commentary in the online Bayerischer Kurier concerning all the climate doomsday hysteria sweeping across Europe, and warns history tells us such hysteria has never turned out well. Swiss meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann. Photo: Weather.Us PIK’s “silly” science, doomsday prophets The veteran meteorologist, who is convinced the planet […]

Scientists: Mars Has A 95% CO2 Atmosphere...But 'There Is Little To Retain Heat On The Planet'

Scientists: Mars Has A 95% CO2 Atmosphere…But ‘There Is Little To Retain Heat On The Planet’

Earth’s atmosphere contains 400 ppm CO2 (0.04%). Mars has a 950,000 ppm (95%) CO2 atmosphere. But Mars has surface temperatures that are about -75°C colder on average than Earth’s because atmospheric density, or pressure, is the “game changer” largely determining planetary temperatures. Image Source: Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Surface temperatures on Mars The […]

EU Parliamentarian Celebrates Passing Climate Emergency, But Then Hops On Jet To Frankfurt, And Berlin!

EU Parliamentarian Celebrates Passing Climate Emergency, But Then Hops On Jet To Frankfurt, And Berlin!

Europe’s hypocrite of the week After celebrating at Twitter the passage of the symbolic climate emergency in the EU Parliament in Strasbourg on Thursday, parliamentarian Sven Giegold of the Green Party hops on a jet to Berlin! We’ve all heard about the EU declaring a global climate emergency. Man has to profoundly alter its behavior […]

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