Since the 1980s, warming and rising CO2 fertilization have spawned a global-scale greening trend. This leads to an “Earth greening-induced cooling effect” of land surface temperatures.
In the last 9 months we have highlighted a study (Haverd et al., 2020) asserting rising CO2 and warming are the dominant drivers of Earth’s strong post-1980s greening trend. This greening expands Earth’s carbon sink so profoundly that by 2100 the greening of the Earth will offset 17 years (equivalent) of anthropogenic CO2 emissions.
Image Source: Haverd et al., 2020
In August we featured another study, Piao et al., 2020, that expands upon these same principles, further suggesting the net effect of more CO2-driven greening is more cooling and carbon sink expansion.
Since the 1980s, 29% of human CO2 emissions were cancelled out by the CO2-induced greening of the Earth. The post-2000 vegetative greening expansion has been so massive (5.4 million km²) its net areal increase is equivalent to a region the size of the Amazon rainforest.
Image Source: Piao et al., 2020
In late November (2020) another study (Chen et al., 2020) was published that highlighted the “widespread increasing trends” in greening/Leaf Area Index (LAI) since the 1980s that is “due to warming…CO2 fertilization” and land management.
The authors strongly supported the “Earth greening cools LST [land surface temperatures]” conclusions that others have emphasized, noting that “the area of LAI-induced cooling (30%) is six times that of LAI-induced warming (5%).”
Image Source: Chen et al., 2020
Finally, a visual representation affirming the strong cooling effects of greening/reforestation was highlighted in another 2020 study.
Huang et al. (2020) found an astonishing -0.12°C per year (-1.2°C per decade!) cooling trend associated with recent (1992-2015) land cover changes (LLCs) across Europe – a region where croplands are increasingly being converted to forests.
“At an average European level, transitions from forest to any other land cover class show mean warming effects, including conversion of forests to cropland (+0.15 ± 0.03 °C), grassland (+0.23 ± 0.06 °C), and urban (+0.27 ± 0.06 °C). Urban sprawling always shows warming contributions, irrespective of the type of previous land cover.”
Image Source: Huang et al., 2020
Want to warm local and regional land surface temperatures? Cut down forests and build up urban areas.
Want to cool local and regional land surface temperatures? Plant trees and return croplands to forest areas.
The latter option would appear to be far more effective and less costly than trying to mitigate CO2 emissions as our simultaneous demand for energy rapidly expands across the global landscape.
I am not convinced there is global warming at the surface.
The global temperature is not rising but temperature data is being altered. (temperature alterations part 3)
If the corrections fixed known problems in the instruments, that would help accuracy. But they are statistical. They make the station measurements smoother when mapped and they smooth over discontinuities. In my opinion, NOAA has overdone it. TOB, PHA, infilling and gridding are overkill. This is easily seen in Figure 7 and by comparing Figure 3 to Figure 6 or Figure 5. Does the final trend in Figure 3 more closely resemble the measurements (Figure 6) or the net corrections in Figure 5? The century slope of the data is 0.25°, the corrections add 0.35° to this and the “climatological gridding algorithm” adds 0.9°! It is worth saying again, the type of statistical operations we are discussing do nothing to improve the accuracy of the National Temperature Index, and they probably reduce it.
Incredible news: “Want to warm local and regional land surface temperatures? Cut down forests and build up urban areas.
Want to cool local and regional land surface temperatures? Plant trees and return croplands to forest areas.”
Note: censureship is on the rise on the internet!
The Harvard study is garbage.
When did NTZ become climate alarmists?
I miss read your opening line and I thought it implied co2 was driving global warming.
I would like to retract my statement.
Considering my Note (see above) I forgot this:
I am not totally convinced co2 impacts the climate either.
The Greenhouse Gas Effect does not exist.
Greenhouse Gas? The Two Bottles Experiment Explained | Principia Scientific Intl. (
Claiming the GHE doesn’t exist immediately paints you as a virgin who will come back here in 2 years time and be embarrassed at what you wrote.
You’ll see 🙂
Having been to Alaska and the Yukon on a cruise seven years ago, I question the validity of this global warming/cooling trend, as shown here, when I witnessed the glacial ice falling away into the ocean in abundance.
“I witnessed the glacial ice falling away into the ocean in abundance”.
Glaciers in Alaska and Yukon are merely frozen rivers, the sight of a glacier calving into the ocean is like a river discharging into the ocean and on its own tells you nothing about temperature trends.
That was another piece of anti-science nonsense that algore put into his crockumentary. Was he intentionally lying? Or just too dim to realize how glaciers near the ocean work?
Indeed, a glacier flows due to the pressure of new snow “upstream.” If it reaches an ocean (or similar body of water), it just doesn’t work anymore – and the ice breaks off because it floats out onto the water (it can’t sink!) and snaps.
You should research what this (calving) is all about. No, it doesn’t mean the glacier is melting.
“I witnessed the glacial ice falling away into the ocean in abundance”
That’s not a melting process. It’s a volume/stability process: calving. And it happens naturally, without external intervention. Calving (and the creaking sounds associated with it) occurs on coastlines when the volume of ice is so heavy that the base can no longer bear the load. So fissures in the ice occur, instability ensues, and eventually the ice breaks off. In other words, calving occurs as a consequence of thickening ice, not thinning ice.
Christmann et al., 2016
“thicker ice shelves are more prone to calving by bending than thinner ice shelves”
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We know that CO2 levels lag warming cycles, does the greening that results from increased CO2 then act as a feedback loop curtailing warming cycles?
If this appears to be happening now, is it a regular\persistent feedback, or is it specific to this era where Fossil fuel derived isotopes of CO2, which we know are preferred by plants, are countering the warming cycle.
If it’s the latter then I think I may invest in another V6. (for the good of the planet)
Huang et al. (2020) found an astonishing -0.12°C per year (-1.2°C per decade!) cooling trend associated with recent (1992-2015) land cover changes (LLCs) across Europe – a region where croplands are increasingly being converted to forests.
What is the actual temperature change over the region and that period?
Since the 1980s, warming and rising CO2 fertilization have spawned a global-scale greening trend. This leads to an “Earth greening-induced cooling effect” of land surface temperatures.
What has been the magnitude of this global cooling due to this effect relative to the amount of global warming over this period?
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1) By reflecting away 30% of ISR the albedo, which would not exist w/o the atmosphere, makes the earth cooler than it would be without the atmosphere like that reflective panel set on the dash. Remove the atmosphere/GHGs and the earth becomes much like the moon, a 0.1 albedo, 20% more kJ/h, hot^3 on the lit side, cold^3 on the dark. Nikolov, Kramm (U of AK) and UCLA Diviner mission all tacitly agree.
2) the GHG up/down welling, “trapping”/”back” radiating/delaying, 100 % efficient, perpetual warming loop requires “extra” energy which it gets from
3) the terrestrial surface radiating that “extra” energy as a near ideal .95 emissivity black body which
4) it cannot do because of the non-radiative heat transfer processes of the contiguous atmospheric molecules.
1+2+3+4 = 0 Greenhouse Effect + 0 Greenhouse gas warming + 0 man caused climate change.
All science backed up by experiment, the gold standard of classical science.
I am suspicious of such papers as they give the IPCC, and their true believers, yet more ammunition to theorize that human’s CO2 venting is causing climate change. Whether it’s warming or cooling, when both the recent warming and possible future cooling are/would be quite natural effects, and are not effects largely from humans burning fossil fuels.
[…] Another New Study Says Warming And CO2-Induced Greening Leads To COOLING Of Land Surface Temperature… […]