
Official Data: In Terms Of Precipitation; In Austria There's Been No Climate Change At All In 140 Years

Official Data: In Terms Of Precipitation; In Austria There’s Been No Climate Change At All In 140 Years

The Austrian Alps have seen no trend change in terms of precipitation since 1880, official data show.  Climate alarmists have climate horror scenarios for every corner of the globe, and that includes the Austrian Alps. Climate models warn that snow will disappear soon and even gravely harm the ski industry unless we vaccinate the climate […]

New Study On Heavy Rainfall: “General Long-Term Trend For Whole Germany Consistently Not Evident”

Leibnitz scientists find no significant trends for the whole of Germany in terms of heavy rainfall We hear the message all the time from the German mainstream media and climate alarmists: Weather extremes are becoming more and more frequent, as the recent flood shows. But a recent paper titled “Frequency Trend Analysis of Heavy Rainfall […]

Veteran Swiss Meteorologist Calls Germany's Natural Disaster Protection "A Failed State"

Veteran Swiss Meteorologist Calls Germany’s Natural Disaster Protection “A Failed State”

A veteran meteorologist calls Germany’s natural catastrophe management a “failed state” after over 200 people were killed despite warnings having been issued days early. Swiss meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann slams Germany’s failure to heed early flood warnings. Image: Twitter.com/kachelmann In an interview with the online Austrian Der Standard, veteran meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann said it was clear […]

Alarmists Scaremongering, Ignore Germany's Long History Of Massive Flooding

Alarmists Scaremongering, Ignore Germany’s Long History Of Massive Flooding

CO2 scaremongering and the truth about German floods By Fred F. Mueller Last week we saw flood disasters in various areas of Germany and other European countries, especially in the area of the Ahr River, which have not only caused billions in damage, but tragically also claimed up to more than 200 lives. Considering that […]

'Welt' Commentary: Germany Flood Catastrophe Made Possible By "Inconceivable Ignorance"..."Unbelievable Scandal"

‘Welt’ Commentary: Germany Flood Catastrophe Made Possible By “Inconceivable Ignorance”…”Unbelievable Scandal”

Germany under water. Photo by P. Gosselin Climate alarmist media waking up? Germany’s climate alarmist media appears to be waking up a little, and thus are not totally buying the claims being made by German leaders that the devastating floods were due to climate change. It’s becoming increasingly clear the human catastrophe was the result […]

Germany's "Katrina": Officials Left Dams Full For Weeks Even With Heavy Rains In The Forecast

Germany’s “Katrina”: Officials Left Dams Full For Weeks Even With Heavy Rains In The Forecast

Officials left dams full to the brim at least 3 weeks long during a rainy period and then failed to undertake a controlled release even when 150 mm of rain were forecast 4 days before the floods.  Now they want to hide their gross incompetence and blame climate change. Yesterday I posted how Germany’s flood […]

Criminal Negligence? Authorities Failed To Heed Flood Warnings..."Let People Drown"..."Monumental System Failure"

Criminal Negligence? Authorities Failed To Heed Flood Warnings…”Let People Drown”…”Monumental System Failure”

Harsh criticism of German authorities failing to act is mounting in the aftermath of the recent deadly floods. Germany’s New Orleans Many of the over one hundred people who died in the recent flood disaster in Central Western Germany could have been prevented – had the responsible institutions heeded the warnings that had been already […]

New Study Crushes IPCC Alarm...Hails A 22% Global Decline In Natural Disaster Death Risk Since 1990s

New Study Crushes IPCC Alarm…Hails A 22% Global Decline In Natural Disaster Death Risk Since 1990s

With data showing individual death risk from natural disasters (floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes…) declined from 7.2 per million population in the 1990s to 5.6 in the 2010s, a new study takes aim at the IPCC’s “subjective opinion” labeling method in the manufacture of climate alarm. Per an exhaustive data analysis (Broccard, 2021), both the global-scale […]

New Study: 100-Year Flood Events Are Globally Decreasing In Frequency And Probability Since 1970

New Study: 100-Year Flood Events Are Globally Decreasing In Frequency And Probability Since 1970

In contrast to alarming claims about rare, 100-year flood events now occurring every few years due to global warming, scientists have determined the exact opposite is more likely true. Not only have flood frequencies declined globally in the last 50 years, but the probability of a 100-year flood event is now so rare it has […]

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