By P Gosselin on 4. July 2012
There’s a new study out titled: A public health frame arouses hopeful emotions about climate change – A Letter in the Journal Of Climatic Change. It is a rare and precious glimpse at the warmists’ future strategy. The study’s conclusion: Framing climate change in terms of public health and/or national security may make climate change more personally […]
Posted in Activism, Climate Politics, Greenpeace, IPCC, Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 21. May 2012
We’ve heard how the warmists have equated critical e-mails they’ve received to “threats to their personal safety”. Well, German climate-catastrophe dissenter Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt, on the other hand, now reveals the real danger of open dissent on climate change science in Germany. He had to be protected by “personal security” from enviro-nutjobs and climate greenshirts. German […]
Posted in Activism, Greenpeace, Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 19. May 2012
Steffen Hentrich here brings our attention to a report appearing in the Austrian pressetext titled: Senseless Surfing in the Internet Is Destroying The Environment“. If the entire Internet were a country, it would be the 5th largest consumer of electricity globally, moaned Claudia Sprinz, super-nag of Greenpeace Austria. And that figure, she claims, will triple […]
Posted in Activism, Greenpeace |
By P Gosselin on 13. March 2012
Christian churches nowadays are pretty much always empty in Germany. But there is one church that is always full: the Church of Environmentalism. So comments Jan Fleischhhauer of Spiegel yesterday here. Environmentalism fad in Germany ready for the scrap heap as absurdities get exposed. Public domain photo: John Muir, 1907. Few countries have gone as fanatic as Germany […]
Posted in Climate Politics, Green Follies, Greenpeace, Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 13. February 2012
We always knew they were going to get nasty – really nasty. That’s because we are truly dealing with intolerant zealots here who react viciously and emotionally when their religion comes under fire. Their latest reaction is proof enough. It’s enough to make any normal person sick. These Greenpeace fanatics are losing it. We saw it with […]
Posted in Activism, Greenpeace |
By P Gosselin on 22. August 2011
Here’s something you won’t find in the MSM, but thanks to NoTricksZone, a few of us out there will hear about it. (Just imagine if they had been tea-partiers).It’s official: Some of Greenpeace’s members have found guilty. Eleven activists from Britain, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States were found guilty today […]
Posted in Activism, Greenpeace |
By P Gosselin on 16. March 2011
One reason for all the hysteria throughout Germany, and elsewhere, is because there are people out there who don’t know what they are talking about. Here’s an example: Cem Özdemir, a leader in Germany’s Green Party, said on national ARD television: You know, we know the arguments. The arguments are not that new. At peak […]
Posted in Activism, Climate Politics, Greenpeace |
By P Gosselin on 7. November 2010
Not long ago, biofuels were vigorously pushed with great enthusiasm and urgency by environmentalist groups, for example Greenpeace here: Instead of cutting tax on fuels that wreck the climate, Gordon Brown should use this week’s budget to boost genuine green fuels like biodiesel, hydrogen and green electricity. And Greenpeace here: Although the plant-based fuel is not […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Greenpeace |
By P Gosselin on 1. November 2010
I’ve mentioned at least a couple of times at this blog how the German public school system is pounding the climate protection religion in school classrooms. For example former minister of environment Sigmar Gabriel of the SPD socialist party was so impressed by Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth propaganda film that he procured 6000 copies and had […]
Posted in Activism, Climate Politics, Greenpeace |
By P Gosselin on 5. October 2010
Steffen Hentrich of the Liberal Institute at the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation for Liberty blasted the 10:10 No Pressure clip, calling it a manual for climate terrorism. Read here in German. Here the term “Liberal” is the so-called “classic liberal, and not to be confused with the kind one finds in the USA. He warns that the windmills turning in […]
Posted in Activism, Climate Politics, Greenpeace, Media / Bias |
By P Gosselin on 4. October 2010
Scaring the bejesus out of kids and terrorizing them is what IPCC chairman Pachauri advocates to bring about change. h/t: eureferendum.blogspot. It’s an effective way of drawing the parents in emotionally. Celestial Junk has put together a compilation of “fear movies”, targeting children. It’s kind of reminds me of the old mobster line: You’ll do […]
Posted in Activism, Greenpeace |
By P Gosselin on 2. October 2010
I can’t recommend the following video (below) enough: h/t: Stu, reader at Climate Progress. I admit I’m backpedalling, and took the 1010 clip too lightly. I realise now why some people are so very upset about it. They are right to be so. The following video hits it home as to why radical anything is […]
Posted in Activism, Greenpeace |
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