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High Profile Swiss Meteorologist Slams Stefan Rahmstorf: “The Holy Wrath Of The Righteous”

Some weeks ago I reported here on how Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber, the alarmist director of the Potsdam Institute, appeared on a leading German talk show together with Swiss meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann and others to discuss climate change and the rash of storms that had hit the Atlantic and North Sea. In the talk round Kachelmann (a […]

PIK Scientists Rahmstorf & Schellnhuber Get Tangled Up - Inconvenient Pages Taken Down

PIK Scientists Rahmstorf & Schellnhuber Get Tangled Up – Inconvenient Pages Taken Down

Back in July 2017 FMDsTVChannel posted a critical video: Kritik an ZDF u. Stefan Rahmstorf (PIK) zu Wetterphänomenen & Durchschnittstemperatur (Criticism of ZDF and Stefan Rahmstorf (PIK) Concerning Weather Phenomena and Mean Temperatures). The video features PIK researcher Stefan Rahmstorf appearing on German flagship ZDF public television, which claimed “the mean temperature has risen every year […]

Potsdam Institute’s Stefan Rahmstorf Uses Tricks To Warn Against “Trickster Skeptics”

It’s safe to say that the only people who still believe the ultra-alarmist scenarios of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research are the leftist media and green activists. Even the government funders of this institute know they aren’t really true. After all Germany hasn’t cut CO2 emissions in close to 10 years. Dr. Sebastian […]

Alarmist Potsdam Climate Scientist Stefan Rahmstorf Extends "Incredible String Of Failures"

Alarmist Potsdam Climate Scientist Stefan Rahmstorf Extends “Incredible String Of Failures”

Incredible String of Failures by Rahmstorf Continues: New Study Finds no Robust Relationship Between Shrinking Sea Ice and European Cold Waves By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt (German text translated/edited by P Gosselin) Photo above: by NASA (public domain) It was some three years ago when Potsdam climate scientist Srtefan Rahmstorf railed against […]

Alarmist "Real Climate" Scientist Stefan Rahmstorf's "Bitter Defeat" As Theory Gets Falsified

Alarmist “Real Climate” Scientist Stefan Rahmstorf’s “Bitter Defeat” As Theory Gets Falsified

Dr. Sebastian Lüning writes at the Die kalte Sonne site that alarmist climate scientist Stefan Rahmstorf has been shown to be wrong with his idea of a weakening Atlantic Current. It turns out that natural factors are dominating. Image: NASA (public domain) ================================================ Bitter defeat for Stefan Rahmstorf: Weakening of the Atlantic Current from 2004 […]

Rahmstorf’s “Fantasy” Of “A Weakening Gulf Stream” Gets Refuted Yet Again.

Norwegian University of Bergen: Gulf Stream Shows No Longterm Weakening Over Past 20 Years! By Sebastian Lüning and Fritz Vahrenholt [Translated by P. Gosselin] Not long ago we asked German public radio Deutschlandfunk why they mentioned only the alarmist viewpoint of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in a report on the Gulf Stream […]

German Scientists Call Rahmstorf’s Selective Citing Of Literature “Embarrassing …Science-Ethically Very Unclean”

Science-ethically dubious: Stefan Rahmstorf silent on large body of dissenting Gulf Stream results in newspaper interview By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt [Translated, edited by P Gosselin] There was an interview with Stefan Rahmstorf in the German daily Märkischen Allgemeine Zeitung (MAZ) on March 23, 2015: A tipping element on which the globe’s […]

Climate Audit On Rahmstorf/Mann: “Dreck”…”Reputable Science Community Should Cringe With Embarrassment”!

Global warming science nemesis Steve McIntyre of the solid Climate Audit site calls the new paper by Rahmstorf and Mann making claims about Atlantic Ocean currents based on proxies rather than on measurements “much worse than we thought.” Hat-tip: Reader BruceC Rarely does one see science get so harshly criticized. “Dreck” in peer-reviewed literature One problem, […]

Dead At Birth! German Warmist Scientists Slap Down Rahmstorf/Mann AMOC Paper: “Offers No Strong Indication”

The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research has been loudly trumpeting its latest paper on Atlantic ocean overturning circulation today, claiming there’s been an “exceptional twentieth-century slowdown“. The authors, who include Stefan Rahmstorf and Michael E. Mann, even suggest that the “possible cause of the weakening is climate change“. Some sites, like Climate Central here, have […]

Potsdam Institute Scientist Rahmstorf Suggests Man Could Guide Planet Back To A “Stable Climate”…Warns Of “More Surprises”!

Fiery hell and Biblical floods: This is what’s in store for mankind in the future, so suggests chief climate modeler Stefan Rahmstorf of the ultra-alarmist and catastrophe-obsessed Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in an interview with the German Press Agency (DPA) here. As sure signs of the approaching climate catastrophe, the DPA cites “floods in Great […]

Stefan Rahmstorf Pulls Warming Out Of His Hat – Uses Curve-Designing Tricks For September Mean Temperatures

It seems every time Stefan Rahmstorf makes a claim about climate, there’s almost always something very creative and acrobatic about the statistical approach he uses on which to base that claim. Rahmstorf seems to feel very much at home with the climate-Armageddon-theorists at his ultra-alarmist Potsdam Institute. =========================================== By Sebastian Lüning and Fritz Vahrenholt (Translated, […]

Haiyan Chaser Rahmstorf Attacks Anthony Watts / Skeptics: “How Quietly Can You Still Sleep At Night?”

Alarmist Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and contributor at RealClimate has not wasted any time in climate ambulance chasing at his Scilogs site here, trying to get as much mileage as possible out of tropical storm Haiyan. His piece is predictably titled, “Tropical Storms Are Getting Worse“. What is remarkable […]

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