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EIKE Dismisses Spectacular Climate Claims About Hurricane Milton Made By Stefan Rahmstorf

Alarmism like in the Middle Ages… The researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK are among the world leaders of the Church of Global Warming and are responsible for various stylistic fantasies such as the “tipping points”. By the European Institute for Climate and Energy Stefan Rahmstorf in particular, known since the […]

Top Swedish Meteorologist Attacked By Rahmstorf & Co. ...For Optimism Over Future Climate

Top Swedish Meteorologist Attacked By Rahmstorf & Co. …For Optimism Over Future Climate

“…in 100 years’ time no one will be talking about the climate in the way it is currently being talked about.”  Meteorologist Lennart Bengtsson. Image: by Vogler – own work, CC BY-SA 4.0 Lennart Bengtsson – public enemy no. 1? By Klaus Henkel (Translated/edited by P. Gosselin) Already a bizarre fight is being waged on Twitter against Lennart Bengtsson, after […]

PIK Researcher Stefan Rahmstorf Plays It Loose With His Sources, Mischaracterizes Wind Energy Drawbacks

Stefan Rahmstorf has problems with his sources By Die kalte Sonne Translated by NoTricksZone Stefan Rahmstorf, is just as we know him. In a new Spiegel column, the climate researcher from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research attempts a sweeping blow – but apparently without really checking the numerous sources he links to. Recycling […]

Major Blow To Polar Vortex Instability Claims: Rahmstorf Misinterprets Short Term Data As 'Long Term'

Major Blow To Polar Vortex Instability Claims: Rahmstorf Misinterprets Short Term Data As ‘Long Term’

Potsdam climatologist Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf is emerging as an outlier on the claimed polar vortex science behind this past winter’s extreme cold waves in the US and Europe. German climate site Die kalte Sonne presented its 19th video which looks at Potsdam Institute Professor Stefan Rahmstorf’s claim of polar vortex instability being due to manmade […]

Spiegel Article By Stefan Rahmstorf Has “Nothing In The Least To Do With Science”…”Embarrassing”

The world is going underwater?…Really? By Die kalte Sonne (Translated/edited, subheadings by P. Gosselin) “Der Spiegel” has an in-house columnist on climate issues: Stefan Rahmstorf from PIK Potsdam. His latest prank: “Why the sea level is rising faster and faster“. He writes in the introduction, citing data: The rate of rise has doubled during this period, […]

Mann, Rahmstorf Struggle To Defend: Flawed Hockey Stick Chart Under Fire (Again) In Germany

Mann, Rahmstorf Struggle To Defend: Flawed Hockey Stick Chart Under Fire (Again) In Germany

Climate alarmism dissenters getting increasingly vocal. Yesterday I reported on how science editor Axel Bojanowski at German national daily DIE WELT had written a commentary on the deceptive use of a faulty climate hockey stick by ZDF German broadcasting. Naturally whenever anything of the sort happens here in Germany, attack dog Stefan Rahmstorf of the […]

Climate Alarmist Rahmstorf Quietly Concedes Models Are Crap, Running Way Too Hot

Climate Alarmist Rahmstorf Quietly Concedes Models Are Crap, Running Way Too Hot

Stefan Rahmstorf on the IPCC modelling breakdown: Reason to breathe a sigh of relief, new climate models are far too sensitive. By Die kalte Sonne (Translated by P. Gosselin) DER SPIEGEL provides a regular platform for the controversial climate scientist Stefan Rahmstorf. On 12 May 2020 he was allowed to: Stronger temperature rise: Why the […]

Rahmstorf Gets Hit For Alarmism...Leading Swiss Meteorologist: "Climate Ratzinger"..."Religious Exaggeration"

Rahmstorf Gets Hit For Alarmism…Leading Swiss Meteorologist: “Climate Ratzinger”…”Religious Exaggeration”

For those wondering how Greta Thunberg managed to get so off the rails  look no further than her climate advisors. They are among the most alarmist worldwide. According to the online, German-language Merkur.de here, citing Swedish daily Expressen, 16-year old climate activist is advised by Professor Stefan Rahmstorf, among others, of the Potsdam Institute for […]

New Findings Contradict Alarmist Rahmstorf: Arctic/Greenland Ice Melt "Barely Impacting AMOC"

New Findings Contradict Alarmist Rahmstorf: Arctic/Greenland Ice Melt “Barely Impacting AMOC”

Gulfstream “barely impacted” by Arctic ice melt By Die kalte Sonne (German text translated/edited by P Gosselin) Arctic ice melt barely impacting AMOC. Day After Tomorrow scenario remains fantasy, new study suggests. Figure: R. Curry, http://editors.eol.org/eoearth/wiki/File:OCP07_Fig-6.jpg; CC BY 3.0 Stefan Rahmstorf never tires of claiming the Gulf Stream system (AMOC, Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation) is […]

PIK Scientist Rahmstorf Goes After Hebrew University’s Nir Shaviv …But Gets Caught Fudging Inconvenient Data

Stefan Rahmstorf caught redhanded manipulating temperature charts By Michael Krueger (Text translated/edited by P. Gosselin) Three days ago, climate researcher Stefan Rahmstorf published an article at his KlimaLounge blog on the hearing of Jewish climate scientist Nir Shaviv in the German Bundestag concerning the Climate Change Conference in Katowice. Accuses Shaviv of presenting “outlandish theories” […]

Shocking Twitter Display Of Contempt And Hubris By Stefan Rahmstorf, NASA's Gavin Schmidt

Shocking Twitter Display Of Contempt And Hubris By Stefan Rahmstorf, NASA’s Gavin Schmidt

In a shocking display of contempt and hubris, NASA GISS director Gavin Schmidt and Potsdam Institute climate scientist Stefan Rahmstorf lashed out in response to questioning… and insist “leading climate scientists” don’t need policing by “policy folk” and that the questioning is “tiresome” and “silly”. Two days ago, German green-energy proponent Dr. Oliver Geden commented at Twitter […]

“Fails The Test Of Science”: Another Rahmstorf/Mann Horror Climate Scenario Gets Assigned To The Dustbin

PIK alarm story fails the test of science: Jet Stream will also meander as usual in the future By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt (German text translated by P Gosselin) Almost one year ago the Potsdam PIK Institute put out a press release, which warned of stalling Jet Stream waves. Due to man-made […]

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