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German Ministry Of Environment Identifies, Targets American And German Enemy Skeptics In 123-Page Pamphlet

German Ministry Of Environment Identifies, Targets American And German Enemy Skeptics In 123-Page Pamphlet

When you look at what’s going on in some of the world’s leading democracies today, with some institutions running rampantly out of control without oversight, we should not wonder why people in droves are losing faith and trust in government. Government issues pamphlet identifying enemy skeptics The latest example comes from the powerful German Ministry for Environment: […]

Spiegel Report: "Greenland Melting More Slowly Than Expected" ...Sea Level Rise Alarm Called Off!

Spiegel Report: “Greenland Melting More Slowly Than Expected” …Sea Level Rise Alarm Called Off!

Online Spiegel magazine (SPON) has an article today by Axel Bojanowski titled: “Sea level rise: Greenland melting more slowly than expected“. Bojanowski writes: Melting in Greenland is a decisive factor on how fast the sea level rises. Now research on five glaciers on the country are showing: The northern ice cap will indeed melt more […]

Hans von Storch On WBGU: "Suffering From Planet-Rescue Fantasies" ... Neil Cavuto On Gore: "He's Nuts"

Hans von Storch On WBGU: “Suffering From Planet-Rescue Fantasies” … Neil Cavuto On Gore: “He’s Nuts”

Today I bring an assortment of short, unrelated stories. 1) Hans von Storch at Klimazwiebel comments of the WBGU. Hans is known for his direct speech and speaking his mind. Yet, I found a comment he left at his blog even more direct than usual – about the German FDP party blocking the re-assignment of the WBGU, […]

Schellnhuber Rejected! Why The German Government Is Moving To Overhaul Its Climate Advisory Board

Schellnhuber Rejected! Why The German Government Is Moving To Overhaul Its Climate Advisory Board

Yesterday I wrote here and here on how the junior partner (the FDP) of Angela Merkel’s coalition government has moved to block the re-appointment of Prof. Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber as the Chairman of the WBGU advisory council for another 4-year term. WBGU advisory committee: Left to right: Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber (Chairman), Inge Paulini (General Secretary), Claus […]

Coming Ice Age...According To Leading Experts, Global Mean Temperature Has Dropped 1°C Since 1990!

Coming Ice Age…According To Leading Experts, Global Mean Temperature Has Dropped 1°C Since 1990!

Climate science/renewable energy critic Rainer Hoffmann has researched the literature on mean global surface temperature. Stunningly, he shows that something is not right with the figures coming from the world’s leading climate experts. The figures tell us the mean global surface temperature has dropped 1°C over the last 25 years. At that rate, we’ll be in an ice age […]

Mother Of German Green Weeklies, Die Zeit, Shocks Readers...Now Casts Doubt On Global Warming!

Mother Of German Green Weeklies, Die Zeit, Shocks Readers…Now Casts Doubt On Global Warming!

After a foray in a cult, one of the first steps on the path back to reality is the process of deprogramming. Could it be that this step is now being self-administered by the German mainstream media? It appears so. Harald Martenstein: “…it seems they are allowed to get away with everything.” Photo credit: Lumu, GNU […]

Jena Germany Sees Coldest March In 160 Years! Meteorologist Calls Arctic Warmth/Cold Winter Theory “Nonsense”

March was an extremely cold month in Europe, especially in the southern part of eastern Germany. Veteran meteorologist Thomas Globig of MDR television gave us the March data for that region in the following video: Meteorologist Thomas Globig on MDR German television. Hat-tip: www.readers-edition.de/ In the video Globig tells the viewers that in the city of Jena, […]

"Potsdam, We Have A Problem!"...As Observed Reality Diverges From Models, Europe's Major Media Grow Skeptical

“Potsdam, We Have A Problem!”…As Observed Reality Diverges From Models, Europe’s Major Media Grow Skeptical

Doubts over climate science are snowballing among the elite media in Europe. A wave of “climate science skepticism” in the media and other institutions is sweeping across Europe (see below). The latest to shock the warmists is Switzerland’s leading daily Neue Züricher Zeitung (New Zurich Newspaper – NZZ), which obviously has noticed that things aren’t […]

Climate Science Humiliated...Earlier Model Prognoses Of Warmer Winters Now Today's Laughingstocks

Climate Science Humiliated…Earlier Model Prognoses Of Warmer Winters Now Today’s Laughingstocks

[Sticky post for a couple more days…scroll down for new articles] by P. Gosselin, and NTZ reader Jimbo “The Earth has a fever,” we were told. “The science is settled and the debate is over. Scientists are unanimous – 97% of them agree: climate change is real, and is happening now, and we’ve got to act quickly.” Over […]

Spiegel (Unwittingly) Confirms Its Undeniable Movement Away From Climate Catastrophism!

Spiegel (Unwittingly) Confirms Its Undeniable Movement Away From Climate Catastrophism!

Spiegel’s latest online piece here is dubbed “Conspiracy Theories: What Motivates The Fact-Deniers“. Hat-tip: Ulrich Elkmann. Ironically, in what was designed to be a sharp attack on “climate change deniers”, turns out to be an unwitting confirmation by Spiegel that it has profoundly changed its position on the climate issue. And, although Spiegel may not be aware of it, […]

European Institute For Climate And Energy Calls The New "Warm-Cold Hypothesis" Meteorological Nonsense!

European Institute For Climate And Energy Calls The New “Warm-Cold Hypothesis” Meteorological Nonsense!

What follows is a rebuttal to the quite dubious “warm-causes-cold hypothesis” we’ve been hearing about lately. ================================== “It’s getting colder because it’s getting warmer” – The meteorological illusory world of the climate alarmists By meteorologist Klaus-Eckart Puls European Institute for Climate and Energy (Translated/edited by P Gosselin) Cartoon right: www.cartoonsbyjosh.com For more than 10 years […]

Von Storch Blasts Climate Scientists: Not The "Keepers Of The Truth" - Says They "Oversold" The Science

Von Storch Blasts Climate Scientists: Not The “Keepers Of The Truth” – Says They “Oversold” The Science

This week’s newsstand, print-edition of FOCUS magazine (February 25, 2013, No. 9/13) has a 2-page interview with leading German climate scientist Professor Hans von Storch (HvS) titled: Climate Scientist Against Panic Spreading. Hans von Storch The sub-heading of the FOCUS article on page 92 reads: Scientist Hans von Storch goes hard in his own way: […]

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