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German Climate Movement, Catholic University Paper Warns Of Growing Climate Skepticism In Germany

German Climate Movement, Catholic University Paper Warns Of Growing Climate Skepticism In Germany

A new working paper titled Climate Skeptics In Germany And Their War Against The Energy Revolution by the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Vienna, written by Dr. Achim Brunnengräber of the University of Berlin Department of Political Science, has just been released. What’s a bit surprising is that the Catholic Theological […]

Meteorologist Dominik Jung Turns Skeptical After Germany Sets Record 5 Consecutive Colder-Than-Normal Winters!

Meteorologist Dominik Jung Turns Skeptical After Germany Sets Record 5 Consecutive Colder-Than-Normal Winters!

Big, embarrassing news for German climate scientists. With 11 days remaining, Germany this year is set for its 5th colder-than-normal winter (DJF) in a row (a record), this according to high-profile German meteorologist Dominik Jung at www.wetter.net here (photo left). Jung is an often-quoted meteorology expert of the German media. I’m really quite (pleasantly) surprised because I […]

Ehrlichian Catastrophe-Obsessed Potsdam Climate Institute Claims 12 Times More Heat Records By 2040!

Ehrlichian Catastrophe-Obsessed Potsdam Climate Institute Claims 12 Times More Heat Records By 2040!

The PIK has issued a press release on another one of its patently alarmist, statistically selective and manipulative studies, BASED ON MODELS, claiming the end of the world is near.  I’m sure this study will be shown to be preposterous in just a matter of days. No matter, the German media can hardly contain itself. […]

Catastrophe-Obsessed Potsdam Climate Institute Logic: “When You Eat More, You Lose Weight!”

Right…and starvation leads to obesity. The alarmists at the German Potsdam Climate Institute now claim global warming leads to colder and snowier winters, which lead to accelerated ice melt in Antarctica. In their latest blog article, Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt say this is like claiming eating more makes you lose weight. =================================================== New […]

Dr. Hans Labohm On Scepticism In Europe: “The Tide Is Turning…Very Much Alive And Kicking”

Dr. Hans H.J. Labohm has written an overview, soon to appear in Energy and Environment Journal titled: Climate Scepticism in Europe. Dr. Hans Labohm says climate science scepticism is “very much alive and kicking” in Europe. The opening sentences set the tone in no uncertain terms. He calls the notion of dangerous manmade global warming a […]

Heartland Institute Sends Waves Of Panic Through The Warmist Movement In Germany

Heartland Institute Sends Waves Of Panic Through The Warmist Movement In Germany

UPDATE 1: Heartland reply: Heartland.org/reply-to-critics UPDATE 2: Hat-tip Judy, Energytribune.com/desmog-debunked UPDATE 3: Heartland.org/reply-to-critics “The DesmogBlog web site was created by John Lefebvre, who pleaded guilty to federal money-laundering charges.” ========================================== Few US organizations are feared and hated in Germany like the Heartland Institute is today. It’s probably number 2 on the list behind Marc Morano/CFACT. […]

Die Zeit Represents Germany’s Hostile Intolerance, Calling Climate Science Skepticism “Fringe Opinions” From “Deniers”

On Friday I wrote about how the print edition of Die Zeit had published a twisted drive-by slander piece on climate skeptics, targeting Marc Morano of Climate Depot, the Heartland Institute, EIKE and Fritz Vahrenholt (photo left). Unsurprisingly the report’s authors, Kerstin Kohlenberg and Anita Blasberg, have no formal science training; they are sociology majors. That explains […]

Wave Of Global Warming Forecast To Sweep Across Europe - Warm Arctic Air To Freeze Northern Hemisphere

Wave Of Global Warming Forecast To Sweep Across Europe – Warm Arctic Air To Freeze Northern Hemisphere

The computer models are beginning to show a blast of Arctic air coming to western Europe by next weekend. Europe temperature forecast for 2 – 10 December 2012. Source: http://wxmaps.org/pix/temp4.html. Over the last couple of days, the forecast seems to be converging on a cold wave, increasingly indicating a cold blast in the pipeline. We’ll […]

German Climate Institutes Revise: CO2 Will Now Cause Warmer Winters With "More Frequent Cold"

German Climate Institutes Revise: CO2 Will Now Cause Warmer Winters With “More Frequent Cold”

German online news weekly FOCUS here has a report on the impacts of climate change on European winters, particularly those in Germany. Dubious science: German scientists claim warming Arctic leads to a colder and warmer Northern hemisphere. Photo source: NASA, public domain. A few years back we all heard scientists saying that snow and cold […]

‘The Local’: Munich RE “Profiteering From Climate Change Scare Stories Based On Quasi Scientific Reports”

Germany’s English-language online news site The Local here also features Spiegel’s report on weather extreme hype by reinsurer Munich RE. Munich RE has no proof, scientists claim.  Fears based on quasi science. (Graphic source: http://en.wikipedia/Munich_Re The local writes: Scientists decry insurer’s extreme weather claims  German insurance companies stand accused of putting the wind up American […]

Lüning/Vahrenholt Comment On HadCRUT's 16 Years Of No Warming: "Tough Times Ahead For Climate Science"

Lüning/Vahrenholt Comment On HadCRUT’s 16 Years Of No Warming: “Tough Times Ahead For Climate Science”

Although the silence that has spread over the mainstream media and “climate community” has been deafening, skeptic blogs on the other hand have been stepping in earnestly to inform the public on what the climate is really doing.  The blogosphere has been ablaze over the last few days. In Germany the media has been dead silent […]

Medieval Warm Period Was Not “Just A Local Phenomenon” – Study Also Finds It In South America

Dr. Sebastian Lüning’s and Prof Fritz Vahrenholt’s website has an article today. Photo source Marturius / License:Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported ============================ No North Atlantic Phenomenon: Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age Found in the Andes (Translated from the German by P Gosselin) The Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warm Period […]

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