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Potsdam Institute For Climate Impact Research: “Global Warming Could Cool Down Temperatures”

H/t: www.freiewelt.net This is no joke. Warming now leads to cooling! That’s the latest scientific news that our tax money has bought from Potsdam – from the house of Schellnhuber and Stefan Rahmstorf.This is what happens when you take activist physicists off the street, give them super-computers and a license to forecast. Here’s their press release: ========================================= […]

Temperature chart of Greenland by reader Juraj V. Composite of all Greenland stations

Greenland Overall Temperature Trend Shows Nothing Alarming. Schellnhuber Confirmed.

In two earlier posts I wrote about the shenanigans of some activist meteorologists who attempted to raise the level of alarm by claiming Greenland’s temperatures are behaving weirdly, and that it is abnormally warm up there, read Dumb Meteorologists Unaware Of Seasons and Dumb Meteorologists Part II. Too bad the data does not cooperate. Reader Juraj. […]

Cold Weather Silences The Climate Media

A couple a days ago I reported on how the German media has hardly been reporting on global warming. Read here. That should be no surprise because it’s been cold in Germany over the last 3 months, and so reporting on warming planet would only draw chuckles from the public. After all, August was cool […]

Climate Change Now Questioned At German Universities – Professors Speaking Up

The AGW religion in Germany is in deep trouble. Consensus is crumbling. the science is coming under attack. It’s taken a awhile, but slowly and surely, Germany, once the premier power in science, is beginning to ask questions again. When lectures and seminars questioning climate science take place within academic circles and at German universities, […]

The Silence Of Embarrassment

The Silence Of Embarrassment

Since the gore-filled 10:10 No Pressure clip exploded onto the public scene last week, the reaction from critics, primarily the blogosphere, has been harsh and swift – so overwhelming in fact that 1010 pulled it from the Internet within just a few hours. Major backers like Sony and Kyocera have since disappeared. It was a huge […]

Von Storch On The IAC and IPCC. And Lead Author Edenhofer Is Lying, Says Richard Tol

I’m alerted by Tom Nelson’s blog of a ZDF German television clip featuring Hans von Storch and Ottmar Edenhofer.  Edenhofer is a researcher at the Potsdamer Institute for Climate Impact Research, which is headed by Prof Doom & Gloom Hans Joachim Schellnhuber and his underling Stefan Rahmstorf. Need I say more? ZDF clip here (in German) […]

IAC & Media Admit The Well Is Poisoned – But Insist The Water Is Clean

They all admit the IPCC is flawed and in need of an overhaul, yet they still insist the science is correct. Go figure. That’s pure rubbish, of course. Bad process = bad product. It sounds just like the National Academy of Sciences reaching the conclusion that Michael Mann’s hockey stick science had no value, but his […]

Foodchain-Angst: Scientists and Media Spread More Enviro-Shock & Awe

Update 7/30/2010: WUWT debunks this scare: here! Reading the German online daily news this morning, today’s scare-de-jour is the “shocking” reduction of phytoplankton now underway, all due of course to manmade climate change. The “news” is based on a report just published in Nature by scientists Daniel Boyce and Marlon Lewis of the Dalhousie University (Halifax) and […]

New Laws Of Physics: More Heat Equals More Ice! Watch Joe Bastardi’s Latest Video

Updated 23 July 2010, 18:54 MET. Calamitologist Stefan Rahmstorf once defended his alarmist sea level rise scenarios by saying: I can’t help it. It’s simply the laws of physics. The question is: Whose physics? No science has rewritten the laws of physics like climate science. In climate science, it works like this: 1. Develop a model […]

Nutrition For Dummkopfs – From The Potsdam Institute For Climate Impact Research

The German online Die Zeit has a report today, Climate Scientists Advise Eating Less Meat, admonishing westerners not to eat meat and not to drink milk, otherwise climate catastrophe will strike us violently.This of course is all based on “science” from the alarmist, government-funded Potsdam Institute For Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Germany, where activists like Stefan […]

Who’s Who Guide In Germany?

Last updated: 05 January 2012. The aim of this short guide is to give the readers outside of Germany a snapshot of the status of climate science and politics in Germany. I) HOW IS AGW VIEWED HERE? Germany is a country with a powerful green movement. Environmentalism has become a religion for many. Environmentalism is extensively […]

Minister Tanya Gönner Calls Hundreds Of Billions Of Euros For Nothing A Success Story!

Like in many countries in Europe, politcal parties in Germany, whether right or left, are big boosters of re-engineering society in order to save it from the fantasized self-inflicted climate catastrophe. People who speak up face risk feeling the wrath of the many climate-doctrine-following drones and zombies. And as the level of absurdity reaches intolerable […]

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