By Kenneth Richard on 14. October 2019
Scientists (Bragato and Holzhauser, 2019) find natural catastrophes like tornadoes and earthquakes and pandemics like plague, cholera, and influenza “concentrate in the periods of ice expansion in Europe” whereas periods of economic expansion and a lower incidence of natural catastrophes and pandemics occur during deglaciation phases, or warm periods. Century-scale cooling can be elicited by […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Little Ice Age, Tectonics/Volcanoes |
By P Gosselin on 17. August 2019
Amazing: A proxy study of Laos finds natural variability in hydrometeorology, a little Ice Age, and other substantial climate changes in the pre-greenhouse gas era. Who would have thought! (sarcasm) Hat-tip: NTZ reader Mary Brown. University of California Irvine researcher Jessica Wang and her team of researchers find plenty of natural climate variability in Southeast […]
Posted in Drought and Deserts, Little Ice Age, Medieval Warm Period, Natural Variability, Paleo-climatology, Solar |
By Kenneth Richard on 26. November 2018
Newly published macrofossil discoveries from 4 papers strongly suggest that modern warmth may still be about 3°C colder than nearly all of the last 10,000 years. Image Source: Leunda et al. (2018) 1. Permafrost is still present today in a region that was permafrost-free throughout the Holocene (until the onset of the Little Ice Age) According […]
Posted in Little Ice Age, Paleo-climatology |
By Kenneth Richard on 10. September 2018
Even though CO2 concentrations hovered well below 300 ppm throughout most of the Holocene, newly published paleoclimate reconstructions affirm that today’s surface temperatures are only slightly warmer (if at all) than the coldest periods of the last 10,000 years. This contradicts the perspective that temperatures rise in concert with CO2 concentrations. Bottom Graph Source: Rosenthal et al. […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Little Ice Age, Medieval Warm Period, Paleo-climatology |
By Kenneth Richard on 13. August 2018
The purveyors of climate alarm posit that rising CO2 emissions cause up to 600% increases in burned area due to global warming. Newly published science thoroughly undermines these claims. Observational evidence affirms global-scale fire frequencies and burned area have actually been declining for decades (especially since the early 1900s), with overall biomass burning lower today than […]
Posted in Alarmism, CO2 and GHG, Emissions, Little Ice Age |
By P Gosselin on 18. March 2018
A documentary dubbed “The Weather Machine” produced in 1975 – long before NASA fiddled with the data – warned of an impending ice age (10:35), and maintained that the globe is cooling. Hat-tip: reader The Indomitable Snowman. The documentary attempted and succeeded at presenting the latest on climate change at the time. Changing climate accepted as normal […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Little Ice Age, Oceans, Paleo-climatology |
By Kenneth Richard on 22. January 2018
Graph Source: Herrera et al., 2015 Graph Source: Russell et al., 2010 1. Oliva et al., 2018 Cold period during 1645–1706 (Maunder solar minimum). Cold period during 1810–1838 (Dalton solar minimum). Warm period during the mid-20th and 21st centuries (modern solar maximum). LIA [Little Ice Age] was characterized by a cold phase having lower annual […]
Posted in Little Ice Age, Medieval Warm Period, Solar Sciences |
By Kenneth Richard on 28. December 2017
Temperatures To Decrease 0.5°C-0.7°C Due To Low Sunspots, Solar Minimum Image Source: Abdussamatov, 2012 During 2017, 120 papers linking historical and modern climate change to variations in solar activity and its modulators (clouds, cosmic rays) have been published in scientific journals. It has been increasingly established that low solar activity (fewer sunspots) and increased cloud […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Little Ice Age, Solar Sciences |
By Kenneth Richard on 14. December 2017
Cooling, Not Warming, Leads To Weather and Climate Instability Image Source: Loisel et al., 2017 1. Significant Decreasing Trend In Severe Weather Since 1961 Zhang et al., 2017 Based on continuous and coherent severe weather reports from over 500 manned stations, for the first time, this study shows a significant decreasing trend in severe weather occurrence […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Little Ice Age, Weather |
By Kenneth Richard on 30. November 2017
A Shrinking Anthropogenic Signal Continues To Emerge In The Arctic Earlier this year, Stein et al., 2017 published a reconstruction of Arctic sea ice variations throughout the Holocene that appeared to establish that there is more Arctic sea ice now than for nearly all of the last 10,000 years. The study region, the Chukchi Sea, […]
Posted in Arctic, Little Ice Age, Medieval Warm Period, Paleo-climatology |
By Kenneth Richard on 6. March 2017
Grape Harvest Date Evidence: No Significant Modern Warmth Public domain photo. Source here In a late February (2017) interview on a U.S. news program, mechanical engineer Bill Nye claimed that the settled science says humans have been warming the planet at a rate that is unnaturally and “catastrophically” fast since the year 1750 . “It’s […]
Posted in Little Ice Age, Medieval Warm Period, Paleo-climatology |
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