
New Study: Solar Module Owners Sitting On A Pile Of Hazardous Lead And Cadmium

Dubbed as a clean source of energy, new research findings show that home and property owners producing “clean, CO2-neutral” solar electricity with solar modules may in fact soon find themselves sitting on a pile of hazardous waste once the module lifetime expires. In many countries, it is illegal to simply discard hazardous materials into the […]

The War On Diesel Cars Takes A Hit: German Ministry Of Environment Accused of Spreading “Bogus” Findings

Recent German Ministry of Environment findings showing 6000 premature deaths annually due to nitrogen dioxide (stemming in large part from diesel cars) called “bogus”, made up “horror-news” and “fear mongering”. A study commissioned by the German Ministry of Environment and released in March found that nitrogen dioxide, in large part emitted by diesel engines, had a […]

Spiegel: EU Corporations Have Raked In 25 Billion Euros Through Corrupt Emissions Trading Scheme!

Spiegel: EU Corporations Have Raked In 25 Billion Euros Through Corrupt Emissions Trading Scheme!

Emissions trading was set up to entice fossil fuel intense companies to reduce their CO2 emissions, and thus in this way help bring atmospheric CO2 concentrations to a standstill, and thus rescue the climate, according to the man-made global warming theory. New report by Carbon Market Watch shows large corporations raking in billions in CO2 […]

20 New Papers: Higher CO2, Global Warming Increase Crop Yields, Green The Earth, Reduce Weather Extremes, Extend Human Life

20 New Papers: Higher CO2, Global Warming Increase Crop Yields, Green The Earth, Reduce Weather Extremes, Extend Human Life

Back in the early 1970s, when there was a scientific consensus that the Earth was cooling and that cooling was not good for the biosphere, scientists were ranking human-generated pollutants in terms of their potential to do harm to the planet. At that time, CO2 was regarded as “the least objectionable or only beneficial addition to […]

National Academy Of Sciences Study Shows World’s Love Affair With “Stepping Stone To Prosperity” Growing!

Despite the trillion-dollar campaign aimed at curbing fossil fuels, the use of coal continues to rapidly expand and is acting to finally pull undeveloped countries out of extreme grinding poverty. Investors Business Daily (IBD) here reports “coal use is surging across the globe“, citing the National Academy of Sciences, which says there’s an “unmistakable coal renaissance under way” and […]

Emerging Environmental Scandal: "Thousands Of Tons Of Toxic" Wind Park Rubbish To Get Dumped At Sea!

Emerging Environmental Scandal: “Thousands Of Tons Of Toxic” Wind Park Rubbish To Get Dumped At Sea!

Face it. When it comes to environmental protection, the EU can be awfully strict. Drop just a single molecule of something hazardous out somewhere in nature, and expect it to be treated like the crime of the century. That’s the way it usually is with eco-bureaucrats, except of course when it comes to green energies like […]

EU Enviro-Totalitarians Impose Restrictions On Woodstoves…Vacuum Cleaners Limited To 900 Watts In 2017!

Green totalitarian encroachment into people’s private lives in Europe is moving rapidly. Already this fall new measures aimed at private households go into effect. “Seasonal ban on wood burning stoves thinkable” First, soon humans will have to say good bye to one of their oldest friends: an open fire. Germany’s version of the EPA, the […]

Panic Time! IPCC Climate Scientist Serves Up Litany Of Excuses For Warming Stop…Advocates Upward Temp Adjustments!

The online Swiss 20min.ch here reports on a new study just appearing in the latest Nature Geoscience, authored by devout warmist climate scientist Reto Knutti of the Zurich ETH. Knutti’s study and the 20min.ch article are in a panicked scramble to explain why there hasn’t been any warming in more than 15 years, insisting that […]

Marc Morano On EPA Action "Once You Give Them This Expanded Bureaucratic Power, There Is No Limit"

Marc Morano On EPA Action “Once You Give Them This Expanded Bureaucratic Power, There Is No Limit”

Marc Morano appeared on Al Jazeera America for a discussion round about whether the EPA bureaucratic power grab to regulate coal will have impacts on the economy and environment. Photo: CFACT Watch video here: https://ajam.app.box.com Morano compares CO2 reductions to an insurance policy, one where the premiums are far more costly than anything you’ll ever […]

Disappearing Excuses...Aerosols Likely Not Behind The Warming Pause

Disappearing Excuses…Aerosols Likely Not Behind The Warming Pause

Why The Hiatus? By Ed Caryl One of the climatologist’s explanations for the 17-year hiatus in global warming is the effect of aerosols. This explanation seems weak for the simple reason that we don’t see aerosols in this time period. We do see the impact of aerosols from volcanic activity in previous periods, however. Here […]

Anthony Watts’s Best Interview! Nature Has Had Enough Of Spurious Climate Science

Click on the following link and listen to Anthony Watts on Nature getting back to serious science. http://soundcloud.com/thelarslarsonshow/anthony-watts-has-been Says it plainly. No wonder the charlatans like Appell are freaking out.  

It’s The Soot Stupid! Leading Environmental Group NABU Says Soot Is 50% Responsible For Arctic Warming

With every passing year we get without global warming, CO2 loses more and more of its credibility as the cause for climate change. So what to do? Move on to another issue that will do just as well. Blame it on soot from automobiles and industry, and push for lots of regulation. Black soot is responsible […]

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