
Surprise! Data Show North German Air Quality Hasn't Improved Since COVID-19 Restrictions In Effect

Surprise! Data Show North German Air Quality Hasn’t Improved Since COVID-19 Restrictions In Effect

The Corona crisis has reduced car traffic, yet air quality has not improved. This suggests that the automobile’s role in air pollution has been vastly exaggerated.  Image: NASA (public domain) There are fewer cars on the road in major German cities due cities to the massive COVID-19 restrictions and “green zones”, “and yet it apparently does not […]

Easter Season Cold, Frost Ends Onset Of European Spring... And Italy Air Quality WORSENS After Curfew!

Easter Season Cold, Frost Ends Onset Of European Spring… And Italy Air Quality WORSENS After Curfew!

Widespread frost to grip Europe The past winter has been an unusually mild one for most of Europe, which has led many people to think spring was here to stay. But the weather pattern has since switched. Instead of westerly winds bringing mild temperatures and rains across Europe, as they did all winter long, we […]

Most Despised (Older) Generation In Fact Cleaned Up The Atmosphere, Left It In Far Better Shape!

Most Despised (Older) Generation In Fact Cleaned Up The Atmosphere, Left It In Far Better Shape!

By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin We know people die prematurely of air pollution and it is a major issue, especially in developing countries. But it is essential to understand the difference between air pollution and CO2 emissions. CO2 is essential to all forms of life and it is difficult for many people to believe the […]

"Green" Wood-Burning Making Munich Germany's Air Dirtier Than NSW - Even As Bush Fires Rage!

“Green” Wood-Burning Making Munich Germany’s Air Dirtier Than NSW – Even As Bush Fires Rage!

A number of countries have even made wood-burning a part of their drive to cut down on CO2 emissions. For example cities like Munich, Germany are seeing a rise in wood burning as a source of heat. Moreover, many German cities are moving to ban diesel engine cars because of the CO2 they produce and, […]

Scientists: Humans Perform As Well Or Better When Exposed To High (5000-15000 ppm) vs. Low CO2 Concentrations

Scientists: Humans Perform As Well Or Better When Exposed To High (5000-15000 ppm) vs. Low CO2 Concentrations

A new paper finds the performance of test-taking (cognitive, decision-making) “astronaut-like” subjects exposed to 5000 ppm CO2 was “similar to or exceeded” the performance of those exposed to baseline (600 ppm). This study follows up on a 2018 paper that determined submariners exposed to 15000 ppm CO2 performed just as well as subjects exposed to […]

New Study: The Recent CO2 Increase Has Had An Even Greater Earth-Greening Impact Than Previously Thought

New Study: The Recent CO2 Increase Has Had An Even Greater Earth-Greening Impact Than Previously Thought

The Earth has been rapidly greening in recent decades, and CO2 fertilization may explain 70% of the trend (Zhu et al., 2016). A new study finds models have significantly underestimated the greening effect of rising CO2. Image Source: Winkler et al., 2019 CO2 is a pollutant? In recent years, carbon dioxide (CO2), an essential ingredient […]

German Scientists To More Closely Investigate Cloud Formation, A Vital Component In Climate

Leipzig, 20 December 2018 Researchers from Leipzig cooperate with scientists from Punta Arenas (Chile) to learn more about the relationship between air pollution, clouds and precipitation. Leipzig/Punta Arenas. How do airborne particles, so-called aerosols, affect the formation and life cycle of clouds and precipitation? In order to come one step closer to solving this question, […]

Tale Of Two Stations...Striking Contrast: Urban Tokyo Warms Strongly While Rural Island Station Shows No Warming

Tale Of Two Stations…Striking Contrast: Urban Tokyo Warms Strongly While Rural Island Station Shows No Warming

By Kirye in Tokyo Hachijojima is a rural-type island off the coast from the megapolis of Tokyo in the Pacific. What makes Hachijojima interesting is that it is ideal for comparing its trend to a heavily urban environment, like Tokyo’s. Hachijojima is located roughly 300 km, out to sea, from Tokyo and thus is hardly […]

"Heart-Jamming" Wind Turbines ...New Medical Research Confirms Infrasound Negatively Impacts Heart Health!

“Heart-Jamming” Wind Turbines …New Medical Research Confirms Infrasound Negatively Impacts Heart Health!

While German activists are growing hysterical over fine particle emissions from today’s relatively cleaner diesel automobiles, the German Allgemeine Zeitung here reports that researchers have determined that low-frequency infrasound from wind turbines indeed do have a negative impact on the human heart. Infrasound from wind turbines can affect heart health, new findings show. Image: DrJanaOfficial – CC […]

Environmental “Time Bomb”…China To Dump 20 Million Tonnes Of Solar Panel Waste Into Environment

We have to face it: The West has done our planet no favor by moving industrial production and manufacturing to China. Trump is right, many of factories and industries are better back home, even if it means paying a bit more for products. Not only does the China use the oceans as a global dump for […]

A Groundbreaking New Study Foils The Elevated-CO2-Is-Toxic-To-Humans Narrative

A Groundbreaking New Study Foils The Elevated-CO2-Is-Toxic-To-Humans Narrative

Over the years there has been a sustained effort to portray human exposure to very high levels of CO2 as toxic.  A new study undercuts these claims, as the decision-making performances of controlled-experiment participants were not impaired when exposed to CO2 concentrations as high as 15,000 ppm.  As a political activist, Al Gore has often […]

Latest Euro Delusion: EU Wants Us To Believe It Can Rescue Oceans By Removing Less Than 0.01% Of The Plastic!

Latest Euro Delusion: EU Wants Us To Believe It Can Rescue Oceans By Removing Less Than 0.01% Of The Plastic!

Since environmental elitists have taken the helm in Europe, they like to fancy themselves and pose as rescuers of the planet. The climate rescue delusion One example is Europe’s claim to being the global leader in climate protection. Leaders like having everyone believe that Europe reducing CO2 emissions 80% by 2050 will to save the […]

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