Study Recalculates New Greenhouse Effect Values And Sharply Minimizes CO2's Contribution And Climate Sensitivity

Study Recalculates New Greenhouse Effect Values And Sharply Minimizes CO2’s Contribution And Climate Sensitivity

Another study finds CO2’s greenhouse effect contribution and climate sensitivity are much smaller than claimed by the IPCC and proponents of anthropogenic global warming.

Ollila (2019) reconfigures the “consensus”-derived greenhouse effect radiation values and finds (a) LW absorption only adds 45% to Earth’s present atmospheric greenhouse effect, (b) water vapor dominates (76.4%) the total greenhouse effect whereas CO2’s contribution is minimal (7.3%), and (c) CO2 climate sensitivity is just 0.6°C upon doubling.

Image Source: Ollila (2019)

The reconfiguration eliminates the “physical contradiction” of having a 155.6 W/m² create an energy flux of 345.6 W/m² by rejecting the claim that the entire longwave energy flux is from greenhouse gases.

Further, CO2’s total temperature contribution to the greenhouse effect is reduced from 7.2°C to 2.4°C, which better aligns with the climate sensitivity (doubled CO2) estimate of 0.6°C.

Image Source: Ollila (2019)

$0.34/kwh! German Electricity Prices Skyrocket To New Record Highs…”A Gigantic Redistribution Machine”

Germany’s Energiewende (transition to green energies) is driving up prices

by Holger Douglas
(Translated/edited by P. Gosselin)

For a long time, electricity prices have known only one direction: upwards! Ever faster, ever more clearly. Now the shock for many families: The Federal Government has presented official figures in an answer to an inquiry from the FDP Free Democrats parliamentary group in the Bundestag and announced the true extent of the electricity price increase.

320 euros extra annually per household

In the past ten years, the price of electricity for households and industry has risen by a third. According to the Augsburger Allgemeine, which quotes from the paper, the price of electricity rose by 35 percent between 2009 and 2019. For a typical household with 4,000 kWh per year, this means 320 euros in additional costs for electricity alone.

This is even more than the various comparison websites had previously calculated.

8% hike

BILD expresses how drastic it is: “The electricity price wave is sweeping over Germany! Now the energy giants Innogy, RheinEnergy and Vattenfall are also raising prices by eight percent”. Millions of households are affected.

Thus the electricity price is nowhere else as high as in Germany. One kilowatt hour of electricity now costs on average 30.03 euro cents. The experts at the Verivox comparison portal expect that prices will continue to rise this year, for a simple reason: Germany is paying for the transition to green energies.

With the so-called EEG feed-in levy, every electricity consumer pays for the feed-in of the unreliable and extremely expensive “renewable energies” and thus also for the destruction of the previously reliable and inexpensive power supply.

No way around subsidies

No sensible person would install wind turbines on a large scale in Germany. The yield of electricity is simply too low and too unreliable. If, yes, if it would not have to be propped up by money.

Money for nothing

According to the German government, wind turbine operators alone received a total of 635 million euros in compensation in 2018 because they were unable to feed their electricity into the grid because of the times it was not needed.

This “compensation” will be even more drastic in 2019, because in the first quarter alone there were strong winds; the wind turbines delivered so much electricity – but at inopportune moments, and so it could not be used, not even given away to neighboring countries.


FDP politician Sandra Weeser explained: “We have an extremely anti-social redistribution here. The weakest citizens would be burdened with the electricity price just as much as the strongest.”

Ms Weeser also sees the attractiveness of Germany as a business location at risk: “With our high wage cost level, we cannot keep increasing the production costs of electricity if we want to keep industry in the country.

“Gigantic redistribution machine”

The so-called EEG feed-in program continues to prove to be a gigantic redistribution machine. This is once again calling the profiteers onto the scene – as can be seen from the results of the solar tender of the Federal Network Agency. Tendered were 500 MW of capacity for solar plants, bids were submitted for a total of 1,344 MW. That is a 2.7-fold more than needed. In mid-January, the agency awarded the contract to “121 bids for a solar capacity of 501 MW to be erected”.

Unsteady supply means inefficient use of backup plants

This means: even more photovoltaic systems for ridiculously low hours of use and even higher EEG fees. And even more CO2 emissions from those conventional power plants that have to supply electricity when the sun does not shine because Germany still does not want to go without electricity. The very frequent, inefficient start-up and shut-down processes of these large power plants on standby also cause additional CO2 emissions. This increases operating costs.

World Leading Alps Glaciologist Shows “Today’s Climate, Vegetation And Glacier Situation Nothing Special”

“Glaciers: climate witnesses of the ice age to the present”. A book review

By Horst-Joachim Lüdecke and Klaus-Eckart Puls
Hat-tip: Die kalte Sonne
(Translated by P. Gosselin

Prof. Gernot Patzelt is an internationally renowned glaciologist with numerous publications and lectures. Now he has, as it were, presented his life’s work with the book “Gletscher: Klimazeugen von der Eiszeit bis zur Gegenwart“ (Glaciers: Climate Witnesses from the Ice Age to the Present” (Hatje Cantz-Verlag, Berlin, 2019, 266 pages). It combines the overwhelming artistic aesthetics of Alpine glaciers in painting with scientific glaciology.

Gernot Patzelt, Professor of High Altitude Research at the University of Innsbruck and Head of the Alpine Research Centre Obergurgl in Tyrol, was not and is not retired after his retirement in 2004. His lectures, especially those at EIKE climate conferences (here, here) and his writings, which are listed here, bear witness to this. He was also co-author of the book “A. Fischer und G. Patzelt: Gletscher im Wandel: 125 Jahre Gletscher-Meßdienst des Alpenvereins, Springer, 2018″.

His book “Klimazeugen von der Eiszeit bis zur Gegenwart” (Climate Witnesses from the Ice Age to the Present), which is discussed here, breaks new ground by making the otherwise rarely attempted connection between natural aesthetics and scientific description. The Austrian glaciologist  has convincingly succeeded in this attempt, namely the connection of painting history with Ice Age history, glacier history, landscape history, vegetation history, climate history, cultural history … and more!

Almost the entire first half of the book is dedicated to the representation of glaciers in painting. The images by Thomas Ender and Ferdinand Runk, chamber painter to Archduke Johann of Austria (here), are shown here, and thus movingly beautiful paintings have been rescued from oblivion.

In addition to aesthetics, however, science is also not neglected in this first part of the book. In the chapter “The glaciological significance of the paintings” it is explained how the glaciers in question can be viewed from the paintings. Thus the paintings shown are at the same time scientific documents.

70% of last 10,000 years saw smaller glacier extent

In the second part of the book a wealth of details is given on different regions, altitudes and many individual glaciers. One learns the fact that today’s climate, vegetation and glacier situation is nothing “special” caused by industrial man, but is well within the “climate noise” of the last ten thousand years!

Moreover, a summary graph from the book on page 238 shows: For about 70% of the last 10,000 years (post-glacial period), the extent of the Alpine glaciers was smaller than today, while tree lines and temperatures were higher as well.

 Patzelt summarizes (on p. 235):

“Around 8500 BC (before Christ) the temperatures were lower, from 8200 BC they were already above the level of the present temperature conditions … the postglacial warm period reached a first peak shortly after 6000 BC, followed by a second peak around 4200 BC. During this time … the timberline was 100-130 meters higher than what is currently possible, which means that a summer temperature of 0.6-0.8 °C higher can be derived:

“The temperature increase of recent decades (note: 1980-2010) is within the postglacial range.”

Figure 1: Summer temperature, forest-/treeline, glacial retrest periods Westalpen, glacier advance Ostalpen, chart from p. 238 of the above mentioned book by G. Patzelt.

From the book, but also from the biography of Gernot Patzelt (here), the primary closeness to nature in his research work cannot be overlooked. His own exploration, hiking and the collection of scientifically interesting tree relics on site, as melting glaciers release them again and again, were his main and heart’s desire.

Only after that did his desk and laboratory follow. You can feel his love for the scientific subject and, inseparably connected with it, his never-ending admiration of the beauty of glaciers.

We wish his book every success, because there is hardly anything comparable to this object. And we are looking forward to welcoming Gernot Patzelt once again to give a lecture at future EIKE Climate Conferences.

This articles first appeared at EIKE.

NASA Data: 13 Of 13 Antarctic Peninsula, Island Stations Show Cooling Trend Over Past 21 Years!

By Kirye
and Pierre Gosselin

A few days ago we looked at 19 stations scattered across Antarctica and found no unusual climate trends taking place there over the past 31 years.

Today we focus on 13 crucial stations located on and around the Antarctic Peninsula, which alarmists say is threatening to melt down and cause sea level rise to accelerate rapidly, and plot the data from NASA going back to 1998, i.e. 21 years.

13 of 13 Antarctic Peninsula/island stations cooling

The following map shows the location of the stations:

What now follows are the mean annual temperature plots of the 13 stations, using NASA Version 4 unadjusted data:

13 of 13 Antarctic Peninsula and nearby island stations show cooling over the past 21 years. There hasn’t been any warming there so far this century. Data source: NASA GISS, Version 4 unadjusted. 

New Study: 3°C Cooling In The Last 200 Years, 7°C Warmer ~7800 Years Ago In France

A new reconstruction (Martin et al., 2020shows peak mean annual temperatures (14°C) were 7°C warmer than today (7°C, 2009-2017) ~7800 years ago in France. In the last 200 years temperatures have fallen by ~3°C.

Image Source: Martin et al., 2020

Another new study (Caillouet et al., 2019) finds little to no signficant climate changes (temperatures or precipitation) in France since 1873.


Image Source: Caillouet et al., 2019

Critics Face Harsh Climate When It Comes To Expressing Dissent – Especially When It Comes To Science

Tough Times for Critics

By Die kalte Sonne
(Translated by P. Gosselin)

The climate issue now dominates almost all areas of life. This makes it all the more important that the arguments of the critics of the climate alarm are finally heard seriously. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

On the contrary, those who do not support the alarm line will be publicly scolded, possibly obstructing their career and future. An almost perfectly controlled opinion system has been established.

Has something like this existed before? Have there been cases where good arguments were ignored for far too long, where critics had to fear reprisals, to the point where they were finally proved right and public opinion suddenly turned? Yes, there have been such cases. It seems to be a basic psychological pattern in human society to regard one side as the only valid truth in controversial debates and to present competing opinions as the misguided misconceptions of some madmen. The following three examples illustrate this:

1. The case of Claas Relotius

I’m sure you know the case. A Spiegel editor (Claas Relotius), who was highly respected at the time and showered with prizes, had incorporated years of invented facts into his reports. When another reporter (Juan Moreno) found out about his colleague, his superiors did not believe him at first, although he provided good evidence. This went so far that he was threatened with termination of his contract.

Moreno fought for his professional survival and was able to convict Relotius in the end. You can read in Moreno’s exciting book “Thousand Lines of Lies: The Relotius System and German Journalism“.


2. Doping in cycling

For many years, professional doping was used in cycling, and it is probably still the case today. Whoever wanted to make the manipulations public was done in the cycling scene. The best example was the multiple Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, who defended himself against all accusations legally and otherwise with great effort. In the end, everything was discovered.

In January 2013 Armstrong confessed his doping past in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. Read the book “The Cycling Mafia and its dirty business” by Tyler Hamilton and Daniel Coyle.

3. The rejection of continental drift

Today we know that the continents are moving. When Alfred Wegener proposed this at the beginning of the 20th century, he was laughed at and ridiculed. Long after his death it turned out that he was right. We had reported about it here in the blog (“Plate tectonics is catching on: Lessons for the Climate Debate” and “Continental Shift and Climate Change: The Miraculous Repetition of the History of Science“). A comprehensive treatise on the subject was published by Naomi Oreskes in her book “The Rejection of Continental Drift: Theory and Method in American Earth Science“.


4. Alzheimer’s cabal

Another example of rampant dogmatism in science to add here is: “The maddening saga of how an Alzheimer’s ‘cabal’ thwarted progress toward a cure for decades” by Sharon Begley.

Her report exposes how a “cabal” of “influential researchers have long believed so dogmatically in one theory of Alzheimer’s that they systematically thwarted alternative approaches.” Had it not been for this dogmatism, “we would be 10 or 15 years ahead of where we are now,” said Dr. Daniel Alkon, a longtime NIH neuroscientist who started a company to develop an Alzheimer’s treatment.

No Alarm: NASA Data Show Antarctica Temperature Trends Undergoing Nothing Unusual

By Kirye
and Pierre Gosselin

Today we plot NASA Version 4 data for 19 Antarctic stations going back to 1988 (including volcanoes areas of West Antarctica and Peninsula), see map below.

The 19 stations were chosen because they have both Version 3 and Version 4 data available.

We plot the data on 4 different charts for the purpose of clarity. Included are also the volcanic areas of West Antarctica and the West Antarctic Peninsula.

Of the 19 stations plotted, 9 show no warming using NASA GISS Version 4 data. Version 3 the number is 10 not showing any warming. The stations that are cooling/stable are underlined in blue on the map above.

What follows are plots of the first 7 (warmest) stations:

The above chart shows the data for the stations located at the West Antarctic peninsula. The data over the past 30 years show no unusual changes happening.

The next chart depicts 8 additional stations whose mean annual temperature is around -10°C.

Also here we see no unusual activity from the NASA data. Most are cooling a bit, or near stable.

Above Halley shows a cooling trend, while the fragmented data from Mcmurdo Sound show warming, though nothing out of the ordinary.

Finally plots of the 2 remaining (coldest) stations, Amundsen and Vostok, are shown:

As you can see, the incomplete data of these two frigid stations suggest some moderate warming. But at those ranges, even slight atmospheric perturbations can have notable effects on temperature there.

At -49°C and -55°C respectively, they are pretty much stuck at rock bottom and suggest no sign of any unusual warming. For those waiting for signs of global climate change coming out of Antarctica, you might be waiting quite awhile longer.

North Atlantic Sea Levels Have Been Falling At A Rate Of 7.1 mm/yr Since 2004…In Tandem With 2°C Cooling

Rapid cooling in the North Atlantic has reversed regional sea level changes and has apparently spread to the Greenland ice sheet.

Image Source: Chafik et al. (2019)

Despite stressing global sea level rise is worrisome and due to anthropogenic warming, Chafik et al. (2019) report a distinct cooling trend in the North Atlantic that coincides with a transition to falling regional sea levels since 2004.

Image Source: Chafik et al. (2019)

Meanwhile, Ruan et al. (2019) attribute the rapid deceleration in Greenland ice sheet melt since 2013 to the -2.0°C North Atlantic cooling that apparently has begun affecting the Arctic.

Image Source: Ruan et al. (2019)

A cooling trend in recent decades has also spread to West Antarctica, the Antarctic Peninsula, and East Antarctica (Lüning et al.,2019).

Image Source: Lüning et al.,2019

North America as a continent has been cooling since 1998 (Gan et al., 2019), with no significant net change since 1982.

Image Source: Gan et al., 2019

The Southern Ocean – 14% of the Earth’s surface – has been been cooling since 1979 (Zhang et al., 2019).

Image Source: Zhang et al., 2019

Large regions of the Northern Hemisphere – especially in Asia –  have been cooling since 1990 (Kretschmer et al., 2018).

Image Source: Kretschmer et al., 2018

Other than these regions, the entire globe has been warming…in line with what would be expected with global warming.

German “Speech Police” Announce 2019’s Defamatory Word Of The Year: “Climate Hysteria”!

That’s right, last week a panel, made up of 4 pompous linguists and one journalist, chose “climate hysteria” as Germany’s taboo word (un-word) of 2019.


Discriminatory, disguising or misleading

The Unwort des Jahres (un-word of the year) is a new or recently popularized term used in Germany which a panel deems “violates human rights or infringes upon Democratic principles”.

According to Wikipedia, “The term may be one that discriminates against societal groups or may be euphemistic, disguising or misleading. The term is usually, but not always, a German term. The term is chosen from suggestions sent in by the public.”

Over the years, like so many other institutions, the volunteer panel has leaned to the left and has been choosing words that tend to cast conservatives and the right political spectra in a negative light. The panel’s announcement of the un-word of the year gets broad media coverage.

Last week the panel selected “climate hysteria” as the un-word of the year.

Taboo because it “defames climate protection efforts”

According to Wikipedia, the panel – which has no scientific expert on it at all, chose “climate (change) hysteria” as the un-word of 2019 because it “defames climate protection efforts and the climate protection movement, and discredits important discussions about climate protection.”

Climate science dissent is no longer welcome, the panel wants to tell us.

According to Wikipedia:

The expression [climate hysteria] was used by many in politics, economics, and the media in 2019 – by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung as well as by entrepreneurs and especially by politicians of the Alternative for Germany party. It dismisses the increased commitment to climate protection as some kind of collective psychosis. Moreover, in light of scientific findings regarding climate change, this word is misleading and irresponsibly supports anti-scientific tendencies.”

Yet, thankfully, some media have grown critical of the panel of volunteer linguists and single journalist, and all the media attention it gets. For example, Bild newspaper wrote:

As if it were the decision of an important institution, the decision of a privately organised group is reported: Four linguists and a journalist who volunteer once a year to play linguistic police. According to the motto: Listen up, citizens, the language committee has decided, this word is taboo from now on!

Ironically, in 2011 the panel chose “alternativlos” (no alternative) as the un-word of 2010 in politics because they claimed it was “undemocratic”, as any discussion on a subject “would be deemed unnecessary or undesirable”.

Today the panel appears to have forgotten about that earlier choice.

In any case, skeptics and dissenters should instead ramp up the use of the term “climate hysteria” to describe the FFF and XR movements, and all the nutty doomsday scientists who like telling us there’s no alternative to decarbonization.

Bike Riding May Be Gentle On Climate, But Remains Extremely Dangerous To Health And Life!

Not long ago one (right wing) politician warned before the German Parliament that the bicycle as a means of transport was extremely dangerous – especially for children – and thus ought not be promoted.

“Highly impractical and dangerous”

This of course brought ridicule from the infallible leftists and greens – and yes, even from German centrists who have long become all drugged up on green and “climate protection”.

AfD parliamentarian Dr. Dirk Spaniel told before the Parliament: “Soberly considered, bicycles are highly impractical and dangerous.”

According to Spaniel, a transportation expert, a child transported on a bicycle is exposed to greater danger than in a car. On the Green Party’s vision of a bicycle utopia in Germany and the world, Spaniel mocked: “They want to draw an ideal fairy tale world here with bicycles, which do not exist in this form.”

Twice as likely to die on a bike

As much as the left and greens like to ridicule Dr. Spaniel’s claim, it is backed up by most studies.

For example, the Washington Post here writes that “bikes are the most dangerous way to get around with the exception of motorcycles” and that in the USA, “you’re more than twice as likely to die while riding a bike than riding in a car, per trip” and riding a bicycle is “about 500 times more fatal than riding in a bus”. Here the WaPo cited according a 2007 study led by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention epidemiologist Laurie Beck.

Why so many German politicians are now striving to transport children using such a dangerous mode of transport remains a mystery. It’s one of the side effects of being drugged on green. In their doped minds, addicts dismiss all the risks and amplify the promised benefits.

Bicycle deaths rising in Germany

As bike riding increases in Germany, so do the accidents and fatalities. According to Spiegel, citing the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden: “445 people died in accidents on a bicycle – 63 cyclists more than in the previous year and the highest number since 2009.”

“A total of 88,850 cyclists were involved in accidents on German roads in 2018,” Spiegel wrote earlier in 2019.  “That is around 11 percent more than in the previous year.”

25 times higher risk of injury

According to AfD Parliamentarian Dr. Dirk Spaniel: “Parents who transport their children on bicycles increase the risk of injury to them 25 times more than those who transport them by car.”

Time for parents to be responsible for their kids and to stop pretending they can be responsible for the climate.

Ireland Temperatures Cooling Since 1988. And Deep Blue Vermont Says ‘No’ To Wind Power

By Kirye
and P. Gosselin

Yes, climate change is real.

But what they don’t tell us is that in many places that change has gone in the opposite direction of what alarmists like to have us think.

Moreover, that change is obviously driven far more by natural causes, such as solar and oceanic cycles, and has very little to do with man-made CO2.

Today we look at the untampered temperature datasets of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) that go back to 1988 and which are mostly complete.

Here’s the plot of the 6 stations with adequate data:

Data: JMA

Five of the 6 stations show cooling or no upward trend. Earlier predictions of rapid warming are proving to be false.

Next is a plot of 8 stations using data from NASA, which show notable cooling trend over the past 25 years:

Deep blue Vermont says no to Big Wind

When it comes to wind energy, we’re seeing strong signals against it coming from Vermont, a state that is as politically blue, and thus pro-green, as any state could possibly be.

One would think that the Green Mountain State would welcome “clean”, renewable wind energy and happily make its contribution to rescuing the climate and environment. Vermont, after all, is home to Bernie Sanders and Bill McKibben.

Ironically, Vermont’s strong environmental streak is backfiring on industrial wind. Vermont citizens are realizing industrial wind parks are not green after all, and aren’t worth defacing the rural landscape. Vermonters now more than ever want them the hell out.

For example, Windpower Engineering Development site here reports how Vermont’s political environment now “is hostile to wind energy”.

“In 2012, there were over a dozen wind projects in development. Now there are none. This is truly a sad state of affairs for Vermont,” stated David Blittersdorf, CEO and founder of AllEarth Renewables.

Large wind facilities banned

Meanwhile voters in the tiny Vermont village of Grafton have endorsed a new town plan that prohibits industrial and commercial wind, reports the Brattleboro Reformer here. “On a 95-66 vote during an all-day ballot Monday, residents approved the new town plan, which bans any large wind facility, and includes other planning updates.”

Also neighboring Windham has said “no” to industrial wind parks by developer Iberdrola, which has since “dropped its plans to build what would have been the largest wind project in the state of Vermont,” writes the Brattleboro Reformer.

Good to see Vermonters are finally waking up to the green energy madness and landscape blight and zero benefit it all leads to.

19 Papers Published In 2019 Affirm Sea Levels Were METERS Higher Than Today 4-8 Thousand Years Ago

The onslaught of paleoclimate evidence for warmer-than-now Mid-Holocene climates – when the Earth’s sea levels were meters higher than they are today –  stormed through 2019.

There were 107 scientific papers published this past year indicating today’s warmth isn’t even close to being unusual or unprecedented when compared to the climates of the last centuries to millennia.

As illustrated below, there were also 19 papers affirming today’s sea levels are among the lowest of the last ~8000 years.

This is added to the list of nearly 100 scientific papers published in the last handful of years indicating Mid-Holocene sea levels were multiple meters higher than they are today due to the much more extensive glacier and ice sheet melt occuring during these millennia.

Oliver and Terry, 2019  Thailand, +2.0 to 3.8 m higher than present

~6000 cal yr B.P. old oysters can be found from between 3.8 ± 0.1 m to 2.5 ± 0.1 m above present day mean sea level. … Dead (fossil) oysters were collected from between 1 and 3 m above the centre of the live oyster band in a more sheltered cleft inside the notch. The oldest sample with an age of 5270–4950 cal yr B.P. was collected at an elevation of 3.01 ± 0.1 m above the apex of the notch. The ages decrease with elevation down to 920–710 cal yr B.P. at 1.03 m. … In all the sites, the 14C age of the dead oysters inside the notches increases with increasing elevation above present day MSL. Clearly, relative sea level was 2 to 3 m higher than present between 6000 and 3000 B.P. and has steadily fallen since.”

Brooke et al., 2019  Queensland (NE Australia), +1-2 m higher than present

“Indicator data for Queensland have been assessed for their accuracy and robustness by Lambeck et al. (2014), who identified a number of coastal and inner shelf island sites in the northeastern region, in which Cowley Beach is located (Fig. 1), where accurately dated in situ fossil coral, coral microatolls and sediment core samples provide robust sea-level records (Chappell, 1983; Chappell et al., 1983; Horton et al., 2007; Yu and Zhao, 2010; Zwartz, 1995; Fig. 3). Here, relative sea level reached a Holocene highstand between 6770 and 5520 yr BP approximately 1–2 m above the present level (Lewis et al., 2013; Fig. 3). Following the highstand, the data record a gradual fall in sea level to the present position (Perry and Smithers, 2011; Lambeck et al., 2014). … Local and regional records for the Holocene at far-field sites may also reflect the influence of climatic variations on sea level, such as shifts in the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), that can induce minor (<0.5 m) changes in sea level (Duke et al., 2017; Leonard et al., 2018; Sloss et al., 2018) on annual to multi-decadal, rather than millennial, timescales.”

Yamano et al., 2019 SW Japan, +1.1 to 1.2 m higher than present

“Evidence from the core samples and fossil microatolls suggests sea level reached its present position before 5100 cal yr B.P., and a relative sea-level highstand of 1.1–1.2 m above the present sea level occurred from 5100 to 3600 cal yr B.P. This was followed by a gradual fall in relative sea level. The tectonically corrected sea-level curve indicates a stable sea level after 5100 cal yr BP., with a sea-level highstand of up to 0.4 m between 5100 and 3600 cal yr B.P.”

Makwana et al., 2019 Western India, +2 to 3 m higher than present

The BB trench site is located at an elevation of 2 m above present day msl, where it shows evidences of dominant marine processes at depth of 2 m with a horizon of clay at depth of 3.2 m. In coastal environments, clayey horizons get deposited in calmer and non turbid conditions with depth > 3 m, which explains the clay horizon at BB trench site that would have been deposited with the water level depth of 3.2 m at > 2.5 ka period.”

Loveson and Nigam, 2019 Eastern India, +4 m higher than present

“The continuous rise in sea level ever since late Pleistocene has reached the present sea level during 6800 years 100 BP and the highest sea level of about ~4m above the present sea level is observed during 6050 BP. Since then, the sea level started fluctuating in lesser magnitudes (between +4.0m to -2.0m), responding to the cycles of global ice melting and climate thereof. … It is also observed that the magnitude of all five high stands in between 7,200 to the recent has a decreasing trend from +4m to 0m. It obviously indicates that the most of the present day coastal plains were once under the sea as evidenced by the presence of many inland leftover paleo delta signatures in the East Coast of India.”

Oliver et al., 2019  South Australia, +2 m higher than present

“Raised beach strata imaged with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) at Rivoli Bay suggest a sea-level highstand of +2 m above present ~3500 years ago, steadily falling and reaching the present ~1000 years ago.”

Kylander et al., 2019  Scotland, +9 m higher than present

“At present, the Laphroaig bog is edged by a dune system, but this sand source may have looked very different at the time peat accumulation started 6670 cal. a BP. A primary control on dune building is RSL. Glacial isostatic modelling, supported by radiocarbon-dated sea-level index points, show that the RSL on Islay was about 9 m higher at 6000 cal. a BP, and fell in a linear fashion to 2.2 m higher than present at 2000–1000 cal. a BP (Fig. 7C;Dawsonet al. 1998; Shennan et al. 2006a,b).”

Meeder and Harlem, 2019  Southeast Florida (USA), +1-1.3 m higher than present

Sea level was at ca 8 m above present during the last interglacial ca 120,000 yr bp inundating the entire platform during deposition of the Miami Limestone strata (Moore, 1982) …  The marls form a leaky seal on the Everglades floor (Figure 14B) slowing water infiltration and storing water, increasing the hydroperiod and providing an environment suitable for peat deposition which started ca 4,500 yr bp (Gleason & Stone, 1994) at elevations between 1 and 1.3 m above present sea level (Wanless et al., 1994). … The historic high‐water stage occurred prior to drainage when the water stage was between 0.6 and 2  m higher than present in the study area (McVoy et al., 2011; Parker, 1975; Parker et al., 1955).”

Cuttler et al., 2019  Western Australia, +1-2 m higher than present

Ningaloo Reef grew over the last ~8,000 years (Twiggs and Collins, 2010) with rapid reef build up ceasing ~5.8 ka BP when sea level was approximately 1 to 2 m higher than present. During this phase of development, benthic cover was dominated by reef-building corals (Collins et al., 2003; Twiggs and Collins, 2010). After this sea level highstand, reef evolution at Ningaloo was characterised as ‘detrital build-up and aggradational’ as sea level fell to present levels and the reef back-stepped (seaward) to its present location (Twiggs and Collins, 2010).”

Bondevik et al., 2019 Western Norway, +8.2 to +9 m higher than present

“We conclude that the maximum sea level of the Tapes transgression lasted 2000 years from 7600 cal yr BP and extended into the Early Neolithic, to about 5600 cal yr BP (Fig. 13), with an uncertainty of about 100 years. We estimate that the highest spring tide during the Tapes transgression maximum phase was between 8.2 and 9.0 m above the present mean sea level. … To account for additional uncertainties, we suggest that the spring tide sea level at Longva would have been 8.6 ± 0.4 m above present day mean sea level during the Tapes transgression maximum.”

Yamada et al., 2019   Japan, +1 m higher than present

“Post-glacial sea level reached about 1 m higher than today around 6000 years ago and then started to fall (Yokoyama et al., 1996). As such, a sudden appearance and increase of marine and brackish diatoms just below PL-b cannot be explained by eustatic sea-level change.”

Montaggioni et al., 2019 French Polynesia, +0.8 m higher than present

“The foundations of islets (motus), namely conglomerate platforms, started to form with deposition of patchy, rubble spreads over the upper reef-rim surfaces from ca 4,500 yr BP as sea level was about 0.80 m above its present mean level. On these platforms, islets started to accrete not before ca 2,300 yr BP, from isolated depocentres located midway between outer-reef and lagoon margins. At that time, sea level at about +0.60 m above present mean sea level was starting to slowly decrease to its present position.”

Brouwers et al., 2019  Dubai, +1.6 to 2.5 m higher than present

“During Pleistocene glaciations, global sea level was 100–120 m below the present level and resulted in most of the Arabian Gulf occurring as a dry basin (Purser 1973; Gunatilaka 1986) … Since late Pleistocene to early Holocene times, the sea level rose gradually until a maximum sea level stand 1.6– 2.5 m higher than today (Gunatilaka 1986).”

Haryono et al., 2019  Indonesia, +4.5 to 6 m higher than present

[I]n 5000 BP, sea level increases up to +5 m from the present time; it means it was warmer than the present day. … Sealevel change started in 6,000 BP and rose to reach the highest sea level in 4,500-3,600 BP as +4.5 m above present sea level. Then moderate sea level lasted for 600-700 years until 2,200 BP reached +2.8 m. Low sea level peak occurred in 3,000 BP (+4.5 m above present sea level). Meanwhile, present sea level is lower than sea level peak during the middle period, that reached 2m above mean sea level. … Marine terrace also found in +6 m above present sea level.”

Williams et al., 2019 North Vietnam, +2 to 4 m higher than present

A freshwater coastal marsh near the mouth of the Cam River in Northern Vietnam stands 2–3 m above mean sea level and is bordered by a coastal barrier that reaches about 6 m above mean sea level. A core from the marsh contains a 14-cm-thick sand and shell layer. The presence of abundant shell fragments suggests inland transport of littoral sediment, and the sand layer is tentatively identified as a washover deposit. The coast of the study area contains a beachrock standing above the modern beach and reaching to 4 m above mean sea level. A tentative explanation of this beachrock is that it represents a beach that formed during a mid-Holocene 2–3-m highstand, evidence for which has been reported from Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam.”

Rivers et al., 2019  Northern Qatar, +1.6 m higher than present

“The Al Ruwais area of northern Qatar has been the site of shallow water carbonate sedimentation since the mid-Holocene. Two distinct depositional packages have been identified. Between ca 7000 and 1400 years ago, when sea-level was up to 1.6 m higher than today, a barrier/back-barrier system was active in an area immediately landward of the modern shoreline. During the same period, a laterally-continuous coral reef flourished in the open waters approximately 3 km to the north. Towards the end of this period sea-level fell to its current position, and the reefal system died, perhaps due to exposure or the influx of detrital sediment. Between 1400 and 800 years ago a new barrier island was established directly on top of the moribund reef, and the old barrier to the south was exposed to the meteoric realm. Over the past ca 800 years the new barrier has retreated landward as much as 1 km to its current position.”

Fachbereich, 2019  Antarctic Peninsula, +14.5 to 16 m higher than present

Raised beaches along the coasts of Maxwell Bay, located at 7.5 to 4 m amsl (locally termed “6-m-beaches”), interfinger with terminal moraines of the last glacial-readvance (LGR), which occurred between 0.45 and 0.25 ka cal BP (John and Sugden, 1971; Sugden and John, 1973; Clapperton and Sugden, 1988; Yoon et al., 2004; Yoo et al., 2009; Simms et al., 2012). It is therefore likely that these beaches developed during the LGR (John and Sugden, 1971; Sugden and John, 1973; Hall 2010). Recent uplift of KGI was 0.4 mm a-1 during the last decade (Rülke et al., 2015). Average uplift during the entire Holocene, however, is 2.8 to 3 mm a-1 (Bentley et al., 2005; Fretwell et al., 2010). Fall of relative sea level on KGI accelerated during the last 500 years (Bentley et al., 2005, Hall, 2010; Watcham et al., 2011). This was most likely the result of a short-term acceleration in glacio-isostatic rebound after the LGR, with a modeled peak uplift rate of 12.5 mm a-1 between 1700 and 1840 CE (Simms et al., 2012). …  Bentley et al. (2005) show that an initial post-glacial sea-level fall was interrupted by a mid-Holocene highstand at about 14.5 to 16 m amsl from 5.8 to 3.0 ka cal BP. In contrast, data presented by Hall (2010) show a continuous sealevel fall, which becomes accelerated between 1.5 and 0.5 ka cal BP.”

Nirgi et al., 2019  Baltic Sea, +10 m higher than present (rate: +3.5 meters per century)

“Considering the elevations of the pre-Ancylus Lake palaeochannel sediments in the Pärnu site and the highest coastal landforms in the area, the water level rose at least 17.5 m at an average rate of 35 mm per year, which is 5–6 m more than proposed by earlier studies in this area (Rosentau et al., 2011; Veski et al., 2005). Similar fast transgression (40 mm/yr), about 21–22 m, has been documented inthe Blekinge area between 10.8 and 10.3 cal. ka BP (Hansson et al., 2018a). … At about 8.2–7.8 cal. Ka BP, the rising Litorina Sea flooded the palaeochannel in the Pärnu site and floodplain in Reiu at an elevation of 1–2 m b.s.l., around 7.6–7.8 cal. ka BP Rannametsa site at an elevation of 4 m a.s.l. and around 7.6–7.4 cal. ka BP Sindi BOM layer at an elevation of 7 m a.s.l. (Figure 7). The Litorina Sea reached its maximum transgressional RSL ca. 10 m a.s.l. [meters above present sea level] just after 7.6 cal. ka BP, most probably around 7.3 cal. ka BP (Veski et al., 2005), as also determined in Narva-Luga region at the south-eastern coast of Gulf of Finland (Rosentau et al., 2013). Thus, during the transgression, the sea level rose by about 14 m at an average rate of 12 mm per year.”

Rasmussen et al., 2019  Denmark, +3 m higher than present

“Full marine phase (c. 7700–3700 cal. a BP). – The appearance of a high salinity demanding fauna in this phase (several mollusc species, echinoids and Quinqueloculina seminulum) indicates a change to full marine conditions (Figs 4, 11). This marked environmental change coincides with a rapid and significant sea-level rise documented in both the Danish and the Baltic area dated to around 7600 cal. a BP (Fig. 11; Morner 1969; Christensen 1995, 1997; Yu et al. 2007; Lampe et al. 2011; Sander et al. 2015) and probably of global extent related to the so-called ‘global meltwater pulse 3’ documented in Caribbean-Atlantic coral sea-level records c. 7600 cal. a BP (Blanchon & Shaw 1995; Blanchon et al. 2002; Bird et al. 2010; Blanchon 2011a,b). Based on data from a recent study on the island of Samsø in the central Kattegat, Sander et al. (2015) estimated a relative sea-level rise of ~4.5 m between 7600 and 7200 cal. a BP. A high sea level in Aarhus Bay at this stage is supported by an almost complete absence of terrestrial plant macrofossils (Fig. 5) testifying to an increased distance between the core site and the shore. … In the period of greatly increased sedimentation (c. 7700–6300 cal. a BP), the average rate is ~2.8 mm a1 (Fig. 11). The extensive coastal erosion during this sea-level highstand period is manifested in today’s landscape in the form of numerous fossil coastal cliffs situated above present-day sea level that formed during the Mid-Holocene when the relative sea level was ~3 m higher than present along the coasts of the Aarhus Bay area (Mertz 1924). … In a study of the island of Anholt in the central part of the Kattegat, the drop in absolute sea level was estimated to 2.6 m over a 700-year period between 4300 and 3600 cal. a BP (with most of the sea-level fall taking place between 4250 and 3740 cal. aBP; Clemmensenet al. 2012).”

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