By P Gosselin on 24. August 2012
I often have to listen to German greenies lecture the rest of the world about “responsible behavior” and “climate protection”. But when they are asked to make a contribution, they say no. Per capita, Germans are close to no. 1 worldwide when it comes to flying. And hearing them constantly pontificate about protecting the climate, you’d […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Climate Politics, Gore, Greenpeace, Lifestyles of the Rich and Alarmist
By P Gosselin on 8. June 2012
There’s a line between offering words of hope, and cruelly making false promises that cannot be delivered. US Vice President Joe Biden went way beyond that line in a recent speech. Or could it be the guy is actually dumb enough to believe the things he said? Click here to view video. It’s utterly disgraceful that […]
Posted in Climate Politics, Gore, Green Follies |
By P Gosselin on 30. May 2012
!!! UPDATE: Story now (indirectly) on the Drudge Report !!! (31 May 2012, 20.00 h CET) Not only does he not feel bad about the tab taxpayers have to pick up for his haircuts, President Obama obviously also does not care much about the massive carbon footprint his haircuts are leaving on our planet which, we […]
Posted in Climate Politics, Gore |
By P Gosselin on 25. November 2011
Portuguese skeptic site Ecotretas reports on the crashing carbon market: It’s nothing new. It started over a year ago, when US carbon trading crashed. Two weeks later, it closed. Now, it’s our turn in Europe. It had already started earlier this Summer. But now, as can be seen in the left graphic, obtained from Bloomberg, […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Gore, Green Follies |
By P Gosselin on 20. September 2011
Simon Kuper of the Financial Times recently wrote a piece called Climate change: who cares any more?, which clearly reveals the frustration and growing resignation among warmists and how the climate cause is irrevocably ruined. As the hoax of climate catastrophe becomes increasingly exposed, it is being taken far less seriously today than back at the peak of […]
Posted in Gore, Media / Bias, Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 17. September 2011
If you haven’t seen the following 2 clips, get the popcorn, go full screen and watch this. Even a couple of NTZ stories are brought up, e.g. at the 5:30 and 8:30 marks. Here’s Part 1: and Part 2:
Posted in Activism, Climate Politics, Gore, Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 15. September 2011
A scan of the larger German online dailies such as DIE WELT, Bild, Der Spiegel, FAZ, etc. here in Germany shows absolutely no interest or any coverage of Al Gore’s 24 Hours of Reality.Maybe the old continent is losing interest in a movement that once appeared to be scientific, but has long since been reduced to […]
Posted in Activism, Gore, Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 7. August 2011
We know that Marc Morano’s latest headline is about Al Gore going ballistic in a cuss-laden tirade against growing global skepticism – probably venting his pent up anger over his evaporating investments and reputation. Anthony Watts also fills us in on that padded-room incident. So this is as good a time as any to bring you […]
Posted in Gore |
By P Gosselin on 6. May 2011
According to, a warmist site operated by socialists and green Utopians, Dave Roberts was invited by the Heinrich Böll Foundation as a speaker for climate blogs at the network conference re:publica in Berlin last month. Roberts, you will recall, is the activist at Grist who in 2006 called for Nuremberg-type trials for bastards who […]
Posted in Activism, Climate Politics, Gore |
By P Gosselin on 12. February 2011
The prophets of doom and gloom insist the end is coming and that we must fight to save the planet. Join the movement for salvation. It’s supposed to be based on science and data, yet whenever data that contradicts the end-of-world claims appear, which is often, the prophets take on an us-versus-them approach, often portraying […]
Posted in Abnormal Climate Psych, Activism, Gore |
By P Gosselin on 26. January 2011
How many times has the demise of the planet or humanity been predicted? How many charlatans have passed through the revolving doors of history? You’d need the resources of the Census Bureau to tally that up. A couple of days ago I presented yet another such prediction from a scientist at the Potsdam Institute For Climate Impact […]
Posted in Activism, Agriculture, Gore, Hockey Team |
By P Gosselin on 22. October 2010
The Portuguese sceptic site Ecotretas has a piece today called Not so fine Mr Gore which features a video clip of Al Gore making a speech before a crowd, predominantly businessmen. Gore seems to think that Portugal’s economy is on the right track and is coming out of recession. Far from it. In fact, Portugal’s economic woes are worsened […]
Posted in Gore |
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