By P Gosselin on 18. September 2018
Schneefan (Snow Fan) at German skeptic site here recently posted an overview of Arctic sea ice. This summer as well has Arctic sea ice refused to obey all the claims of melting. Source: DMI plot sea ice cover. Sea ice increase accelerating The above chart shows August mean Arctic sea ice area in million […]
Posted in Arctic |
By Kenneth Richard on 17. September 2018
Another new false-alarm paper reveals that coastal wetlands may not only persist well into the 21st century despite present rates of sea level rise, but the coasts may expand and even prosper due to the natural ability for soil to “build up vertically by sediment accretion”. Headline/image source: “Coasts are growing all over the world” Two years […]
Posted in Alarmism, Sea Levels |
By P Gosselin on 16. September 2018
Scroll down to see some Media Bad Weather Exaggeration Award winners… In the wake of Florence, climate ambulance chasers have been making wild exaggerations and claims. WaPo Weirding For example, the Washington Post editorial board claimed President Trump and climate change deniers were “complicit” in Florence because they play down humans role in increasing the risks our […]
Posted in Activism, Alarmism, Media / Bias |
By P Gosselin on 15. September 2018
Florence shows that atmospheric water vapor dwarfs human emissions of trace gas CO2. To put some perspective on the scale of water vapor and trace gas CO2 in our atmosphere, let’s compare the two in terms of rainfall from Hurricane Florence alone over the Carolinas and surrounding area. Surely with man’s fossil fuel profligacy, the […]
Posted in CO2 and GHG, Hurricanes/Tornados |
By P Gosselin on 14. September 2018
Nowadays the usual suspects are busily peddling the idea that Hurricane Florence’s intensity is due to climate change. For example climate activist Stefan Rahmstorf of the alarmist Potsdam Institute blames Florence on global warming, telling the online Potsdamer Nachrichten (PNN) here: “In fact many of the strongest storms we have ever seen have occurred in […]
Posted in Hurricanes/Tornados |
By Kenneth Richard on 13. September 2018
The peer-reviewed scientific literature robustly affirms that land-falling hurricane frequencies and intensities have remained steady or declined in recent decades. So have droughts, floods, and other extreme weather events. But the editorial board of The Washington Post spurns this scientific evidence and inexplicably blames politicians and “those who deny” climate change for landfalling hurricanes and the […]
Posted in Hurricanes/Tornados, We're To Blame |
By P Gosselin on 12. September 2018
Gulf Stream is doing fine: Potsdam Institute horror story suffers bitter setback By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt (German text translated/edited by P Gosselin) The horror scenario from the movie The Day After Tomorrow keeps getting presented as a real plausible scenario for our future: Falling salt content of the upper Gulf Stream due […]
Posted in Arctic, Oceans |
By P Gosselin on 11. September 2018
Germany has seriously overestimated how much its neighboring countries are able to help out in the event wind and solar energy fail to deliver, thus putting it’s power supply at risk. One of Germany’s strategies for making its energy supply renewable is to rely on its neighbors to step up when green energies fail to deliver. […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Climate Politics |
By Kenneth Richard on 10. September 2018
Even though CO2 concentrations hovered well below 300 ppm throughout most of the Holocene, newly published paleoclimate reconstructions affirm that today’s surface temperatures are only slightly warmer (if at all) than the coldest periods of the last 10,000 years. This contradicts the perspective that temperatures rise in concert with CO2 concentrations. Bottom Graph Source: Rosenthal et al. […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Little Ice Age, Medieval Warm Period, Paleo-climatology |
By P Gosselin on 9. September 2018
Germany used to be regarded as a global leader in the transition to renewable green energies — especially wind and solar power — a project dubbed the “Energiewende”. But this is no longer the case. Germany has fallen behind to the rear of the pack. Ironically the USA is leading the world in cutting back […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Climate Politics |
By P Gosselin on 8. September 2018
My daughter will be visiting Wilmington next week, and so Hurricane Florence has been very much on my mind. Days ago, almost all weather models showed the cyclone curving out into the North Atlantic and going nowhere, but they’ve turned out to be wrong. Bastardi saw it a week ago Already a week ago veteran […]
Posted in Hurricanes/Tornados, Models |
By P Gosselin on 7. September 2018
Long-term data show that Germany’s summers have gotten wetter over the past three decades, thus contradicting widespread media claims to increasing droughts over Central Europe. Retired German meteorologist Klaus-Eckart Puls presents an analysis of Germany’s hot and dry summer this year at The European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE). This summer produced a number of […]
Posted in Drought and Deserts |
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