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Science Yields Surprises! Island Nations Growing... "Atoll, Island Stability Is Global Trend"!

Science Yields Surprises! Island Nations Growing… “Atoll, Island Stability Is Global Trend”!

Despite what we hear from the media and climate activists, hard scientific findings show that Pacific and Indian Ocean island nations are doing just fine…not at all sinking away.  Sea level rise alarmists are hip deep in exaggeration. Image: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.  IPCC high-end sea level predictions for 2100 are “highly erroneous”.  […]

Antarctica Putting Brakes On Global Sea Level Rise! And: ‘World Climate News’ Makes Debut

New climate science videos now in English – made in Germany: ‘World Climate News’ YouTube channel.  In the first video: Alarmist sea level rise scenarios looking more unlikely…some Antarctic regions will see cooling… The German Die kalte Sonne site, and then later Klimanachrichten now presents its climate and energy news videos in English at its […]

New Findings Show Gulf Stream "Has Strengthened" Over Past Century..."Heat Transport Has Increased 30%"!

New Findings Show Gulf Stream “Has Strengthened” Over Past Century…”Heat Transport Has Increased 30%”!

A recent flurry of scientific publications refute climate model claims of a weakening Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). The latest Klimaschau looks at the latest scientific findings on the Gulf Stream. An excellent review on the latest AMOC science. Here I present the results in English. Climate panic-makers like the Potsdam Institute like to claim […]

Energy Expert: Recent Warming Is "Moderate"...Germany's Push To Green Energies "Has Reached End Of the Line"

Energy Expert: Recent Warming Is “Moderate”…Germany’s Push To Green Energies “Has Reached End Of the Line”

So that the gas doesn’t run out By EIKE Climate change and the transition to green energies: two major issues of this time that are closely linked. After all, the common narrative of the allegedly impending “climate catastrophe” is used by many players in the media and politics to call for far-reaching changes, especially in […]

Single Family Homes Are Bad For The Climate, Says Austrian Architecture Publicist. Thermal Insulation, Too!

Single family homes, thermal insulation are not sustainable, says architecture publicist.  Everything is bad for the climate, and so everything needs to be regulated or restricted. That’s how the whole scam works. COVID shows that if you can successfully spread fear and a sense of crisis, then you’ll be able to get away with anything. […]

Preposterous Projection By German Green Party Chancellor Candidate: 7 Meters Sea Level Rise By 2100!

Preposterous Projection By German Green Party Chancellor Candidate: 7 Meters Sea Level Rise By 2100!

German Green Party chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock warn sea levels will rise 7 meters by the year 2100… The German Greens, who weeks earlier surged to the No. 1 position in opinion polls, before falling back behind the socialists and conservatives, like to tell us that we have to follow the science when it comes […]

Debunked: New Computer Simulated Pine Island Glacier Doomsday Paper By Rosier et al Ignores Lots Of Science

Debunked: New Computer Simulated Pine Island Glacier Doomsday Paper By Rosier et al Ignores Lots Of Science

A recent paper announcing Pine Island Glacier doom failed to consider other findings showing the glacier is in fact more stable than assumed.  A new paper by Rosier et al concludes – based on model simulations – that the Pine Island, West Antarctica, glacier may have already surpassed one of the three dangerous tipping points, […]

New High Resolution Climate Simulation Projects Antarctic Ice To Remain Stable Rest Of The Century

New High Resolution Climate Simulation Projects Antarctic Ice To Remain Stable Rest Of The Century

Now we know why prominent activists, like Barack Obama, purchased expensive seaside homes even after warning the seas are “rising rapidly”. It turns out they really aren’t, a new University of Utrecht study shows. And like many climate alarmists, Potsdam Institute climate researcher Stefan Rahmstorf predicted the oceans could very well rise by an alarming […]

Nasty Discourse: German Virologist Slanders Renowned Harvard, Oxford, Stanford Scientists: "Pseudo-Experts"

Nasty Discourse: German Virologist Slanders Renowned Harvard, Oxford, Stanford Scientists: “Pseudo-Experts”

When the political stakes are high and science is relied on to form policy, then insults are the order of the day. It’s not exclusive to climate science. Now we are seeing it in the fields of immunology and virology. The Michael Mann of virology: Dr. med. Carsten Drosten. Photo: Charite Hospital  Last October, a […]

Stalled Warming: Global Mean Temperature Continues To Cool, Polar Sea Ice Stable At Normal Levels

Stalled Warming: Global Mean Temperature Continues To Cool, Polar Sea Ice Stable At Normal Levels

By Snowfan Global cool-down. 2m-temperature-deviation in March 2021 cut in half compared to a year earlier. Source: Karsten Haustein. Global “Rahmstorf warming” continues in March 2021. Like January and February,March 2021 has so far been significantly colder than the same month last year. In the NCEP analysis up to 17 March 2021 and in the […]

Doomsday AMOC “Tipping” Claimed In ‘Nature’ Already Refuted…New Study: AMOC “Shows No Decline”

A recent study appearing in Nature, “Current Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation weakest in last millennium“, authored by Caesar et al, hints at a global climate system on the verge of tipping out of control. According to their findings, the weakening of the so-called Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current (AMOC) in the 20th century is “unprecedented”, and […]

Sea level Rise Review. Rate Of Rise Depends On Who You Ask. Most Say: "No Alarm"

Sea level Rise Review. Rate Of Rise Depends On Who You Ask. Most Say: “No Alarm”

In the latest video, German climate science site Die kalte Sonne here presents a review of sea level rise. No one disagrees that sea level is rising. But there’s plenty of disagreement on how fast it’s really rising. Tide gauges According to the direct tide gauge measurements, sea level rise has been modest and the […]

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