By P Gosselin on 28. January 2016
Caught at climate denial? Leonardo DiCaprio and model Kelly Rohrbach split By Sebastian Lüning and Fritz Vahrenholt (Translated/edited by P Gosselin. Note: Quotes by DiCaprio translated from the German) On December 30, 2015, the Bauer Media Group made an important announcement with a press release: Leonardo DiCaprio in TV movie: “My partner has to believe in […]
Posted in Activism, Lifestyles of the Rich and Alarmist |
By P Gosselin on 23. November 2015
The online German-language FOCUS magazine here has an article on Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf’s latest idea to curb emissions of fossil fuels in order to rescue the climate: ban bathtubs! Hat-tip DirkH According to FOCUS, The King’s idea was reported this weekend in the Svenska Dagbladet, but has been met with a fair amount […]
Posted in Lifestyles of the Rich and Alarmist |
By P Gosselin on 9. July 2015
I can hear it already. Like the climate activists who now deny there was a global cooling scare 40 years ago, in 10 years time or so we’ll be hearing the media and all the proponents of the low-fat/high carb diet claiming that this too was never a consensus. Remember how eating saturated fats was supposed to […]
Posted in Green Follies, Lifestyles of the Rich and Alarmist, Scepticism, Stupid Predictions |
By P Gosselin on 1. January 2015
Many of us are familiar with climate jihadist/ambassador Leonardo DiCaprio’s über-hypocritical lifestyle of cruising on billionaire mega yachts, private jets and living in huge mansions. Well, it doesn’t end there by any means. There are times when DiCaprio actually has to slum it, and put up with travel on the road, along with the rest of […]
Posted in Lifestyles of the Rich and Alarmist |
By P Gosselin on 23. November 2014
For decades the science told us that humans needed to cut back on fatty foods like red meat, eggs, chicken, cheese, butter and that we should switch to high carb diets, with lots of exercises. High carb, low fat was The Consensus. Backed by all the US medical associations and 99% of all doctors. Dissenters […]
Posted in Activism, Agriculture, Green Follies, Lifestyles of the Rich and Alarmist |
By P Gosselin on 14. November 2014
Online Spiegel has a piece titled: Preaching travel by rail, but flying Business Class. It would be natural to expect environmentalist greens and climate activists to take commercial flights very rarely, opting for rail, bus, or bicycle instead. However, it turns out they do not practice what they love to preach. Spiegel news magazine writes of […]
Posted in Activism, Greenpeace, Lifestyles of the Rich and Alarmist |
By P Gosselin on 22. September 2014
Online German daily Bild, the world’s sixth largest daily in print by circulation, reported on the climate demonstration in New York and on the stars who appeared, foremost Leonardo DiCaprio. At first Bild describes the event as the “largest climate demonstration of all time” and how the event drew more than 300,000 in New York, […]
Posted in Activism, Lifestyles of the Rich and Alarmist |
By P Gosselin on 2. September 2014
Here’s some double-barrel hypocrisy, again straight out of Hollywood. Photo by: Nicolas Genin, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. Last week big Obamacare booster and anti-CO2 activist George Clooney took his private jet all the way from Las Angeles across the US, Canada, and the Atlantic, before finally landing in Germany…to seek […]
Posted in Lifestyles of the Rich and Alarmist |
By P Gosselin on 5. April 2014
Climate alarmists like to claim there’s a 97+% consensus that CO2 is driving our climate…a claim that is patently false, of course. But even if it were true, it wouldn’t mean the science is settled and that they are right. Having been on the subject of meat-diets and nutrition over the last few days, here […]
Posted in Lifestyles of the Rich and Alarmist, Nutrition |
By P Gosselin on 28. January 2014
It’s becoming very clear that the real thrust behind the anthropogenic global warming movement is the systematic denial of cheap, efficient energy for the poor world so that they never attain a standard of living that developed countries have long been enjoying. Bill Nye confirms it in a debate with Marc Morano on FOX. Image cropped […]
Posted in Abnormal Climate Psych, Alternative Energy, Climate Politics, Lifestyles of the Rich and Alarmist, We're To Blame |
By P Gosselin on 12. November 2013
What would George Clooney have against brutally throttling the plentiful supply of affordable fossil fuel energy that billions of people living on the planet rely on? Nothing, he recently said. George Clooney puts on an Oscar-winning green act. And an act is all it is. Hollywood actor has a mammoth carbon foot print. Photo: Nicolas […]
Posted in Lifestyles of the Rich and Alarmist |
By P Gosselin on 10. May 2013
No. 1, multi-million circulation national daily Bild here has an unflattering piece about Al Gore and his newly found mega-riches titled: “Al Gore earned 75 million euros – in one month!” So profitable can the global warming scam be! Never mind that there hasn’t been a bit of warming in 15 years. The Bild piece […]
Posted in Lifestyles of the Rich and Alarmist |
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