By Ed Caryl on 27. May 2016
By Ed Caryl The Warmunists are fond of stating that the warming in the late twentieth century was unusual and unprecedented, and could only have been caused by rising CO2. They refuse to recognize that the early twentieth century warming was just as rapid. Of course that statement is also based on the lack of […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature |
By Ed Caryl on 12. May 2016
By Ed Caryl I would like to thank a faithful warmist commenter for inspiring this research. His claim for my mental state seen here, in The 85-year Pause, forced me to “put up, or shut up” on the subject of warming seasonality and the reasons for it. To that end, I added many more stations […]
Posted in CO2 and GHG |
By Ed Caryl on 5. May 2016
By Ed Caryl Yes, you read that right. There has been NO warming in 85 years. There are many surface land stations with records going back more than 100 years. Some records exist back to 1880 and earlier. GISS cuts the records off at 1880. There are many gaps in these records before 1930, and […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature |
By Ed Caryl on 23. April 2016
By Ed Caryl There have been several reports of temperature data fudging by the authorities, the most recent by Paul Homewood on several stations in Paraguay. While exploring long temperature records in Australia, I discovered a particularly egregious example of temperature changing at Adelaide Airport. GISS now offers easy access to their several sets of […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Hockey Team |
By Ed Caryl on 20. April 2016
By Ed Caryl Yesterday, I resumed some temperature analysis I had been doing and found an amazing improvement in the GISS website for station data. Instead of the tiny map with no station locations marked on it, I found a nice rotatable and zoomable globe with dots marking the station locations. There is also now […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature |
By Ed Caryl on 15. October 2015
By Ed Caryl We see many articles and posts about the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) as an excuse for carbon taxes, but nothing about the Social Benefits of Carbon (SBC). The very reason civilization is consuming fossil fuels and producing carbon dioxide is ignored. Carbon-based fuels drive civilization and have done so since man’s […]
Posted in Climate Politics |
By Ed Caryl on 8. July 2015
[Sticky post…new articles follow after this one.] ===================================== By Ed Caryl This is a follow-up to the article AWI’s Sloppy Antarctic Peninsula Science…Overlooked GISS Temperature Data, Snowfall Amounts. The reality is that the situation at the South Pole is worrisome. Ocean around Antarctica markedly colder since 2006… It is difficult to believe that global warming/climate […]
Posted in Antarctic, Cooling/Temperature |
By Ed Caryl on 30. June 2015
By Ed Caryl The Washington Post just published an alarmist article titled: Giant earthquakes are shaking Greenland — and scientists just figured out the disturbing reason why. The article claimed that earthquakes were caused by icebergs calving off the Helheim Glacier, and that these were increasing because of increased outflow from this glacier. Here is […]
Posted in Arctic, Glaciers |
By Ed Caryl on 29. June 2015
By Ed Caryl In my last article, we discussed the Greenland ice core temperature record. In this article we will discuss the Greenland thermometer record. All the long record thermometer readings are from villages and stations on the coast. Some of these records go back to the early 1800’s, though GISTemp only posts records going […]
Posted in Arctic, Tectonics/Volcanoes |
By Ed Caryl on 24. June 2015
UPDATE: New paper: ===================================== By Ed Caryl The climate calamity crowd claims that the warming we experienced in the Twentieth Century is unprecedented… it has never happened before in human history. Because we didn’t have thermometers until about 300 years ago, and even then records exist from just a few locations, it is difficult […]
Posted in Arctic, Cooling/Temperature, Paleo-climatology |
By Ed Caryl on 11. June 2015
By Ed Caryl On 1 July 2014, NASA launched OCO-2, the second attempt at orbiting a global carbon dioxide observatory. In December, the first global map was released. Compare this map with a frame from a previously released video showing a model of what the CO2 distribution was thought to be for roughly the same […]
Posted in CO2 and GHG, Models |
By Ed Caryl on 25. May 2015
Additional Thoughts On Natural Cycles By Ed Caryl In Natural Cycles In A Random World Are Unmistakable…Future Holds Nothing To Fear, we showed plots of simulated temperature generated in Excel using the sum of three cycles and a random number generator. Some commenters realized that if you averaged many runs, like the professional climate “scientists” […]
Posted in Solar Sciences |
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